anilual be held mion; 115-pound cass-wuiox £luug- kins, 'Ralph Starr and junior Adair, and httavyweieht class-Gordoft Os- tçrstron, Richard.Durr, Bob Weese, Çharles Wright and Frank- Knoop. Boys, in other grades wbo won bas-, kebal etters will receive them at -à parents' nigbt, to be beld in the fail, Robert W.' Townley,. director of pihysical ý education at joseph Sears,. announced this week. Cy Macinnf, son of Mr. and Mirs. F. BÉ. MacKinnon, 321 Leicester roýad, Kenilworth, wb.o attends bart- =out h is drivingý home,' stopping at Amherst to get Charles, Dôstal, and. Ernest -Estes .a.1nd> arriving on the Uortb shore today. Mrs. Arthur B. Milford, 256 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, retulrftd j'uesday fromn a ,nonth's visit in Wasinuoii D. C. $18.,. -$az~$o - $ 3150 xs Z~UU~ p ort .ed pledged thus far Dy norti shore. Episcopal parishes at a meet- ing held in Christ cburcb, Winnetka, parish. bouse, Mondgy. night:. St. AuguÉtine's, Wilmeétte, $12,007. Churcb of tbe Moly ýComforter, Kenilworth, $3,9*83. Christ cburcb, Winnetka, $12,246., St. Elisabeétb's, Glencoe, $3P836. t Trinity cburcb, Highland Park, $8,709. Cburch of the Holy Spirit, Lake Foresït, $10,838. Tbe -totals thus far pledged in the nortb shore Deanery amounts to $130,826. The total. amount pledged tbrougbout the diocese bas passed the $400,0O0 mark.. SQt.'Augustine's total is'the seventb lârgest pledged tbus far by any: parisb in the diocese. Its pledge t the diocesan debt: is, per commnun>- cant, mucb tbe largest in the diocese. It is boped to réach the goal of $18,000 set by tbe parýish in tbe near future. APPROVE TAG DAY The, Chicago Cbildren's Benefit league bas received permission from tbe Kenilwortb Village board to hold a tag day in Kenilwortb on October 7. The permit was granted at the regular meeting of the Village, board Mfonday nioebt. t0 a Kevtaiingut# '-'5, e PERMANENT WAVE wiIl enhance and restore the perfection of your coiffure. You'Il be chérmed, by the soft waves',, the. lustre, and sheen ,it will produce. Corne in and talk to us about one today! r LhJ,.TadgSPecai Lotus D. Coffman, president of the University of Minnesota, wijl1 deliver the comméncemenr.t address. The-ex- erises will again be beld ini Dycbe stadiumn. The baccalaureat 'e address will be given, by the Rev. Logan Hall, pastor of tbe Covenant' M. E. cburcb in Evanston. Tbe, ser vices will be heid Friday, evening, June 14, at the First M. E,. cburcb in Evanston. A total of 1,150 degrees will be amrarded, by the university at this year's -exerciseS. The commenc ement exercises on june 15 will climnax a week filled witb a busy round o f pre graduation festivities. The programn wil open witb a series of: clinics and alumini reunliofls by the professional scbools, of. medicine, law and dentis- try on the McKinlock campus. 'The annual Alumni Day for tbe entifre universit will be beld Saturday, pre- ceding te commnenceÎmilt exercises. The students f rom New Trier town- ship villages who will receive degrees are: Giencoê Jean Sinclair Meck , 810 Vernon avenue, bachelor of science. Jane 1. Orr, 755 Grove street, bach- elor of science in journalism. Henry Schauffler, 460 Jefferson street,, bachelor of science in engi-. Eli zabeth V. Kelly, master of arts. jeannette A. Steingraber, 737 Çum-ý mings avenue, bachelor of arts. Eleanor L. Berger, 306 Kenilwcrtb- avenue, bachelor of arts. William F. Healy,,Jr., 205 Melrose avenue, bachelor 'of -science -in com- merce. Jane V. Sowers, 537 Abbq.tsford road, bachelor of sc.ence. WiI.itte Patsy Ruth Boyiston, 220 Broad- ern university, with honors in zoology. Mr. Hildebrand will continue bis studies at the Northwesterfl university Meçdical school where be is a mem- ber of Phi Rbo Sigma, medical frater'nity. He is also a member of Pi Kappa Alpha--fraternity. At North western hie was on the varsity fa ncing team for three, years winning'two major letters. In 1934. he -was state épée champion.. He captained the çhess team during bis third, year and was all-university- cbess champion for two years. *Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Nason of 733 Cummings, avenue,. Kenilwortb, en- tertained their bridge club at dmnner Friday. Walter G. Mockler, 131 Maple ave- nue bachelor of science. *Monroe A. Munson,, 230 Tenth street, doctor of dental surgery. Adyn E. Schityler, 90~1 Chestnut avenue, bachelor of arts. Stanley H. Schuyler, 901 Chestniut avenue, master of science in engi- neering. Robert C. Shabino, 530 Laurel ave- nue, bàdiel@r of science in commerce. Matgel C. Small, 118 l7th street, bachelor of arts. Esther J. Springer, 724 Forest ave- 1nue, bachelor of science in education. Stephen P. Ste«fens, 1501 Wilmette avenue, bachelor of science in comn- 1merce. Jane Yost, 1016 Greenwood avenue, bachelor of arts. WInetka Edward C. Blomeyer, 744 Prospect 1avenue, bachelor of science in engi- neering. Mrs., Clementine L Peterson, mas- ter of arts. Grace L. Ericksonj 565 Hawthiorne lanie, bachelor of scienc .e in com- ,merce. lMaitha J. Forman, 1357 Scott ave- 1nue, bachelor of science. Mrs. Anita L. Lebeson, master of arts. Wilbelmnina Y. Van de Veerde, bacnelor ot scince. Frances E. Lutz, 827 Greenwood avenue, bachelr of arts. Eugene Mancinelli, 1010 Sheridan road, bachelor of science ini comn- merce., - Frank J. McCabe, Jr., 34Wash- ington avenue, juris, doctor. Oliver S. Bi Francis R.' road, jùris doq . Gustave S. bachelor of si Thomnas. G. juris doctor. atrof music. mnous, Waukegan Waukegan road, ;zge"éraàld, -WIllow road.,