w" z Y/a r Our abilfty tla make gicisses. lnconspicuaus, and pleaSý ingly becomning is oneý of lhe reatsons people prefer Aimer coe Service. AmnerCoe &Company OPTICIANs 105,W, WabSà Ave.. '8 F. Jakaoa Bhd. W18 ..LaSti. st 184à vbwo v.Eoa~ Photo by Mathew Francli WimetesTwilight Sofi Balil leagues, sponsored b y the Recreation board,,got untder wvay Monda y of this toeek. w'ithl ceremony when Village, Presi*,ut Harv C. K inne tossed-,the firet bail. Ready to sock the, ilrst patch is Véllag Tritstee, lûmes Hoffuiaiî. uhile the receiver, ni case Mir. H9ffitati misses, it Bernùrd S. Black. LUNCHEON HOSTESS Miss Virginia Beit, 202ý Abingdon, avenue, Kenilworth. will behots at luncheon Friday to ber bridge club. ICool -Comfortable BLINDA n - 134 NorthI leihlgttnAve. Opp. Drake Hotel Del. 4477 GOWNS - WIRÂ1S SUITS and TAILORFED DRESSES SPOILT FROCKS Tafloreil to Neasure Noio Shoso#&g La test 5f odes GANT* f y~f -j GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS -eTypes of Mankind" at 3 P. m. on MALLINCKRODT I Monday, May 27,, will be the subject .N E W SI of tbe-first of next week's guide-lecture . tours -for the general public at Field Museum of Natural Historv. On other (ahlcHigh School for Girls days, at the sanie bour subjects. wiIl bc: ini Wilplate> T't'esday, "Botaiiy Exhibits"; Wednes- Fiàpreparations are being made day, "Mu§icaI Instruments," and Fri- by the Mallinckrodt Mothers' club day, "Animal Ecology." Thèse tours, for the annual May Social Mwhich will are open to aIl museumn visitors, and no> be held at the North Shore hiotel charge is made for tbem. Parties as- Fniday, May 24. While their eiders semble inside the nortli entrance. There will bé attracted. to the card playing will bc no tour on Thursday. May 30. groups, the younger folks wilI spend on account of the Memorial Day holi- the evening dancing, iii the adjoining day. However, the museum *wilI be baliroom. Beautiful and unique prizes, open to visitors that day during the wiIl be offered. usual hours f rom 9 to 6 o*clock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett and daiighter, Edith, motored to Idi- ania to spend the week-end, Mr. Gil1- lett going to Indianapolis, and *Mrs. Gillett and Edith ta Turkéy Run. OUR NEW FUR VAULT STORAGE AT REASONABLE RATES EVANSTON FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Uni. 0"1 WiL 4914 jThe special offer of the Baltimnore and Ohio. railroad to those wh o wish- ed to join the four-day student tour to Washington, was accepted by Clemence Bisson and Lois Schabeck, both seniors of, Mallinckrodt. They, together with more than one bundred students from Chicagoland's Cath- olic schools, left Chicago on the afternoon of May 5 and returtied the following Thursday. The sighlt-see-' ilg tour included such places as the Senate and the House, the. Naval station, the National shrine, and num- erous places of bistoric interest. I 49 Sectimn-Scogd Fk, DS Fouat pin Square. Bah. Shop- ýt FLoot p =7_7 L- ýiq