Mr..and Mrs. William J. Gxeier and famnily, Dorothy, Rüss é>1, Bobby, Billy, and jimmie, move d to Wilmette May 1, and are living,,at 1742 Highland, avenue. The Geiers formerly lived in Northfield. We're Ready for Warm Wa/e WASIABLESILKS ..featurirng the summer rage.. . te new Maize tones ..also white and pastel colore.. Prioes start at $6.00.- Rollin* Runstop Hosiery in Ailthe Newest Shades ATTRACTIVE BARGAUNS . i SPRING GARMUNTS which have beom GREATLY REDUCED * MISSES'.WOMEN'S SIZES: Excellent Alteration, Service 1147 WILMETTE AVENUE Phone Wilmette 340 *Motbq soas0 ii.fct that when she grst iront to Wilmette tiiere were nof street lam~psa t ail, and every house-x holder liadieislantern. 1 remember the kerosene street lamips, so fàr apart thati .we still needed lantern&s. ..11 "My father was throatened with.belngi run ýout of town for shooting.and trap-( ping skunks, aroignd. our barn, irhicli9 lnterfered wlth his clckeb raising. They 'village fathersi sald our old,,orse, Fanny,j shouhi be-put ln the. pound. Mr. Bunker1 suggested that they catch her first. 1 Jl*afl a Forestà wI ell remember our satreet, Forest avenue, as a,,dlrt street, and the Woods1 .go thick to the east of our bouse that we1 eouldn't ése. Willette avenue. 1 alsot remembor .when, the.,congregationalistsc held churcb services ln the. wooden schoolhouse 1(thon, havlng, only two1 rooms). .1 couldn't sec wby my mother1 went to the schoolhouse to churcli when1 thero was a perfectiy good MethodstE cliurchwlth.a, steeple on ît.' In - act 1I irent. to the Metbodist Sunday achool Ïor a irhlle wlth Kate Panushka, and had ber brother John for a toacher. Wben< we had the text, 'God's oye watchea o'er1 you,' be drew on theo blackboard a pic-e trofthé sky, wTth- eltuds, and'a largee eye looking out. A bit of mind portrayalr which bas gone with me through' 1f.. "The big, dec p ditches (along Foresti avenue) are stili a vivld memory to me.à Mfter a big snowstorm my father step-f ped off the wiooden sidewalk ln the. dark and wallowed for a long tiine ln one ofà the dîtches filled wlth sàow. He wasn otc a drlnklng man, either."1 1 Mortgag.s Coma. Due. Another letter came from Julia Kirk, who lives with her daughter in Newton Center, Mass. Excerpts fol-è "*Youtg Ir. Slater Gilette, of log cabln faine, shot deer and wolves from the main entrance of hie early aboie. ,,".orence Bute gives tiie amaslng information that thefirat night club was formed lu Wllmette. Frequently the. cahlele makers met at t1efrbos n caic emeIea ethe 'Social Thirty.' She. even mentions, tbst some of the Members w0eo: Messrs. and Mesdames Frank, Paul, James' McLan, Frank Ècheidenhelmý, J. W.:- Johnson, Harryr LAatlùim, Louis Plerson, John Skelton, and others. . -om Cook says be has a vory early- Wllmette dlrectory published by a Mr. Rush. Ho limite tUiecurlous who -wish to examine jts pages tothe (:Id Setters of WlImette "Hifubert Scliwafl's chldren dlaim.their fathier wàs the tiret whlte chlld.borniln Wilmette, the. tiret.policeman and à& vol- unteer' fireman. Eýveiyn Fuller Seare gays ber brother George was the flrst white chili baptized ln Lewellyn Park. .Hear front Henry Gates. "Honréy Gates' lettor miglit'have been consldèed indiscreet forty years1 ago, but today he and the other Young folks, seem to think nothing at ail of theue excm'stons. -He telle of golng out in the nlght with a lantern, looklng for a shack (h.e calis It a club), somneviere ln the woods east of Tenth street, browsing about a bit on floating sidewalks, and go forth. "Frank Gatbei'coal tells of playing around wlth fire in his Youth until the. old T'own hall was finally burned to the ARMSTrRONC t& os m r.d TIR ES DECORATION DAY SALE!ý A Tube WItIm Loch Tire! At Prices Way Below the List Price of the Tire Alone Until Jlan. $rd m.* 'l IIre w W4tU iAUU1ZIt the wlndows but baro t s, except in front, wliere our neighbor's bouse ac LForest avenue iras onl grass grown, with a iral e mniddle and a vory deevý outh side. )on after arrlvlng- In the to the. store,' and it wasU kal grocery. with the post trocs ýand iro couid cross the y a road- Ion track. dltcli on village :1 ['ho Store. t office on or lmei )rM LJ*aa.y .J4Iin, oint, long bofore .saving crew ex-, writes that bis- y, was a menimber mal convention of Santa, lier hui by mai er chart fromn Felble and remembered e Alexander' sterfield roc- Ld1. Wen*er- porft., cm Recor. ing on the 'charts now. on the association,, its presi-- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Dawiey and smali d aughter, Donna, 2Ya2 years old, moved to Wilniette early in May and are living at 1530 Gieenwood avenue. The Dawleys formerly. lived in Chicago. ,Bave 7*u .moue* Ims M .tethe hUkolUys IfuIu~m iloite &IONSI recordi