to Be Progrem for Oeg09ihg PrOsWOnf AA* a..The oficers and directors of, the Mvembershun Tee Kentucky Society of Evanston and the north shore are honoring Mrs. On Monday,. May- 20,, at 2 Charles Anderson Cohuesnil, retiring 'clock, the North Shore Friends. president,, witha luncho audy of Cicao Jniorschol ilîMay 1I& at the homüe oi Urs.Preston of Citag junor shoolwillH. Williams, Sr., 1207. Michigan ave- hold their regular membership nue, Eanston. 'Thsoitlasbe meeting at the home - of Mrs. very- successful under the leadership Agnes A. Gundlach, 239 ForetfiMr.Colmesnil ,and. was able to avneWinn étka. finance an additional, scholarship, aeue cmlto fbs making a total of five at the Hindmau Aite th copleionof usiess,. Settlement school in the mountains by arrangement.of the program com- f entu .Te .extra s cholarship Naath" xcrps ru Mary a i was made possible in part by the suc-. Nazaeth byMar Borenwil becess of the'saciety's :recent sponhor- théýbtehe iplct and Mcharm a hse ng ai "Clive of India" st an Evangton thesimficty ,an chrm f wosetheater.. Due to, the succese of the readings is well known. Mary Bor- Evanston venture it was al so able ta den,, former Chicagoan, sister ofsedagtai$0tthsuet n John Borden,, the explorer, and now iund atof$5h tb etu Federa- t h wifel andg hgeea,~ tion ai Women's Clubs, ai whicil the a muh tairledandgiited sophis- Kentucky Society ai Evanstan and ticae a Chcag's ladig scia the North Shore is a miember. and literary circles during her visits ta ussa h ucenwl here. Ini 4MaÉy bi NàÈareth" she bas bOthe frmerestittte hts, eon 1Wil profited front her early deeply re- lamlenePoreprsden, Ms- ligious training, and gives a most Rob lenssend Mrs. acKeCon-e sîncere, realistic, and understanding RneMs adms. Knanceeon- picture of the times, and ai the power nr r.JmsA îg nhnr oi the universal truths voiced by ary member wbo is visiting on theý Jesus. Mary Borden has also wiit- north shore, and Mrs. Lawrence W. ten "Plamingo" and the title ai her 'Embry, former vice-president, and book Îust pubiished is "Jesus." an hanarary member who bas return- The service cammittee has pre- eci ta Evanston aiter five years in pared some needed sewing ta be New jersey.V donc for the schaal st this meeting. crîça Bear Mrn. ft.IÂ.. arOeu W. nrewer, Mrs. fred- Announcenient is made by1 the R. f.- Heulcel, Marion Lindon cliffe Club ai Chicago and vic in Mrs. James H. Ferry, Mr&. that the Regional àcholarship offei [yman' ail of, Winnetka, and by Radcliffe college sud the Chica dward A. Brion, Mrs. Amne club bas been awarded ta Geaij Lno,. and Mrs. Wallace Gill Dupe ai Chicago. The scholarsh :o. .awarded for outstanding ability character, is ane af the twelve giv to girls in twelve different regions ~ *~ * the country.. It carrnes ful uiti rresident &,ft Rà .. .-LL CL~-- '- . E . e u. lse iit- Photo bYI<aufmann Fabry Helen Hedges (Mrs. Herbert Stoetzel of Glencoe), possessor of ae beautiful lyric-coloratura voice is opte of the four soloistsin t he spriti.g garde»t concert May 22. jin the *Great hall of the Pirst Met ist j Episcopcl church, fEvanston. Is af Home on May- 10 The Wilmette Garden club was at home ta its meinbers and guests an Friday evening, May, 10, in'thé Sun- day school room af the Baptist U-church. The president, Mrs. F. J., ruty Scheidenhehu, in a pleasant an.d cor- red dial way welcomed aIl present, and ýago turned the meeting over ta. Mrs. W. gia A. Kendrick, chairman ai the pro- hip, gram. Mrs. Hazel Crow Ewell ai and Ravinia, ane ai aur well known north yen shore artists, was introduced and of descrjbed graphically a trip she had ion taken ta Mexico, and had some of u-siern C. .E î - ig. L-uvxApen5g meiccng at eof lirs. H. G. Taylor, 541 'th avenue, Kenilworth, this i st 2 a'clack.. Mrs. William ýld is in charge of thie meet- Wed Paul Ifi. Foy Saturday, June8 Miss Gladys Elizabeth Delang, daughter, of Mrs. TheodoreO0 Delang of: 1501 Forest. aveMue,. bas chosen Saturday. june 8, as the date of ber marriage to Paul H. Foy, 's>on: of Mr. ý and Mrs. Arphaxad Foy- of 139, Lin den1 ave- nue. The Revý.-John G. id wil 'read thet service at 8 o'clock at tbe First' Congregatio nal vburc of ilette. A recep- tion at the Georgian botel foi.- lows. Miss Delang has chasen Miss Marie Skag as,' maid ai hanor, and, the bridegroom's' sister, Miss Ruth "Foy,, end Miss DorOthY1Cýlundr-as brides- miaids,. M etz Collins of Dëtroit "iI serve as bcst man and Donald Darr, Luther Taylor of Detrait, Laurence Davis ai Chicago, and the bride's brother, Arthur Delang, will usher. After a honeymoon of two weeks,- the yaung couple will, occupy the home ai the bridegroom's parents in Wilniette while the latter are away, on a sulnmer vacation. Miss Delang bas been guest of honor at a number ai showers, teas, and bridge parties. On'May 7, Mrs. Donald Ransburg ai Wilmette enter- tained, st a latchen shôwer and tea. Th e evening of the saine day Miss Skog was hostess at 'a miscellaneous shawer. On the evening ai May 15, Miss Kunuder will give a lingerie shower. May 20, Mrs. jack Hood oi Glencoe and Miss 'Esther Kriebel of Winnetlca will have a hosiery and handkerchiefi shower and evening bridge at the home ai Mrs. Haad. A. surprise shower and evening party takes place May 22, with Miss Kath- ryn Mahan ai Evanston the hostess. Two other parties will be given May 28 andj 29 . Visser Club Program The North Shore Vassar club is meeting Monday at the home ai Mrs. Frederick Biggs, 345 South Lin-. den' avenue,. Highland Park, with lirs. Edwin Gilroy, ca-hostess. "Trees" is-the subject upon which lirs. Clayr MiBird*will spealc.