The Convrtible Sedan wfda top up ... D O'YOU want ail the conifort and snugness of a deluxe sedlan combiued in, the sans. car with the seat providiag am~ple sj>soe for owig l'wm e when you are touring. . . yoi have purw choice.oM genuine leather or Bedford Cord seat cushios ... Equipnient lis deluxe throuighout including twin hotus, twin tail-lights, si trays li botk front anid rercompartments mand a robe rail.. a nb0KY colons you have (ut no extra cost) a wide variety to choos from. And each body color can be set off by wheels ofa contrasding color, if you wish. 435 Mal S tr e e fI km .I * .536 "t 'J f-ýî AUS Main Street