y -*~ AA4.Yi.~ ~iA'IJVI1 VnH L UAIV ?Te firrt shovel of dirt for, the, crection of a model home financed u4th' ast.PHA loapi mas 'turned lait week biy Carroll H. Si.dler, director, northern district, Federal Houisipig Administration, at Hiqhlaisd Park. The honte (shrow»,; abovel) which zîill have the distinction of bel» g Highland Park's model honte is omie of a thousaüd for which the FI-A plans to have grotind broken or construction started by lunîe, 15. The home is located at 61-8 Lincoln- avenue, just.east of St. John, and is be- ing built by R. C. Johrnston and R. C. Johnston, Jr., builders and owners. The architect is Dwight G. Wallace. The lot' has a frQntage of approximately 83. feet with an average depth of about 105 feet. t is to be of Colonial architecture with stone exteriorand will contain six generous.siÉed rooms with two baths on the second floor and an extra toilet and lavatory on the first floor. It' has been desiged to insure maximum utility and- Instaill Those Doors .Dueing, Dry Weither 1 -Doors often stickc in a new buiding. If a door has been' accurately installed in accordance with good carpentry principles, sticking is probably due to swelling caused by the absorption of moisture frorn tht damp plaster or masonry. Absorption may also take place wheni doors are installed just priorto, long damp or rainy perioda when tht relative humidlty la high and when there is no heat ia tht house. In general, the bouse should be as dry as possible before installing th doors and other interior wood- . 1 rivacy, Jonort Summer cosnfort obtained by leav- ing blindsanad shutteà optn often requires a sacrifice of privacy. This condition may, be-remedied by ini- stallinigshutters or venetain blinda, which can le so regulated that air will pass throug h -thcm freely and at the same time prevent outside -rs from lookmùg into the house during, the daytime and at night wheni the room is lighted.' Shutters may be adjusted to, keep out-rain, snow, and sleet and thereby: mneet the important requirement, of permnitting the entrance of fresh ait duringî a storm w*hen otherwise it would bt necessary to close tht win- dows. Shutters are again gaining in popu- larity seially with thet revival of various, kinds and modifications of REUAL IESTATE LOANS Rave fonds té loua on "<>ce North Shore residential sud hus- ness properties at rmssnabe rate&. lui 6 . Pouug & Co. fI-enibk 74 Tht^ miodtriiatioacredit lah of. the Federal Honing Admnistrttion is mhaking it Possible, for many. home owners to improve their homdes with the many attractive kinds of shutters now available. LOANs We Mr u. mai o louas on rosdmmoos, aa mmb ntsd oSobidns INC. 1 N. La .St,al 1571 ShoeuuaaA»e, Eanom U.aivesity 2600 Refinance your maturing mortgage with 10 15 YEAR LOAN~ Construction bans fo- indievduals building homes for their own occupancy Gret LkesMortgage Corporation 19.. q &j A L.uia a llenu, et.unh