mI@ by bY leusao« tempioeés. Lib. ,cffl bl I u m , tage tu v " e nI3ebiome aorta et Davis «L, mosdon Tailoring mode md.me Comte ud Suiti B. A. Schro Nov tocmted Witt The rmline Cleane 1150 «Cuotrel Av Wilmtte 3710 der ers T1hese thrre gentlemen hame contributed mach ta tie s teady grotht, bots physically and spiritually, oItis, Firit Congregaioa ch.rch which on Senday and Monday, Inn e 2 and 3, will observe its 60W danniversary. Left ta right: Dr. tehen A. Lloyd, minister for mny.years u&lo more recently has become superintendent of the Congregational. chur-ches in thse state of Michigan; Dr. John G. Hindley, present minister, uho will be in charge of the anniversary ceremonies, and the Rev. William E. McCormack, u*o w ais associated with Dr. Lloyd 'as assistant , miister, and 1* ,sow ,ninister of thse leading Con gregatianal churc in s u Aror. r A biking we oil g0 Cong'ICharch -to Observe Its 6OtIz Bi&rthday Sunday (Continued f romn Page 3) bution to the character and culture of he towss. "It began ini a private home when here were only a few scattered ouses in a forest of elms. For seven JRALPH AND TABBY Twi*light League Gets Under Way; Kinne Officiates The Hoffmann Florists, last season's soft-ball champions, started off the, current season by defeating the Nel- son Laundry team in a close, exciting game at the Village Green Monday night, May 20, ini the opening of the annual soft-baIl leagues sponsored Ym me, rent BRAND NW BIKES for .ulY 25. par Lhu ne for 3Ihou" $ perday SoudWulk 11k. Shopý lm BREEWA1! OAD laI. N-la,$ Land wilette bnauty shop 1M Comwl Am. Vihutt79 iurch was erecteci on iEeventh reet near the large elm which graces e home of Melville Brown. In 1904 lgrirn hall was completed on the >vely triangle given by Mrs. Mary E. ates. The present auditorium was nished in 1909. The lovely Casavant gan was installed in 1917. Since en chimies, windows, interior fur- ishings have ail been added in' what now a marvel of architectural nty, churchiness~ and homelikeness. guild, the lu-ncheôn clùbs,, hall, thse lodges, the circles, out the first bahl. Dick Huck and knoble supplied home runs for the winners while Fred. Heitman, Sou le and George Saxton hit four-beggers for the losing team. The Nelson team looks good and the smooth working florists will have to work bard to- re- tain their laurels. In other games, St. Francis defeated. the East Siders 23-17 and the Beyer. Electrics swamped the lElmwood Neizhbors 34-3 *r..D.---- ilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cleave tnoved rohrn W. to Wilmette from Irving Park on an- H" May 1. The* Cleaves are living at 303 Seventeenàth street.