Valley road, Gencoc.,,. the Glencoe P.: T. A., and ,Mrn. Glenn Roberts, 1135 ]Lake avenue, .Winmette, ý the Wlilmette Congregational church. Mirs. Robentis no t, in the stictest sense, a new member, for she has ýat-. tended meetings ever1 since bler termi as represèntative of the Woman's*Club of Wilmette, ended. Not only has she been interested in. the North Shore Better. Film counicil but she has. been actively working with 'the Film councit of tbe, Federationà of Womeu"'s. clubs as previewer o f cur- rent films. ' Iheý Federation' councit bas put such a high estimate on. ber àbility to judge films that she 'was ,asked ,to expilain, her method at a state meiting- for beginning preview- ers.' The Congregational conmittee is to be econgratulated upon seeting- such an -able and expericnced rep- resentative. ldIsoe.ig ulah After the scbedules for the coming films of the Wilmette theater and the Teatro del Lago had been rated, an interesting bulletin was read, wbich had been senlt to a few thousand key persons and prepared by Alice Ames Winter andl Alice E. Field, Public wornan by memibers of the North Shore councit who know ber. Some interesting facts, which she stated are as foltows: "Last year 40 per cent of the pic- turcsý made were original. stories,. 40.5 per cent were based on novels, 19.5 per cent on ptays. Viabr Wl.. Leagu. AWard "TeLeawe of Nations makes a Noa~ini magerwime -.4= .-s. 40-yard, ilah. for third grade Boys: 2.Le. Butler; 2. Charles MorrIson; 3. Hunter Bettinghaus. TIMe 7 seconds. 40-yard daah for third. grade Girls: i. Carpi Nonliandeer; 2. Marilyn Wickes; 3., Joan Duncan. Tlimet, 6.9 seconds. 40-yard daah for fourth grade Boys.: 1Bruce Émlth -32 James Ludford; 3.- Roger Miller. 'k'itne, .1 seconds. 40-yard daah for fourth grade Girls: 1. BEanor Canislon; 2. Barbara -Griegg; 3. Barbara Barrett . 'ime, 6.8, seconds. 40-yard daah for fift.h grade Boys: 1. Jack Benison; 2. Jack Novascono,; 3. Frank EIcles. 'rime, .6.2 seconds. 40-yard' dam)' for fifth grade Girls: 1. Patay Simons; 2. Hazel Lass; 3. Barbara Kohb. Time, 6.4 seconds. 50*YARD DASH 50yard das)' for Clase F Boys:- 1. John Mehhope; 2. George Moore; 3. Jack McQuide.' Tirne, 6.9 seconds., 50-yard dash for Chas P Girls:ý 1. Dore Hammond; 2. Betty , Huck;- 3. Marlon Sommnle. 'rime.7:1 seconds. 50-yard das)' for Chas E Boys: 1. Lawrenlce.eolinp; 2. John Bauer; 3. Bob Elis. Ti1e, 6.9 secon*ds.' 50-yard dam)' for Chas E Girls: 1. Mary Elizabeth Bacon; 2. Jean Temple; 3. Kathleen Teng. 'rime, 7.3 seconds. 50-yard dam)' for Clam. D Boys: 1. Warren Peterson; 21 Karvin Harms; 3. Cari Mayer. Time, 6.6 secods. Cam. D Girls' 50yard dam)': 1. Virginia Todd, 2. Margaret Mehhope; 3. Edut) Mendum. Tigne, 69 seconds. Chass C. Boys, 50-yard das)': 1. Paul Casterline; 2. Dan MeCallum;- 3. Ken- neth Knowhes. 'rime, 63 seconds. Chass C Girls 60-yard dash: 1. .une Gonmmhez; z Gerda Streicher; 3. Heu- 1. ,narMn mens; z . .jeamn ...qfp;. Maurine May. Distance, 13 foot, % Inch. ChI-s D Boys' running broad Jump: 1. Calvin Hill; 2. Robert Lawrence; 3. Carl Maiyer. Distance, 14 foot, 13À Inches. Ciase D Girls' running broad Jumnp: 1. Virginia Todd;, 2. Margaret Mehhope; 3. Madeline Vanaistine., Distance, 13 teet 1% Inchos., CSanss Boys' running broad jump: i1. Paiul Casterline; 2. DickMoreau; 3. R ichard Crossl y. -Distance, itfoot, 5%À inches. 1Class C Girls' running broad' Jump: i. Rons '1rego; 2. Gerda Streicher; 3. 1-enritta Hayson. Distance, 12 feot, 6 Inchon. Clans B Boys' running broad Jump: 1. Charles von Tesmar; 2.