A if lwer à ss o à ro.curl Donf missfte f.sinaflng demQMfration. CorSetry-LORD'S-Second Ploor L O D'S Fouatobu Sqare AN, 'I thle blrnps, is ready for the ship's arrivai, and part of tbe crew bas been bere for some time., The Reliance is'comling fromh the Goodyear company .beadquarters at Akron, Ohio. This year.only the one b limp will be stationed :at Pal-Waukee. Bothl the Reliance and the Puritan Were here during the> 1933 and 1934 World's.fair summers. Walter- Piper Takes Off on New 'York CityTrip Walter Piper of thle Beardsley and Piper company, foundry. equipmentý manufacturers,, left early last Satur- day morning f romn Pal-Waukee air- Port, where he keeps bis plane, for New York City to spend the week- end. He took several frienids with bim. M r. Piper and bis partner,' E. A. Beardsley, own a Lockhead Vega. Pilot Cornes frorn West to Pick Up a Fairchild A Wasp-powered Fairchild, wbich had been stored at Pal- Waukee air- port. was sold last week to a con- cern wbicb plans to use the. ship for charter service in British Columbia. The sbip is owned by Dr. Blaine Ramsay whose office is located at 35 S. Hcyne avenue, Chicago. Pilot Gordon MiacKenzie camne here from Expected to Open Soon The restaurant at Curtiss airport will open soon, it was announced this week, f or the convenience of visitors to the airport, patrons and the field personnel. Tbis year the restaurant is to be located at the south end of the spacious Curtiss hangar. It will be on tbe second floor, commanding an excellent view of the flying field. wiis Druught ro ral-vvaukee atrport recently by Jerry Wood, is nearing completion. Wood plans to use the ship to carry passengérs at Pal- Waukee this Sunday. The plane for- merly belonged to an air, une. It was: originally licenised to *carry 18 passengers, but is now capable 'of carig28 passengers. Space for- mnerly used for baggage bas been util- ized ý to' make roo M for moPre pas- sengers. Curtiss Sunday Crowds Sec Glider Loop Show Charles Abel, who holds the world's record for glider looping,: has been entertainingSunday crowds at. Curt- iss airport. Looping the,,loop in an, airplane is no longer cons idered, such an unusual feat as'it -once was, but looping in a motor-leis plane, or glider, is stili somewhat of a noveltyý. In tbe Most' reçent exhibitions by Abel lits glidér bas been towed by Art Scbelter's Fleet, with Schelter at the stick. Bill Clow Takçes Job With Braniff Airways Bill Clow, who formerly was the accountant at Curtiss airport, is now with Braiff airways at Dallas, Tex. After leaving urtisa Mr. Clow went to thie Grand Central airport at Glen- dale, Calif.., wbere he was employed about a year. 'lis job with Braniff airways is purchasing agent, He is also in charge* of the air line's main stock room at Dallas. PUies to Freeport to Demonstrate Aeronca C. W. "Slim" Freytag, salesman for' the Chicago Aviation corporation' made a trip froin Curtiss airport to Freeport in a new Acronca last week. The purpose of the trip was to demonstrate the plane for some pros- pective buyers, giSUaPPer was s of gaines and, an even , 1 j &lu , u me su nuiiirc- vaca- tion- She sPent lait' week-eënd in IYosemnite National park.