Wagner, who accompaniecI - Beeler, reports that the- train was clipping it loff at 110 miles an hour, but that seemed slow when Beelerincreased the plane's speed to 175 miles an hour., CHILDREN CANNOT TELL if TyAm' Perfectl .Fitted But we. eau" for we have spe. cialiied in fitting children foi oyer 26 yearà. - A sandaI out of the ordinary. Splendid wearing anrd dresey. White-EIk-- -Brown> Narrowi, Medium. iVide Mmlied 5 Fgr men IOOTS. sl .. For Men $SS, COATS $7.95 For Men $14.96 Riding 'Toe Made to Order, or Ready Made, everythin fo0r t he Ridr--bat the Horse.. l Two planes from Curtiss airport lwere arnong those taking part in the annual Indiana air tour Iast week. The tour is sponsored by the Indiana Air Trades association, and each year 1planes froin ail parts of Indiana and neighboring states take part, in it. This year about fifty ýships were in the aerial caravan. One o the main purposes of the tour is to promote wider interest in aviation. Stops are, made at ail of the leadine municipalities of the state which have airport, facilities, and in eacb town the visiting aviators, are welcomed, by Chamber1 of Commerce. officiais and he 'as of local business j men's organizations. On this year's tourRichard Beeler, jBeechcraft distributor in the Chicago area, who keeps bis plane at Curtiss airport, carried the officiais, of the Air Trades association in, bis .ship. The other shi'p fromn Curtiss taking part in the tour was Anthony J;."ony ~Brown's Warner Cessiia. "Toly,". an Oak Park policeman who thinks there is no greater sport than flying, has made the annual Indiana tour for the past seven years. Rearwin Arri ves Here Prom Kansas City, Kans., Enroute from Kansas City te Cin- cinnati by way of Chicago, Tom Rear- win of the Rearwin Aircraf t Manu- facturing çomnpany of Kansas City, Kans., 9pent several days last week at Curtiss airport. 'rom, son of the founder of the company, was flying one of the new Rearwin models. He was, out on a demnonstration trip. He arnived on the week-end and was held up until Tbursday by bad-woa7- ther. Lumberman Brings Plane1 Back to Curtiss Field C. Frank Williams' black and yellow Stinson was in the Curtiss airpont, hangar again last week after its Open on Saturday The new restaurant at Curtiss- Reynolds airport will open for the season this Saturday. It is to be operated by two men from Chicago wbo have had years of experience in the restaurant and cateriing business. 'The restaurant occupies the soutb section of the upperbalcony. This section oftbe balcony bas been -en- close d. An attractive color schene. of ýbine witb black trinimingis car-, riedthroughout tbe interior.. 1Louniging, facilîties bave been pro- vided for patrons of. tbe restaurant, wbô cani eat, or drinùk as. the desire and at the saine timne watcb the flying activity,. The balconfy commnands a view, of the entire field.. This Sunday a varied program of air entertainmIent bas been arranged for visitors to, the. field. There, is'to be a bomb dropping, contest, a ballQon burstinig contest, a parachute. lump. from a beigbt of 4,000 feet and a glîder. exhibition by Charles Abel in bis looping glider. Abel holds the world's record for consecutive loops in this gider. 2 Armny Planes Are Here for Aircraft Maneuvers, Two United States arrnly planes, piloted by Lieutenants Mitchell and O'Neill, arrived on -th north shore from Scott field last week to taice part in anti-aircraft maneuvers at Fort Sheridan. The two planes, whicb are being bangared at Curtis s air- port, tow targets for the boys on the ground to shoot at. The, maneuvers, wbicb it is understood are to extend çver a period of six weeks, take place on. the lake ftont at Fort Sheridan. Ail types of boats.,on Lake Michigan are warn.ed,,to keep a safe distance away from the:area.: Fred Antonsen Purchases Warner Sport Travelair ,wnere Mr. Co ;on, is hangared. :es plane, off last Thursday in his new Mono- coupe. Kalamazoo, Mich was bis NBC OFFICIAL LEAVES, announced destination. VJalker also CI.. L. Menser, Nation~al Broadcast- planned to, make- stops at Detroitigcmayfi&al leit Curtiss air- M ich.,« and- Cleveland, Obio, ýbefore port last Friday morning iii bis Stin- *returhingr. son,.Reliant for Detroit. Intns,$2.75 Misses',. PMLot màeolCMO zAvmt Child's, $3.15 $3.50 WIE GZHT's. WEATNER GE old«L Àda. 10eauis most economical dec of this, =rgy-pacloed food goe a long