Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 May 1935, p. 57

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UUKLP WANYD-FEgMiiA DOMESIÇ CHELP EXP. ND W L,,RECOMMENDED1 .EXP AN GooM d Wages Lindgren Empi. Agency Est$abllahed. 25 y'ears 799 Eum St. Winn. 1047 7lLTN2-tfc MAIDS -NURSES -GOVERNESSES WRITE FULLY NORTH SHORE PERSONNEL SERVICE 1580 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON: UNI. 0740' 71LTN4-ltp WANTEINT IýELLIGENT 1S3T MAID, .whl*bte, as cook and for washing. smàll famlly. Own room and bath. Good wages. Refera., Ph. Wlnnetjca 1589. 71I-ltp YOUNG. REPINED WRITEGIRL jX- prienceid, for general housewôrk. Speak perfect Eegliih. 2 adulte, 1 chlld, nurse. .S rm. bouse. $14., Wlnnetk 1390. 71L-tp COMPÉET NrWHITE HELP WANTED wlth good references. Apply ln person. 'Âi4 LMPLYM ,NT mERzCI $43 Vernon Ave. (GIencoe 251 71J.TN134tfe WANT 1 LADY FOR BACH TOWN- Wlnnetka, Wlmnette and Gleaico. ta represent Real- S11k Houlery MIllit. 224 0. Michigan, Chicago. 71LTNI-4te GIRL TO ASSIST WITH_ÇCARE 0F *two snialiebilidren. Phone Wilmette 2752. - 71LTN4-ltc B E A Il T Y OPERATOR WANTED- 1 nut be expert manicurlat. Cali Wln- netka 119. 71L4-ltp --HELP WANED--MALE DON'T ANSWER TRLIS AD IF YOU thlnk you have a good job or woulil taiçe a job wuth the Government, or a part trne job, or accept any kind of cbarity or reilèf work. , Ovier 100) men have been interviewed durlng the past 4 months, and the position this eompany bhas to offer la stili avallable, because ,.ne man has been able te convince us that he la willing to pay the price for succes bore. We would like te discuss this proposition wfth someone who Is a real worker, whn wants to make good monY and Who can shoulder responslbillty when the, opportunitY for advýancoment presents itself.. Address, P. O. Box 499, Evanston, 111. 11 72LTN4-ltc MEN WANTND FOR RAWLEIGH Routes ln Willnette. Write today, iRawleigh Co., Dept. ILE-761-SB, Ytee- port, 111. 72LTN1-4tp 71.TN4-ltp CHYSL ROADSTNJL 1927 MODUIL. COMPletelY eceondltloned; In Igood sha]pe. Cheap. Phone Wllmnette 3459 after 5 P. M. 771LTN4-ltp UBED CARDARGAINO IECllALS CHEVROLETS '33Che rolt eda , - .........$425 133Che rolt C ach .. :. ý ........$365 '31. CheVrolet spt. ýpeé-, '6 w. w.. $245 * BUICKSý '33 Bulek sedan, 6.w..w. $626, ':32 Buick Sedan, 6 W. . ... $4P5 '31 Buick Sedan, 6'w. W.. $325 PGNTIACS '34 Pontiac Town Sedan * * .* $545 '84 Pontiac Spt. Cpe., heater, rad. ...$595 '33 P.ontiac Sedan................ $445 '31 Pontlac Sedan . .. . . ..... $23É CHRYS bERS '33 Chrysier Sedan, 6 w. W. $2 '31 Chrysier Spt. Cpe$5 '30 Chrysier Sed., Mod. 66 ... , $245 OTHER MAKES '30 Packard Sedan ......... $295 '33 DeSoto Sedan ...... ... $500o '33 Rockne Sedan ......... $350 '32 Nash Llght 8 Sedaui... .....$295 TNMS-TRADB-OPpEN EVE. & SUN. NOR~TH SHORIE BUICK-PONT1IAC CO. Authorized Bulck .and Pontiac Dealer 1512 Màple Ave. %~ blk. So. of Davis St 77ÂA-LT1N-1tc WHEN YOU BUY FROM CA ]DIU.AC VOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING! LOWER FINANCE THROUC*H GItMAC PLANS Down pay't '35 Packard super Deluxe 2-4 epe. . .$845 '32 Packard 5 sedan, 900 Series, ex- _ellent condition ............ .. 2901 High-Grade Depéixdable USED CARS 1934-Deluxe. Ford coach. This lo an exceptional; dean car. Only $485 1931-Buick ight 8 Sedan, very-', Sgood Condition throughout, only .. 345 1930-'Bulck sport coupe, very good condition ..throughout.......245 1932-Ford, 4 cyl. businesos coupe. . 250 1029Pacard5 passenger sedan, extra good condition. . . ......... 195 1929-B3ulck coupe wIth runible seat only........................ 5 196-Chevrolet sport coupe 1 wre. 1whls., an exceptional -car.......195 190-Chevrolet sedan, W. -W. 200.Éo 1934-Chevrolet, 157" wheel base truck wlth less than *8,000 miles. This truck la ie new. .An exceptional bargaln. Ose It floW. 50 ýother good used cars to choose. from. BUT TI*E CARz,0()IrYOUR CHOICE ON CONVENIEN TBTEMS. WESCO' OTT MOTORS, Imc. 1245 ýCHICAGO AVENUE Greenfleaf 8000 Open eveninigs until, 10 77A-LTNq4ltp LOOK! Guaranteed Used Cars $10 TO $60 '27 Nash sedan '27 Olds coupe $51 TO $100 '28 WIllys Knight sedan '28 Chandler sedan $101 TO $200 '29 Nash sedan '30 Peerless sedan '28 LaSalle sedan '28 Packard Phaeton $201 TO $800 '31, Chrysier Sport coupe ' 31 Chrysier sedan '31 Studebaker sedan '31 Orahani-Palge sedan '29 Bulck sedan $301'rrO $400 '33 Nash sedan '31 Oldomobile sedan '30 Packard sedan 'al Btilck sedan $401 TO $500 '34 Plymouth coach '34 Graham R. S. coupe '33 Chevrolet Tudor '31 Chrysier sport coupe, Shore bine Motors, Imc. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALERS J. D. Stlns3on-W. E, Husting 666 Center St. Wlnnetka 1773 With an 2399 or 2427. 8SLTNI4p WANr TO Î-.6-ONDO YOUNIG MAIq WANTS BOOM IN Plu- Vate famlily, $850 per week. Aisepat. time work ln exohange for mom. Write A-7, Box 40, Wilmette, Illinis. Wlt th h. euet meai able. 81S Cumnor R&. Kenilworth SOL1 85bTN4-lto BOARJD AND ffOOMf FOR IWWO, PR'U- erably ýemployed, couple, will be avail- able at mm Spigelli, 582 Provident AVe. Wtntk.2795. $SIA-ltp vot, ur--Auiw BUBLE&U-Â Bp4UTWUL 4, R003<X aar.stmuost anss thue r .1ofnaum- tke wing. Ail large outuide comi, tilel wall bath electcrieÈefrig., etc. Clos. t-U-anâ bbali. THEl LINDEN CREST ICROLZ. & SMITH 424 Linden Avenue Wllmette mU 92LTNI-ltc LINDEN MANOR Modern apartments, tule bath wlth shower; eleetrlc refrigeration; one or two bedrooms, $50 and $0 F~RANK A. REID, 954 Lînden Avenue, Hubbard Woods 1winnetka 130Q 340 Lînden Avenue T-ADULTS residental district. Spec to sure, ellble .people. 31 AND 4 ROM APART bath with shower, breaki trie rofrigeration, reasonal Grillis Building. Phonhe 748 Elm t. W73nTka 339c1200 Cbicàgo Avei., EÉvan. -Wilhette 4474 JTBOA" __________________________- . *, 77A-LTN4-ltc 1935 m WANTED - WHITE .COITPLE. MAN, '.TT * - qui.ck a experionced ebauffeur and housenian. 1NASHJ Wornan, good cook. North Shore ref- 1934 SEDAN, FINISHED IN A BEAU- endos required. Wiinetka 2117. tîful shade of unaroon, twin horns and _____ 73L-ltp many extras. $585. LARGE 2 WHITE COUiPLE,. THORoUGNT'T Ex- BUTLR MOTORS lIqC., private. pèlne.Must have good refèences. 1200 ýChicagoý Ave., Evan. Wîmette 4474 for rent. Phono Glenàcoe 694. 73LTN4-lic 7L1N1t of two. *Wllmette TN4-1tp~ o.r unfurn. $50

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