retain their 'lead over the. Slcers. to clincb the championship. The Hfook- ers' took third Place. On june 5 at a banquet at the club theprizes for higb tçams and indivldi- uals wil be presented., The seaso'a highgame scores fol1low: -Higb, team, three games-Slicers, 2822; second bigh team, three games -Hooeri 2801;- high single game teain-SymiSt es, 1042; second high sin-. gle. game. team-ýBogeys, 1035; hîgb individual, three gaMs-P. Ratnsey, 601; second higb individual, three games-C. Packham, 589;- high single, game-J, Vail, ,245;seconhihsgl game-D. Wiley, 240. *Final team standings: Dormies........565 29 2 32 mookers ...... ..49 35 haads..... 4638 Bogey@ .......... 41 43 .......398 48 Stymnies .... 28 56 Captain O.Fryckmuan C. H: Reeves Hf. Ziji! N. Ïtettlewell I&. Gooder . Li ndemn W. Loper SPORTSMAN LEAGUE The Sportsman Bowling league fin- ishedý its regular schedule of games last week. A tie for first place be- tween Bleser's and Krier's buffet was broken, when, in the roll-off, Bleser's toôk two out of three from Krier's. Each of these teains had finished the season mith a total of 63 victories and 42 defeats. Harris Budweiser :teami was tl4ird1 with 58 victories and 47 dec- Individual honors for the season went to William Teichert, His aven,- age was 191. Only a point behind Teichert was Phil Bleser. High game and high senies, 269 and. 671 respect ively,. were bowled by Ed Bleser. The Wilmette Talors had the high team score for a single gaine, 1052. The high team score for a three-game series was chalked up by Bleser's, cupy june 1. joan Guthridge, daughten R and Mns. Guthridge, 917 Gn< avenuÇ, who attends Denison stspent the week-end visit family. .her Women V ujers and can be securea f rwr Mrs. S. M. Singleton, Publica- bon cliairman of the Wilmette league. The administrative, services ini the United -States carinot be characterized as having a sound menit systein. Ac- cording t4 M~iss Frederic's figures 8 per ýcent of the county, toWnship, and district goveruments are flot under a menit system. The other units. of governînent are, somewbat better: 77 per cent of the federal.enployecs, 8per cent of the state employees, adp 59 per cent of'the -municipal em- ployees are working, under civil. serv- ice standards. From June 30, 1933, to June 30, 1934, over 90,000 of. the positions, which were added to gov- ernment administrations,ý did not re- quire, competitive examinations. .This makes itharder for the administrative employer to resist pressure from the pùliticiàn eager for patronage. In order to combat this increase of patronage, the League of Women Voters is agitating for the installa- tion of a menit system in ail levels of governulelt. . At the convention of the Illinois League of Women Voters, which was held in Springfield, May 13-15, Dr. Herman Finer of the London School of Ecogomics. spoke on "Better Gov- hearing. the ways in wnîcn orner countries have handled the evils, of patronage, clearer insight was gained into the methods which the'United States can use to ensune good ad- ministrationi. Furthermore, by dis- cussing the English accomplishmnts, Dr. -Finer showed the extent to which civil service can be used and the benefits therefrom. 0 3 u. a .... W- - For Quiek 1olverr Phne Enteprie 1212 F« HRoaiSales C.uÎPa7 v straight t'o the'h eaàr to!fy oar.sho>.p ping >roblem thrOugh tMe messages -o! Our. Advertisers ADVERkTISZR Ae N-otor Sales-...CoTer MI Aaska Ptairad................ 87 Athlins * urbr'ew, lue......1 Baliey, Ime............... _4 Barber, Geidmisu, Lubln ....48 Bernie Studio................3Si Bisou Pharmaty ....... ...... 9 Bieoîn-INall Dregs She>..... BlUIS ................ ......1 Bonem, The Tallor.........î. 14 Book 11ook ...............4 Boulevard Drug Store...., 16 Braunt Byor. 011 Co... 21, Ce-ver IV Camp Owakouue............. 29 Canadinu lie Ey.........41 Canadian FaileSteaîuslip. .. .37 Ouyr.L*en Beau!ty sajou ..>.... 8 Clanler's -. ..... . .... 42 Elîlmney's Grill ... ....41 Cee, Abner & Co........... 14,2 Community Titeatre......... &2 Co-Op, The ............42:! PeNeida Beauty Salon .....10, Enyart, Vau Camp Feu . 44 Rrickson, Ben ....... Estber Beauty Shop 10. i Evanstea Fireproof Wareouse .12 Evansten IIasb Co. ...........1le RvèrettVs Re srt... ........ 28 Nahoganela .. ............... 4 Marsaolield & C. . . ....118 XestJian Bres......,.....12 Murlue Coe. ............S Murplay.Xles 1O Ce....... PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE Ne*, Trier Servie Station ...l North Bid1e Oleaners à Byes...48 011 Weil,4The .... .... Okeau, 1M. B. Futrers, e...9 pagliarule, B ...............O4,14 Pape, Lee J. ... ..........44 Pamflng, B. 0. J% Ce ..... 44 Peaeerk Aie.... ............ 88 Pèearek Ice Cream........... 8 Peunsylvaula 011 Coe ......... 14 Persoual Finance Ce ........-4 Plan fletel ...... ....... Pool h Piper ......... Powell, Pearlie......... »...3 Psyclîlaaa,lue . ..., ...... 1 Publie Sprvie Co.... ....... 49 Qulisu& Tyson .............-44 Ray. Eugene L ....... ....... 81 Ileuueckar Brug Ce ......... 6,9 Renscb Warel'euse ...........57 Ridge Avenue Pharuaey ....... 9 Bosberg. JohnuT............ .-I Sehiloesser's ................. 7 Schreeuler, E. A...........I Sett, Win. I H......... Cover IV Shore Lin@ Noters, lue....... 46 .'nlder-CaseI flreg Co ........S9 Snyder, C. C. lue. . .......18 Spauliug-Gorhaiaî........... u$1 --q jo..m qu vs 7keate .......... su ).B.liae . 3...... eriot .......... ... .. . .. . .