YDURO Ce nlea 714 1 Youl need not heitaite or believe you are or wiII pay more thoan Our regular 10w prices whep buylng ou our UDIGETPLAN W.mae ht announcement to convince you theI you Co fumalmh you r entiro home amid *njoy the. comnf ris. Pay from your, Monthly Budget. $ 50.00 Opurcirase $.5.00 doWn $ 5.00 a'meônti $ 100.00 Pq~rchame 1110.00 <lown $ 10.00 a onth $1 b5o000purohase $20.09 dlwn 820.00 a'mWnh $92000purohame $25.00 down $25.00 a month Ali amoants. abcove montloned in proporton BOmadloom Carpets and Rugs Drapes and Curtains Upholtrin Your Furniture Perfect Fit Slip Covers Custom Mode Box Springs and Mattresses Our Decorators are at your service te helpyou in solectiow's to fit your needs. r en, MANLEY' WASJIADJJ SATINS 6~tfrLLO ~Lcit~Q airpôrt Jast 'fhursday Wlth a ioaci of passengers for. Lafayette, Ind. The plane was piiotedby "Red" Carey. Mr. Wood pianned' to remain at La- fayette over thse week-end and then go o n to Indianapoiý to. spend a week there. Thse plane, originally licensed to carry 18 passengers, was rebuilt at Pal-Waukee and -is now capable.of carrying.28., Itis'said to be -the largest land passenger carry- ing plane in this céuntry. Navy Condor 'Makes Stop, at, Curtiss Field. A: United States Navy Condor plane,, powered by two Wright Cyclone 750-hérsepower motors, made a stop at Curtiss airport iast* week. The plané,- piioted by Lieutenant Ntale, brought'Admirai Rosseter -and Admirai Doliard here.frôm Washing- ton, 1). C.,.on official business. Thse Navy men vi.ited the -Gret Lakes Naval Training station. The big plane which brought them carried a crew of four-pilot, co-pilot, radio operator and mechanic. Bimp Miikes Its First Flight Since Return The Goodyear blimp -Reliance last Friday made its first flight since re- turning from -Florida, where- it had Charters Plane, Plies to Marquette, Michigan The North Suburban. Fiying cor- poration, with headquarters at Cur- tiss airport, had a charter trip, to Marquette, Mich., and return iast Friday. A Stinson owned by the cor- poration was flown to, the Michigean T: Chicago to nine major cities in Cali- fornia, Oregon and Washington has just been made effective by United Air Lines. There..is *ikewise virtuaily overnight serviice. from. the Pacific coast into Chicago. Two evening planes out of Chica- goý after the dinner hour at 7.1 n 7:45 p' .,, standard. time, arrive in Los Angeles at 8. a.m. and San Fran-., cisco ut .8'419 a:.nm., withi correspond- ingiy early morning arrivais in San. Diego, Portland, Seattle, Spokane and I'acoma. ',These-planes also provide, ovérnight ýservice to sucb intermediate points as Denver, Sait Lake, Sacra- mento, Reno and> Boise. There is aiso an afte.rnoon-to-mid-, night service and a third new sched- uic caiied thse "beat-the-sun-to-Cali- fornma" flight, with a departure from Chicago at 3:20 a. m. an d arrivai in Caliiornia and Washington ini the afternoon. Indicative of thse larger interest in- air travel aiso is United's increasi»ng its Chicago-New York flights to ten a day and reducing its flying time from Chicago to Cleveland to one hour and forty-five minutes and to New York, four hours and seventeen minutes. Fiying time to Washington, D. C., is cut to three hours and fif ty- five minutes. There are six sched- Mrs. George Meyer of Winnetka returned iast Saturday f rom a plane trip to St. Louis. While in Missouri, Mrs. Meyer flew with some news- paper friends over a section of *the. fooded area near the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers., In some places thse Missouri was three' miles wide, Miss Meyer re-> ported, trains were .stalled and people were seen abandoning tbeir homes., Mrs. Meyer made the trip in5 an AmrianAir lineqn -,. ON , SONS -E VANSTON - Cj . F :ed Io -was pilo Jence .L. et hanfi n the tr augh. beast Dy: e rlnu uben i n the soutn, and upo n - taking off again announçed that his destination' was Memphis, Tenn. 1743, Shmmin Avenuie AVE. Ž " «Bd I