orga Pwn into a ýn with members. Convention events will begin Sun- day afternoon and will continue through next Thursday." the pr.gram includes business sessions, luncheons, dinners,- a reception anid a. beach dance., The general chairman is Miss Luci le, McClean; 632 Hinman avenue, Evanston. Mrs. A.- Starr 'Best will, be the> speaker at the Tuesday. luncheon of the convention. R.oeptionm Ttiezdmy Eveming Tuesday evening one of the gayest affairs of the week has been arrange d, taking the fQrm of a reception at>the Congres s hotel. Many notables a reA expected. to attend this function, among thiem _Marion -Claire, and her husband, H-enry -Weber, Ruth, Page, and possibly: Porter Heaps, prominent yeung.organist who is to be inducted into the circle at one of the gather- ings. Grace An.n Mattern, hionorary presidént of Phi Beta and a former member of the faculty at Northwest- ern university will be one of, the speakers at the formai banquet to beý held next Wednesday evening at the Orrington hotel. Other speakers on the program wiIl be Charlotte De Coma, Jean Smith, Elaine Atherton, Lolo Robinson and Louise Ayres Car- nett. Carol McMillan Reid wilI be toastniistress.. Patrons and, patronesses froni Ev- aflstofl and the north shore are: Mr, and .Mrs. S. M. Buck, WaIker P. Eastman, Mr. and >frs. C. Dû Witt lhardy, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lardnier, Mr. and Mrs. Wllfred Reynolds, Mrs. }Iarry Snyder, Mrs. J. S. Wallner, Mis. Harry G. Phillilps, Dean and Mrs. Ralph Hellman, Peterpaul Ott, Mrs. Spiegeil, Mr. nd Mrc. *.R' GoedscheMiss Eleno Prkfns Lyal IPhillps Shawve, Missoy Clar aoa adMs Cfr XI. Buttleman Phi B3eta was founded at the school of -speech of Northwestern university, May 5, 1912, by Josephine Mack, Gladys Burnside and Elsie Schultz, students wbn were vitallv intrested Miss Margaret Cobb of Winnetlca is chairman of ail arrangements for the beach party to be gi.ven Monday evening, sponsored. by the North Shore Alumnae club. Among others serving on the social comimittee are Miss Ethel Booz of Wilmétte.1 SIEWING CLASSES. Miss Ella B. But; 802 Lake avenue, wiIl have sumlmer,, classes 'in sewing for little girls on Tue.àday, and Thurs- day. mo rnings at her. home. Her "schoor' will open on june 25, and will continue for: six. weeks.. The sewing projects will be for beginniers from 9 tc Il years of age. .E RAGGED, AGAIN? PUNNSYLVANIA ---FUEL OIL- DelvoySMeeThat Keff You Tank FdIhd PENNSYLVANIA CIL CO. of mNstoN U33 wm Sl.mA. IDEAL DOG -FOOD. THAT FIXED MY SUMMER COAT AND GAVE ME A NEW LEASE ON LIFE! W/I to attend one or more of the sessions here, are Henry Weber, Ina Claire, Fric Delamarter, Karleton Hackett, Percy Grainger, Rudolph Reuter, George Arliss, Leo Sowerby, Richard Ciooks, Edward Johnrson, Sergi Rach- maintoif, Lawrence Tibbett, Richard * MFXT Y I I/I moi an. -UTS STA RTIN GTO- COM E U TAG AINROB. 1WAS TESAME WAY CHW4 1 WONDER IF 1M TO YIi THEV FEU ME >ISOl