1TES 2vuTs, 60TE -Braun Bros.' is an independent Oil stock, owne.d by. your neghbors. Company.EeyShaeb -Braun Bros. owns al their fuel o1* delivery equipment, oper-, ating more trucks on. the North Shore than a'y thecopay -Braun Bros. have more oh storage. on t4 rt Shore than' any other oïl company five, bulk plants. ...Braun Bros.'guarantee the quality of oïl and>prompt delivery service, -Braun Bros. have recording mnet ers on their delivertuks -Braun Bros. drivers are careful of your shrubbery and'flowers. -Braun Bros. prices are guaranteed:as Iow as, anY COMPettor. 8. T S -Braun Bros. deliver, ail hours, day or night.: Only /2 0Cent P.SSilie A4vaan eoni VuI 011 PvIees Next Season Rf You Contlaet Witm Braun Bron* INOW~ Grade of Oil No. 1 .No. 2 Proent Price 7.3c, Contract Top Price 78c 6!/z 7c Riàht rnow, while you're thinking about it, i. the logicul time to decide on next wiiiter's fuel ouuply. Thousnd, f North Shore residents have found thae a, Braun. ,Brou. *contrset wath "Care-f ree" Service * àoIves their heeting prob- lemns fer nmore comnpleteIy than *ny other aiethêd. MA Y 30, 1935