S. J. Duncan- Clahe of Wilmtttt will bt the $Peaker'g igtht Od- drexi ntthe annuel honecoming of the boys of thé Winter camp 'et Arden Shore Swnday,- May 19,. et 3 o'Clock.* Tee v*Ilbe served after tht program- to ail friend of Ardest Short umho willbe uwelcomd ai he: camp. that ay Invite Publicel'o View N. U. Art Show at Tea, The annual exhibition of work of art students ai Northwestern univer- sity wilI be held at the Art studio, 1881 Sheridan road, Evanston, Mon-1 day, May .20. Tea wilI be served from 3 until 5. The exhibit, and tea, are usea for the erection of a cathcdral to take the place of that of St. Peter and' St.. Paul, which was burned doôwn about fifteen years1 ago. Goodwin Roberts of St. Mary'* at Park Ridge is the chairman of thei baIl., President -of the association is Leigh H., Hunt. SJoc Sanders and Art Kassel's ore. chestras. wiIl furnish the. music. Tickets may be had y calliug Miss Barbara Croe, of y 3 a legod Kenilwortb. Giving Dinner ___ if M. and Mr s. Thompson Wakely, ton and Chicago'friends at dinner and various gapies Saturday. tFENCH LUCK The Home of Pluto Woter *Enjoy -10M0 males of, cruîsing. cown the. sholtered St. Law- ramce Seatwey. Thon, a quick dash msers. Compare Iaps, tor foldors, rates. Fast- direct connections with saiiv*s et, Montreal (Duwuss asd Mmert hipe) ... et Quobos (Ru- >ress ,1 Dritaio4 Empreas of AusuirdLa). See ,eur eus ug«I eor K. A. <Cook, *amip GemmrAl gmnt, 71 E. 'heén filvd, Chicago, 111. Phone: Wabash 190. Attend King'm Silver jubilee celebrating 25th aahlverm" o f ti he eansi ofKing George V. Ask about AII-Eqasaso persoually 4Indai -id Tours. under the direction. of Prof. Anna Rutt, and drawing, painting, and de- sign . under the direction of Clara1 MacGowan, assistant professor of art. One of the interesting features of the afternoon will be the display of plates from the n ew book the stu- dents of design are making, which, in linoleum block prints. is the "Social Histrnv of Chicagô," .a campanion be bCId ini London, JUjI guest for' tea lait ,Fri at the home of Mrs. F, 1er-, 3Ù1 Sheridan roadl,. ,-,pring aw.ityou c now lec- ~IbWU gfor the. Faiths, to'TiE 06, was a SPRINGS HOT!I JL kSchaed- ~".us 01*R~ mette. T. DP TAGGART, Prosident 333 NORTH M'