k..p 1h.tank supplied yOu Watcing if. We SHELL FUEL OIL and the Sh.1 Petroleum '-) PE N CE zýLTR OLE im, ip-v» PANY o a j withoui then e ed of cannot b len d if with becouse w. car ry onlly are. dfrectageqnts of. Corporation. Autoniati C hoat from our oh 1. dlean no smoke -neScot- no ashes - no dust - ne fume$. 011 heat is safest- no danger of asphyxlatiou, or explosions. Check *lth insurance: experts. Ediger-Speacer Serv.ice. Thoraos àa great comfort >in knowing that after you have con- tracfed wth ýus for. your fuel .11 -y.. con forget your heafing. plant . . . you coaa bave if in operaétion 1 i~fliifely with absolut., assurance tiiet aven - cden -Sfe heiit wlll prevail. every heur. Our service is as smoo* as our oil. Through blizzards and sforms we always deliver, keeping you constantfy supplied in a cloadi. unfri4tve bW&Y. Ec@.@my Leam fthe fact about oconomy of our SHELL FUEL OUL Let Us show you how inexpensive if is when you contract with us. Thore is no obligation fo you whtsoevr ... just ask us to give you the facts and show you how t+ogeaifth. most heet per dollar spent. Write for our booket "Sealed Ileat Direct te You." 363Q Lake Ave.,' Witmelte George H. Reddisg, 1034 Ra- ,Mono road, Wilmette, lias. been elected a trustee of Washington and Jefferson college at Washington, P'a., of whick he Lr au alumnu. Mr. Redding attended the 134th commencemtent of the college last week. H-e is an out standing Wil- mette civic leader, particularly in. con junction zeith the Wilmectte Ciic league of which he is a for- ýor 641 -Uni. 503 Chicago .announce the birth of a son - on june 8, at the St. Francis hospital. Mrs. Norris was formeriy Miss Fran- ýVER TISER 5 ces Hoffrnan of-327 Park avenue, Wilmette. ard, Greta Lianîel, Lois, nope, v ivian,, ain d .jacquèline Miller,; Suzanne> Schaefer; Barbara Jean, and Miss Anita Schaefer; Mrs. Harry Leis, Miss Vera Scbaefer; Miss Theresa Hanke, Edward Hanike; Mrs.ý John Witten (of, Highland Park), Miss Martha Peters,'Anthony, Harry, and Arthur Peters;ý Miss, Christine *Bauer, Ma- tilda,, Adamn, Edward, and' Lawrence Bauer; and Mrs. Frances Trow- bridge (of Evanston). Another grand-, son,' John. Bauer of New York City, was not, present for the dinner. Yesterday afternooni the daughters of Mrs. ýSchaefer entertained for their mother, and these are: Mrs. John Huerter, Mrs. John Peters, Mrs. Nicklas Miller; Mrs. Edward Handke, Mrs. Paul Bleser, and 'Mrs. Josephý Bleser,, al of Wilmette. .Mrs. Scharfer has ived miost of ber life in Wilmette, coming to this country from Germany when a stnali child. Her husband, who died in 1917 ' was the first white child, born ini Grosse Point. The Schaefers had, eighteen children, but only eight are now living. BAHA'I LECTURE. "The New Civilization" is the suh- iect of the talk to be given Il-,.Mrs. ception was given to Mrs. 'Jrue and ber daughters at the Chicago Baha'i Center rootus at 116 S. Michigan ave- nue to greet tbem upon' their return from their recent visjt to the Baha'i .3hrinies.oni Mt. Carnmel, Palestine. PATRONIZE OUR AD' nette