JULY 4 zth Daylght Show "and SpetaclarFireworks.Dip0a Fireworks Start at 9 SEE.I the'eruption of Mt. Vesuvius the gigantie set picece depicting the battie of St.4 e Mihiel, over 300 feet long the new type Oriental shel th 50-ot lihtoFlying Pigeons- the Plane of Pir the larg.est Niagara Falls ever displayed The Largest Fireworks Sp. ctarle Ever Preseuited liere DAYLIGHT SHOW BMUMM to 9 P. mO A seie eted program o f professiomal acts that will thrill yQu from . strt to finish. Stirring muasic and a spetacuiar display of day1igJht fire- works provide an exoitig r.h#cto to thçevening. freworks, show., ByGS. Amm Ope of 7:3 PP.M. likts n ae tAl ickt; od uy ChIldren utider Wibuiette LUfe, 1232- Centr' t Àe, w5iânette hode. 12 yeurs of age.. 25c Winnetka Talk, S61 LincolAve., Wjauutka Cldr. *AU North Evauston Drug StOres North Fvauiston Fourth of Jwly Corporation j UNE Ë 7, 1935 2