Pre-$Çc fusand luaIutrmodiatets Trained Teachers, experi- eedWith young children, teach themi to play- to develop an' instinctive comradeship toward. one another a f ounàdation fcor s o c ia I competence.,) Canoeing for Swimmers Trennis .Riding Trips of Interest Bxing -for BOYS Dancing for Girls Indoor Activities for, Rainy Deys "Camp Liféeat-Home" FOR ALL CLASSES- -SWIMMIN4G INSTRUCTION- EXERCISES FOR PHYSICAL DBVELOPMENT RjghhSeson GAMES AND STORIES HéfDs - OPENING JUNE 17T1H OUOR RECREATION SCHOOL UErsy N. SHA PKER WILMETTE 1068 ment," scenic, WOOUUtx a sparkling lake and unlimited facili- t es for yachting, golf;: tennis, swim.- mlng, riding, and fishing, Vet, this magnificent place is-only a few bours journey by train or motor ironi the north shore. LEARN TO SWIM i The' ability to swim bas become an e ssential to the education of boys and. girls,ý and it bas been demonstrated that the. younger they begin tbe bet- ter swimmers1 they are. Mr. Jackson, swîmming instructor at New Trier, High scboolj is conducting summer classes for boys and girls f rom'four years of age up. Beginining )une 17 and continiuing until 'August 9, he will give both group and private in- ,structiott. tidents may eprollia any time. Diving, the ambition of al youngsters, is taught to every pupil. Expert instruction,. nearness to home and low cost should recommend -this course to ail parents of New, Trier towriship. r e laxation f r o mi onerous duties, and during the ad- ministration of Presid en t James A. Gar-.- fiel 14it*w-a used as'the summer White also the fav- orite retreat Of Gen. Robert E. Lee, who was a f re- quent- visitor. The cottage he occu- pied stili standsý and is in use. Every year'Robert E. Lee week is observed, climaxed by the brilliant Lee bal-- White Suiphur Springs is a minia-, ture empire,- stretching over '7,000 acres of inspiring scenic bea uty on the southeril siope 'of the Allegheny mountains. Through this vast:domain runs the Green Briar-river, and tiny Swan* lake' shimmers, in the- soutbern sun. The main hotel building has 650 rooms, and there is a coiony ofthirty- 6ve cottages, operated by tbe hotel. TJhe Casino faces two golf courses, one of 9 holes and two of 18 holes. There are five tennis courts, a polo field, an airport, swimnming pool, com- pIète bath departînent with saline water, and 250 miles of riding traïls leading up hill and down dale. The resort boasts its own mOvie bouse. and children's theater. while many shops contribute to the needs of patrons. A popular rendezvoisis ah al Ckaqokrndi re's one of the pleasant things that Old Man Depresion ýt n your lajp. Full country club privileges on one of the xit beautiful courses lnt Ainrica on the shores of pictur- que Crystal Lake-only 40 miles from Chicago-at a tiny ttlon of -what the yearly dues were to those .who pald >mendous sums for membershlp. IYour7l~ one a desire 10 îok up the time- tables and phone for reservations. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL A program balancing creative ac- tivities' and thoroughly scientific, methodg is.provided by the- National College of Education tbrougb the medium of its Chiidren's school, the summer session of which begins june 17 and will continue to juiy 26. It is stressed that boys and girlsate staita- Il Deslred 111 chic mai ~ i ox mauau 400L Ê,uon?'n ,Evaumt.u zal ' 8"TNE PLAY WAY TO HEALTH"ý_ ChI4ra D.Sq*.ad Giris 3,% 7 Y". tlV (