- Nus Moe; 3., Earl Borré. Distance, 16'feot, 2% inches. Clans. B -Girls' running broad jump: 1. Ruth Stanwood; 2. Adelaidegoenien; 3. Ruth Seheibel. Distance 12 feet, 10% Inchen. Running broiad Jump: Class A Boys: 1. '~T»Ù Carney; e, Bob DeVinny; 3. Ed Benson., Distance, 18 foot.. 1RUNNINO NRIGH JUMiP Running high Jump for Class F Boys:1 1. Bil DôddG -Tiefl 2. Gebrge Knerber;1 2. Harold Buzan. Height, 4 foot. Running higb lump for Class F Girls: 1. Betty Crawford; 2. Betty Ruck; 3. Dorothy Carrington. Height, 3 foot, il luches. flunning high JumP for Class E Boys: Ied 1. John Miller; 1. John Brandt; 3. Dick Lochler. Height, 4 foot, 2 Inches. Running high jump for Chass E Girls.- 1. Virginia Bittner; 2. Jean Burpee; 3i Janet Rogers. Uight, 3 foot, il iuches. Running high jump for Cas. D Boys: 1. Don Fergusoni; 2. Calvin Hill; 3. Ray Ambler, and Don Kreusch. Heiglit, 4 'feet. 6 taches. Luiane A wys, u-yara4as':. -. ___ De, Vinny; 2. Tom Zaremnba; S. Lance Runiiiig high Jù Hall. TIme, 6 seconds. '. Doris Trego; STANDING EIOA» JUvi' lene Clark., 1*01W Third grade Boys' standing broad Running high Ju Jump: 1. Hufiter Bettinghaus; 2. Gene 1. Fred Leoman;1' flartnett; 3. Dtck Colton,. Distance, 5 son; 2 GuY Casti4 foot, 4% Inches. le0 lâches. 1 Third grade Girls' standing broad Ruiiuing high Ju Jump: 1. Joan Duncan; 2. Dorothea 1. Adélalde Koer Miler; 3. Jean Brady. Distance, 5 feet, Heerens;, 2. Virgi 8 Inchen, 4 feet, 2 inches. Fotrth grade BoyW' tandieng broaà Ruiiflfg high Ju lmp for Clam, C Girh8ý: 2Carol Specht; 3. kr- ,ht, 3 foot, Il. inchIe4. lmp for Clham B Boys: Iled 2. Wihitney Pear-ý leberry. Height» 4 feet, lmp, for Class B Girls:- enon; TIed 2. Lucilie Kmia Schiakel. Height. lmp for Clam A Boys : ub vigii Jý& y---- IIU. J -YIu the championships have always been held ini the east. Although, Gene Mako, last year's singles champion and now a member of theUnited States Davis cuip team, bas. graduiated from the college Tanks,, a large numtber of gqtentia*l stars WilI make a bid for 'thelkleli has vacated. In ýfact, the battie for the, singles crown. is expected to' be a wide open aiffair, sinice neither Mako nor Git Hunt of M.I.T., last year's runner Up, will be back to' defend their 'tities., Aspirants for the. titie will corne from ail over the country.' Last year's tournament attracted 99. entries from 45 colleges and universities. For the first. time since 1900, the championships are. to be played on clay courts.. In the early years of the, tournament the matches were conduc ted on dlay courts, but in 1900 the sitewas shifted to.the Merion Cricket clu~b of 'Germantown, Pa,. The championsbips have been plàyed on the grass courts at Germantown ever since. Samuel T. Chase, prominent Chi- cago insurance broker, bas been ap- pointed honorary chairman of the 1935 meet. Back in 1890 he teamed with Q. R. Shawe, Jr., to wýin the intercotiegiate doubles championship as an undergraduate at Harvard. Thame Halstead, last year's -Illinois state champion, has been appointed, tournamehit. Coach Faut Bennett of Northwest-- cmn university, who extended an in- vitation to the tennis association to bring the mneet west, is chairman of the committee, Coach Bennett is a former Cana.dian Davis cup player, audhas beenjnu charge of tennis at Norttiwestern for the tast five years. WILL GO TO STANFO1tD niework of a cm 1'hila- contracts these days is, bowever, a iur.ii~ tan Opera further indication of the way the 0 possibiti- wind is blowing. And to meet the William Williams, Jr., 211 rettas for indicated public demand for this type rôad, Kenilworth, returned g th need qf cntertainment,. many. companies Monday after- fiu-ishing bis >and the arc incotporating. a fluer type of year at Coruell uuiversity i ory which 1 musac into their, pitures;» N. Y. -0> Essex Mr. and Mrs. WendellH. Clark, home 711 Kent road, Keuilworth, bave bit junior a country home- at, Land, o'I.a1ceN. Ithaca, Wis., wherc thiey witl gto with their famity june.28.