Settlement Board to "My Country Cousin" fSeba Payne' is introducing; "My Country Cousin" thisw~eek- end, firgt in a preview for mem-, bers of, the Winnletka board of Northwest.ern University settie- ment Friday afternoon f ti week, then to the world at large Saturday afternoon at a formaiý opéing. Unique. is' the naine chosen for a project unique in this vicinity of Chicago. Its- originator, who lis Mrs. Frank E. Payne of 191 Wentworth avenue, Glencoe, calîs 'MY* Country Cousin"* a shopi but it really is flot tlîat, it is soMething entirely new,ý entirely dif- ferent. It is a captivating iog cabin on top of a series of terraces, where, by appointmeot only, women may en- 'rtain. It more nearlv resembles ' a club in the country, a club, however offering neither golf, nor tennis,, nor swimnminig, but bridge teas.and knit- 'ting daily 'fromf 2 tmtil 6. A description of "My Country COU-, sin" suggests atmosphere, plenty of it - atmosphere colorful and pic- turesque. The influence is entirely Mexican. The log cabin on the top- terrace overlooks two other terraces with tables ,for bridge, blue the dominant color. On the third terrace a rustic summer bouse is placed' with seats and benches for knitters. Waitresses will wear Mexican cos- tumes as they serve hostesses and guests in this spot reminiscent. of the southwest at' the tea hour which is 4:30 o'clock. Invitations have gone out to every .member of 'the ýWinnetk ab oard- of Northwestern University settlement,_ and almosi to a member, the invitation has been accepted. For Saturday's, formnai opening,i m~ore than 150 reservations have been Mliss Helen Fulton of Wiinnetka. Ai.s chairnlin of the'social coniiiit- tee ii.4ich has arranged t/e enter- tain nent iii ho;jor Pf t/he players* participating in the National Ieitcr- collefiate reiiiis toureinment iii Ev- anston. luis 7week. Frances Shimer Alumne fo Give Denefit Brdge Mrs. George E. Hoffman of Wini- netka, chairman of the Frances Shimer Alumnae association, is be- ing assisted I>y members of the north shore group in making final arrangements for the benefit bridge, té be given at the Georgian hotel in. Evanston, at 2 o'clock Saturday, june 29. Miss Virginia Smith of Wilmette isý in charge of ticket sales. Miss Smith is treasurer of the North Shore Alumnae L-rou' The social committee fôr the Na- tional Intereollegiate Tennis Cham- pionship, . held at Northwestern uni- versity duri'ng the week of June 24, is composed of the follo wipg, nortli shore members: Miss Helen Fulton of Winlietka, chaàirmani; Miss. Helen Dawes and, Miss Virginia Ashcraft of Evaniston; Mrs.. Walter Strong, Miss Jean Armstrong, Mrs.. John Den,' Miss Evelyn Bouscareni, and Mrs. George Massey of Winnetka; Miss Lucy Jane Hcdberg of Glencoe;. Miss Josephine Templetoii, Miss PeggyKnight, Miss.,Bunny Daniels, and Miss Lois Jacques of Lake.For- est, and Miss Ethel Dixon 'and Miss Barbara Schaffer of Chicago. The committee, gréeted the, tennis players on Monday, and banquets. and dances wilI be ýincluded in, the 's ocial affairs planned for the week. Monday night the men's conimittee entertained the young men at din- neir at the Orriîgton. Thesday' nighit. through the courtesy of the manage-- ment, the tennis players attended the 'Varsity theater. Tonight (Thursday) the social committee is having the. young men as its guests at i dinner dance at the Drake and Friday night the same group wili entertain them at swimming and a supper on the beach at the George Massey home, 705 Sheridan road, Winnetka, returning Io the house l.ater in the ev ening for games in the Mass-evs' 'recreation room. For Graduates Jane and Bill1 Drucker, 1125 Mo- hawk road, entertained fifty young, friends wvho graduated with thern froni the e ighth grade of the Howard school. at a4 dance and supper Satur- day, june 15. Walter Stuckslager Have WIhite Wedding An all-white ,color, schenie %vith even -the men of ýthe bri(lal j)arty w e atrin g white , was closen 1w Miïss HelenEngiisli for. lier ima rriage te XWalter Nason Stucksiager. the- serviçe 1eillg r ead at 4':30 Satu-rday afternoon .,at the .Xinnetka Wonian'ls club bv the Rev.> '. J. Hlaarth, pastor of, Sacred Hceart church.. S The fireplace ini the. club parlors wâ.s delcorated with ferns and palins, and two bowls of white flowers were 'on the mantel. White flowers also decorated two long tables in, the club dining, room, wherie tea -was serVed after 'theý service.ý Three hu ndred' guests were present. The bride's white crepe gown .%,as made with long sleeves and a train) of medium length. lier hinger-tip 'le.ngth veil feil fromn a halo .headdress of orange blossoni and she. carried a large bouquet of white fiowers.ý Attending the bride were Miss Louise Ashiey of Sioux City, Iowa, as maid of honor, and Miss Marion, Chinn of. Duluth, Miss Harriet Tild'en, ~Mrs. floyd Anderson, and Mrs. Doug- las Mac.Millan, of Winnetka. AIl five were gowned alike in 'white dotted organdy' dresses' made shirtwaist style, and ail wore flat 'white straw' bats, The maid of honor carried dark, blue cornflowers and the brides- maids' bouquets were of white cor n- fiowers. Mrs. William Robert E-nglish,, mother of the bride, woreý a bine violet lace dress with' a large-brm-, med straw hat to. match, and carried pink cornfiowers. Robert English,. brother. of .the' bride, was. best man,. and the ushers %vere *Boyd Anderson' of 'Winnetka, Jack Clauer and Robert Tufts of Chi- cago, and M~orris Muller of California. AIl the members of the bridaI nparty it is pnreoiia %11L oioulUse5ctiionflO America to ber farm in' Barrington. For the past three months, she de- clares, it bas. been in the make," just as fast as she and, an, energetic' crew of workmen could 'evolve it. Now, an, idea realized, it is ready ,to' 44make Mrs. Payne's sister, Mvrs. Burnham Lamb of Adrian, Mich., will be at "MY-Country Cousin" to givie in- struction in knitting. Toloff Phot Mrs. John Turner of. Glencoe is chairmait of the arts and interests commnittee of the Eivanst<rn Juinior leagite for the coming yetI-. JGijest of or luncheon Friday in honor of MrS.ý SterlingSmith (Phebe Hedrick). who. has been visiting her parents, Mri and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Kenilworth.