Twenty-five members of the regular teaching staff at New Trier High school will comprise. the faculty for the school's annual summer session, wbich opens next Monday. W. L. Brown, director of reference and research, again will'be,.in charge of the summer, school. Mr.. Brown said this week that the enrollment is, exp -ected to> be about the same. as last summer, somewbat over 300.. Members of the faculty and the subjects they will teach are: SMiss Wlnifred Wilson, H. -C. Pifer and Miss Lulu Wright, English; Gordon Van Kirk, dramatics; Frederick A Kahler,, C. O. Waters and W. J. :Aschenbach, algebra; C. H. Jones, special mathemnat- le; Ha.rold. Caton, geometry; W. S. Snyder, geornetry a.nd trlgonometry;'B. W. Shearer,: Roman history; William Relley, current evets; Roland Wehr and Jon Na, nited States ýhstory; F. C. ino, physical geography and I'hyscs Gere Edwards,' chemistry; V. i-i, Condon, biology;. Miss Elizabeth Breidenbach, Latin; Miss Frances Bre- diii, French; Mrs. Helen D. Stolle, Spanish; David E. Johnson, penmp.nship and shorthand; J. R. Splth, vocational civics and business economics; A. U. Grunneli, typewriting, and Mrs. Marie A. Krolland, studio art. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Todd will be in charge of the school library during the summer session. Sehool Athietes. Given regular meeting ot the Wilmette Ro- tary club Wednesday of thîs week. Boys who participate in four sports- football, basketball, baseball---"d track-are given. the awards, which. àre. in, the forin of gold medals. Win- ners of the awards for the girls are decided on a point systeni basis. The two girls* who receive the highest numnber of points at the Howard and Stolp schools are given gold medals ç,milar fn ihnqe nresented to the boysý. Livx.'1The lhst containec I £i names, Another naine, that of Martha Brown, 716 Eleventh street, should have been included, but was inadvertently omit- ted from the list furnished WitmETTEx Liipp by the scbool office.1 Martba is one of the graduates, from Stolp school and will attend-Ne.w Trier High school ext year. The program for the exercises is as. Processional.......D»avid Geppert 134 The Orchestra Amnerica ........... ...... Henry. Carey Class, Audience and 'Orchestra invocation...Rev. George D. Allisor Choral Response ........ .Mozart Plgrimi's Chorus from Tann- hauser.......... .....Wagner Selections from ,Aida... Verdi The Orchestra, Thanks Be to God . ... Stanley Dicksoui Arr. Sumner Silter Class of 1935, PIresentation of Class of 1935 ...........J.-R. UHarper Superintendent of Sehools Presentation of Dtiplomas..... ..... .Henry E. Culier SPrefldent, Board of ueinn. The Heavens Are Declarlng. Beethoven Class of 1935 Recessinal-Marche Pontificale .. . . Gounod The Orchestra Rev. J. T. Venekiasen to Attend Conference The Rev James T. Venekasen of, the, First Presbyterian1 church will eignîy conferences hld by the t'res- byterian cburcb this summer for its young people and church wvorkers throughout the entire country. Mr. Venekiasen will be back in bis pulpit àion june 23. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS Twenty new cases of Germail measies in Wilmette were reported by the local Healtb departmnt for the week ending june 8. There were Bernie Photo Aut Winscoitt.of 902. SPruce.' street, Winnetka, was recentlyý elect-, ed editor-in-chief of tise 1936 Echoesç, Newi Trier High çchool year book. She is the flrst girl, to hold this office quithout a co-editor. Miss Winscott bas neyer been off7 the honor roll since enterung -New Trier, though varied extra-curricular ac- tivities have claimed much of ber time. She was advertising manager of the New Trier News in her sophomore year and was both. business and adver- tising manager during ber junior year. The News attributes mucb of its finan- cial success 4uring that tinie to ber The new Ecboes editor bas nmade the 300-point award in athietics and bas been on the first hockey teamn of ber class eacb of ber tbree years. She is social chairnian of the Senior Muisic club, and bas served on many class:corn- M ittees. ST. .101 Menfibers 'dge will ,Y SERVICE Vlunette Masa The Kenilworth beach will otep for tbe season Saturday of this week. It will be operated by the Village, and, because of diminishing tax rev- enues, the Village board bas found' it necessary. to charge beach- regis-. cration fees this year. just as other notb shore. municipalities have been doing for years. At the regular meeting. of thé~ board- Monday night, the following fées, suggested. by the 'beach com- mhittee, of ,wbich Trustee Harold F. Tidenian is chairman, wer e approved: Faumîly F.., $3 A family season! ticket for 3.bis wiIl entitie the' ticket holdi.,r-i-ý, bers of, bis immediate famnily' and a reasonable number of bona fide house guests to use the beach and bath bouse facilities. Individual season tickets for $I..Ç apiece. These entitie the holder or any -member of his famnily to use the beach,' but do flot include.guest privi- leges. Daily fee admission price of 25 cents. The beàch however, ivlfl be open only to residents of Kenilworth, members of the .Kenilworth club and a reasonable number of bouse guests.' Opn From 9to 9 The beach is to be open daily f#om 9 o'clock in the morning until the same bour ai night, except when the *water is too rough or too cold for bathing. Life guards will be on duty when the beach is oficially open, b e pernitten only at the foot oi Kenilworth avenue, where the bath bouse is located. No bathing wifl be allowed on the beach adjoining Ma- honey park at the south limits of the Village or elsewhere along the Kenilworth shore line where' the beaches are.privately owned. d'Common D.cency"-Rue In the matter of bathing attire. .common decency and accepted cus- tom" will be the rule. No dressing or u.ndressing will be permitted except of the universit. Se Timly Items and Senvices :hursaay), p une .0 onPage 6..2!