mer there will b. short taiks by WirtI Wrlgt o, Uvanston, 4. V. Norcrosu of liband Park, aMd 'Eobert toldrd LOf Wlinette. Tere vi1ib. no soUlcitatof of fund&. Tckets.for the dinner muet be purchaelbeforeband l ether, at the churých office or, from m tembers of, thé vestry or from mnembere of the Womenws guil. ~. meeting of s.ome twenty mnen of thé parlsh vas beld -in tihe ,church offices last Ounday evening to plan St. AugUstne'u part in the diocesan Centenary celebra- dion. A further meeting vas beld Tues- daY e ening at the résidence of J. C. A number of St. Auguetine's people at- tended the i. lly of the north afhore ICPIB- copal church achools last. Sunday after- itoon at St. Mrk'. Rvanstofl. St. Auguatinlfl'.Chrc9 Sool choir of mre thirty girls. supervisl by Miss Mary Mickey ana Mrs. C. M.&*Puhlmman, tok Part, vestel, Ini the Procession. - sç.L. IEUav "ili of Eisconal &uguatiiic'8 are arnong the Pat this diooesati event. A delegatiot' of men' frosnBt tine's wIll attend a CefltefSrY tion meeting for the. parli3hes North Shore deanery at 8i P. m., at Trinity church, IH Fner t w ga1*oiôfl c» f Blbolp r'q4 AT» TUE UDIN'EVAýNSTON* GABÀAR DI MES I Collector Hal Reports on Tax Status'Locally: According to the latest information:I received,' Township. Coiector Sanborn Hale states, only 45.02 per centt of ihe 1933 real estate taxes in ail of. Cook cm,.1, had hm,i i.aid ut> to Apr il 20. I AuL iidd:d te Our, Great Stock. 01 Suit s at, $35 .W. have- just replenished our stocks depleted by tii Easter and early Spring, business. ,W. issu here a cordial i'nitation to yoti to sSete .ncw arrmais.>I addi- tion to the. very popular gabur- each montb followng. Mrs. Lester Mee viii be hostess al ,ncheofl to her bridge club Friday, May 2,at ber.home, .1227 Cbestnui avenue. HENIRY C. LYTTON &SOUS Orràogon and CIwrch-EVANSTON