Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 May 1935, p. 50

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""D1.DN'T STOP WORK HMDACHI WENTf SO QWICKLY" In her àddress four institutions Miss Conw.ay listed. as cotuprising our Kuthý WanckboOfer; motner, ý,ir]eY Rzingbolni;,Crannie, Ann Sabin; Mary, I'atsy Peterson; Joan, Josephine Shoe- maker f orget-ine-not, Barbara- Peter- sonI; voilets, Doris. McKeighan *and Violet Ward ; trees, Marilyn Welles and Doris Symons. Ice creani and Cook- ies were served by the Brownies, ýWbo clied with "White. Coral Bells" and the hope that their niothers were half as p leased as they were with a happy afternoon.-mTwany Owl. Troo> 4 Birthday Stirs Cariossty -of Girl Scouts Last 'week at Troop 4. we had j ust loads of, fun. At the saine time we weère working, bard. at passing tests. Some girls passed, their. observation, wbile others 'worked, on nature', code,1 or sonxetbing else. But'there w as on e per- vading migchief. Ail the girls -were dig- glhg anld dtlving to find out what was going to happen at the troop birtbday *fext week. JPity the poor patrol leaders .who were just peppered with questions. But the patrol leaders bad evidently locked up and, thrown away the key because tbey wouldn't say. a word, but just looked inysterious. ýWe shall sec in next week's issue what will happen, and I've got a hunch things will be pop- i.ping.-Mary Jane McCue, scribe. uEwerybody oad Ais brother phoned me this alternoon.i thoughs F4 go mad. Tlaen my head bqgan te ache. Boy, how it throbbed! Ym hnow-right above the eyes. Ordinarily 1 just give up when ont cf tlose kits me but that new secretay ot mine is right on thae job. SU. pulied a box o>f Bmm eut cf her purise and brouglt me a glas. of ,etr. 1 <idn't even stop werk my headache went ise quwcldy." JCity............. ....... Statu ......... brougnt about, for the most partI, Dy goodwill betweenthe countries of the world. There are Girl Scouts in thirty-, eight countries, and the Girl Scout organization, therefore, believes that its> meimbers will contribute greatly.toward the peace of the world. Another highlight of the evé'nitng was Mrs. W. N. Sutherland's announce- ment that 2,240 cookies had been sold ýand that nearly one-third of that nuhn- Please cal Mrs. J. E. Stark, Wilmette 870, for appointments on the following badge tests: musi-' cian, motorist, swimmer and. life saver, home-maker, photogràpher, journalist, and electrician. with a gaine which was a lot of fun. Some of the members of our troop wbo wished to pass their table, setting and hostess requirements went 'over to the Methodist cburch to belp arrange tables for the annuaL banquet which was being held there that evening. Meanwhile the rest. of the troop worked o n intèrest groups. We then. ended our -meeting with a song and "taps."- Dorothea Hartwig, scribe. I ieein A uxaiir,, May 20, for New York, -where Mr. Smith is going on business. They willi visit Lawrenceville before returning home. .Mrs., Victor B. Scott, ,825 Forest aVenue, was'lunicheoni hostess t e bridge ýclub lait, Friday- Miss, Alice Coeway, community organiser front the National Girl Sc'out ob#ce, was thse speaker at thte Annuol Parents* Dinner which Girl Scouts gave last week in thte Wilmiette Parish M etho di it pis- copal chnrch. Approxitnately 155 parents twere served by as many Girl Scouts.

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