501, ~&1UOsongu, more livn un ture. Brekfat stlame dishesetc. 240 Meirose 'Avenue., Keinilworth 88 129LTN4-ltp SÂCRWPIC - BEAUTIFUL l-PIECE dining rm. nuite like new.*. Dresser, vItSchesta of drwers, console radio. mfrror, 2 reed rockers painting%, lamnpi andIlaundrY gas plateé. 1416 IsaboellASt., Wllmtte.129LTNq4-ltp SIMMONS' DOUBLE BED, SPRING, Inner spring>mattregs and bureau, 1VOrY.. Two plece overstuffed parlor suite. Reas. 651 miinois Rd., WllMette 3290. ý 1 -9ÏLTN4-ltp BECAUTIFUL QUEEN ANNE DAVEN- Port. Alo 1 arm chair. May be seen at W. T. Werner Transfer Co., 605 Main St., Wlmette. 129LTNq4-ltip FOR SALE'. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY chest, first elassi condition $50. Also child's roller top desk. Phonie Winnetka 2486,_129LTN4Itp WTD. TO PUY-tlflhIOMD. SOODS CASH FOR YOUR USED WPRNI- turc, Modern or antique, and other houzehold articles.- Will alio accept your furniture on con- signuient basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE Establlshed 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 130LTN43-ttc FOR uALgE-MISCgUJ.ANOUB CAMERAS DIfferent sises with high grade Içns. LIUU or. nette s PAID FOR AL d oi lothes. Pionte .inetka 3720. 132LTN8-4t> Junk Dealer-Phil Schuman Highiest market price for paper, maga- zines, rage, old iron, "crap Xntai, bathtubs and men'a old cloting. Phone Wilmette 349. 132LTýN4-4tp $ $OLD CLOTHFt'$ $ $ SUJTS;-SHOBS--OVERCOÂTS FrUR COÂI'fl - PROMPT SERVICE, Ssz-yeor-old Betty Mimrogi72 MaceanaveueKenilwrh, ù Looking formo,,d to rral swmmnry dsvien she may .reenact > tis bsiness of combining some anig wit ieacquisition of thse coveted coat of sun-ta. Whe the 11*1. stort biting, Betty. wiIl be, ;eeking' out ker favorite brook-side ren- desvous. Coined Word 6"Realtor"9 Wîns a Spelli-ng BSc When.,14-year-oI4 Hlen fGronas of Maple Grove school, Wayne county, won the spelling championship of Michigan the other day by correctly spelling thse word "Realtor," the Governor of Michigan was chief listener at the bee. It determined Michigan's represé'ntative at a coming national bee ini Washington. But Walter C. Piper, president of the Piper-Hesse company, realtors, was the -most interested commentator on ation adopt as designi members of its constit, coinied term Realtor. uent eassoc or actiN )ards, th STAR EVERETT MARSHtALL Warner Br6thers will star Everel Marshall, famous tenor, in "Romanc in a Glass House," which goes i production june 1, says Loueli 'a C Parsons, motion picture editor. Uni ADVERtTISER Ae Nter Sa es......Cover III, BEcile Studio ..........m Blama Pbarmacy ...... .......i Bloom-R.l Dreas Sbop. ... BoarEIwal ijk 3k.skop.........10 BOnnesu, The Tuler .......... j B~ook NOOk ................. 4 Boulevard Drug Store... 1,54 B.undary, Thse.............. &4 Bowusan I>alry Coe,........... 24 Braun Bros. 0o1Co0. .......... ....... i 2, 88, 81, Cerer IV Camp Owskon.e ............n Vanafflan Parlts...........mÊ OniYr-]LeenL Beauty Salon ...... à Chandler....................." Cisicago Bocistord Celiege Club.2s Ohimisoy's Gr!ll..... ;.........1ý7 COe, AUmer *'Co.......1, 41 Commuly 1Theatre ..........s Consaers IWillinery Stores, cp .................... 4 DeYelda Beauty Salon ........ 8 Diedricis, Edyth ...... ........ 14 E»yart, Van Camp & Feil...47 Ericissen, Ben.......... .....4 Evangton Fireproof, Warebeues Evauston 24 amisCe..ý......... 10 Everett's Eesort ........... 14 First CIburri, ef Christ, Scienut................. Fox Hecad Sales Coe............ 4 Fra*isen Bros............ 48 Fr@eneis Licis prings 110l.1..:2 Great Atlatc & Parlt Tea (Co.Il PAGE ADVBRTISER monarci Furriers......3 Marine. Ce............ ....... te Marpby.Mileu 0On Ce.. ...8 New Trier Servite Stagion» North s hore Day Camp......4 Noerths Shore »rama Festival 41 MNth is 814 û k ym 8 011 WelI, Thse........ ........ 4 oiseau, M. B. -2irla....4 Paglaruo, .............8 Pauflng, E. o. a Co ............ 4 Peaeoek lb. Cram .... ....... Penasylvania 011 Co........4 plSaa otel................. . Pool à Piper................ e Powell, Pearie .............. ig Premier Peut Mise ...........do Publie Service C........... 44 Quilkdan à Tybon ............. 17 Ray, Enigene . ............ 9 ,enee.ksr Drag Co. ..........--7 Renscis Warebouse.......... Ridge Avenue Pharruay.... Rlobertsn, àCe.......48 Rocky Nountai Beys' cap.5 Rosberg, JohbT,............ . Stheerer, Doris...........4 Sebroeder, 19. A ............ 19 Scsît, Wm . ......... Cover IV SiOe-Casel, »ug Co.......i7 Spaul1Uq.-Gor>m . ;........S Sammer Cam ..........ý1 * 52 311. ~rs, Wuses. s Mr. and Mrs. H{arold McK U Phe.n Iwill entertain their dinner bridge *Wuui= 32 UNIvUTT 7317 this Saturday «%t their home, ~~ Hamptonclale road. Mannerud, Ethel ..-........ ý.j,, Marshsall Fildl*&£Ce ........... .... .....2, m9, 8U, 1, 82 Mestifa-n Bros ............. 28 Milien Hardware ...........8I Misisi Moisia................ Irî MissionIRinmg Olf Club ....... à &Yý& £»Iiàa .... qu .e 85JL tue Thseatre ............ T, GOgO.. ne. c....... - .e " . . . . . .. .. . . Rat se1............. r and seasoned houservives toili find tisehigis road to a balansced buadget Im arked by the ofjerings of Our Ad vetisr PAGE