sponsoreci Dy the league, placed on the House calendar. .Governor Horner,-Representative Le- Roy M. Green, Republican' minority leader, anda numîber of other promin- cttn embers of both House and 'Senate attended the convention dinner on Tues- day eveninig. The>j heard Dr. Hermnan Finer of the University of londoni, wbo bas devoted his -life to the study. Of the theory and practi ce of Govern- ment,- analyze the funictions of poli- ticians and civil servants, and point out that both are necessary to. a well- balancezi govenment. If democracy is to witbstand the present wave of dic- tatorships, Dr...Fincr pointed out, it must attract men and women. of bigher quality into the governnient service and protect them -from political interference by -re-infoôrcing and extending the civil service laws -in ail administrative de- partments. Mrs. Frank P. Hixon of Lake For- est was re-eiected presictentof the Illi- nois league for two yearsj. and a num- ber of otber officers and' directors were elected, inctuding some of the best known women in the state. Former Senator Florence Fifer Bobrer of Bloomington was elected as one of theý *vice-presidents, others being Mrs. Al-* fred D. Kohn, Mrs. W. W. Ramsey and Mrs. A. A. Carpenter of Chicago, Mrs. Roger Adamis of Urbana, and Mrs. MLarc A.* Law of Highland Park. Mrs. E. Olney. Herman of Monience *was elected t'réasurer, and Mrs. Syd- ney Stein of Chicago, secretary. In adopting its program of work for the next year, the Illinois league voted to continue its support of permanent registration, of jury- service for womn- en, a bill for which is -now also in the state legisiature,, of. better working con- ditions for women in industry, and .of other heasures wh ich will not only af- fect'the. immediate welfare of women and their children, but wiII also make for better goverfiment and the best in- Fa.... UýsSI.utm Traks Downi Evidence on How Tire Stands Up on.-Cmr IS"G3391 .rs . 11 'brg *ad thse comnple wmlng ator, in m I-Ricited? You bet we me!-ads»owliyou, 5 r'r ýý lu testsa - bas more thaü livd Up t. t.i clais-hasprovd itef b.ttwr tbau we said it was. Stacksa o evidence clinch the. -thatl cots YOU no extra price! as WJLL ROGERS' NEXT Word arrives f rom Cal York, Pho- topley magazine's correspondent, that WilI Rogers will be seen next in the Fox film "Doubting Thomas." Rd, Ave.