Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 May 1935, p. 16

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~e I Corne to the Fyiendly Church where eksI The. WaY la Made Plain. àteunbers and blons are Ïaske tinvite ýther trienis alongt th. north eshore 'Who wSlduli k. to hear hlm preack. Bishop ~ughs wll b épW p gretbis many The. music for Suniay morning will be s ollowS: Cru <1*i:1-? .....Widor Ni.. .arie Bniel I»trot: "@%>MT 1¶y Bunien UPOn the Nen eson Off.tory authiemn: "lesThon tbe. ................l".......a" Wtdorf Ths Suniay afternoen, Nar 19, a mass Meeting, te climax the national sessione the Board cf Bishopsp, wll 'b. Ieud at the. Chicago temple at 8 'clock. lh, religions, eaucational social and ineilcal Institutions of Chicago Netho- dis» wJil ha rewreeentoi, Mes IWaie Bret ofoun own staff; wiliIb. the ergan- Jet for thii services. *veryone lu cor- dia,1I7 Invited te attend tht. mass meet- ýh« Church sehool meets each Sunia>' mornng at 9 :30 o'clock. lirere*ar glas»«. for ail ages, from the nurme't0 Xbé.adult department. New enrolîmes *ir mai. eaoh week. The. Woman's WHome Nissienany soel- MtY inmeeting Ioday <Ilrursiay) at 2 'clock at the. home of Mrs. FL G. Taylor, 641 Kenlworth avenue. Annual mite- bxopenlig meeting Nrs. Daniei Btecker willgÈve a fowtacto about 81Wbere Our Hm Mssitnar o X& Wadort. roastnasten: Tbomaa IL Veut. presiint etftth. Social union. ,.Choir rehearsal will b. held thii eve- Innif<( rudiy) at 8o'clock ln the Jun- 1r reoin, under the. direction et Ni»s Me e l. Ail members etftthe choir ar ake teb.Preet and.,on tUme. w IuhIika. The £'UUrti divisiniWu Ie luncheen guesta. FiriPresbyterian Ninth. street- at Greenleaf avenue James T.,Venekla»e minister At the worship servie at il o'clock, the minister will p-ea, the sermon on the, 1theme -"#An Impetuous Frieni cf Jesus." 'W'. Cordially invite yon to vor- ship with Un. The Junior church which lae held durlng the worsip service cares for the chl- dren« se that. the parents may be 'free tomrship. The musical progfram for thewrsp service will be as foliows: pe sie *Arabesque" (19 major), euay anthemi, -Tbe. King Of Lov-' Selley; anthein, "ilven Ne IlWarren; postluie, U rcIConta. Ilrhe musie làu unie? thedircton fMies BEna Jiunds. Our Suia? Bible hoOl1a110101 Kt 9 :30 o'clock for ail depgrtments, unier the generai direction of Ralph a Rice. The. Adult Bible clam, under the leai- ership ef the paster, le studyn 'The Life and LAtters of Pu. e Invite you to Jein us. The Pester'. clan for those who wluh te Join the church la meeting at 9:301 oclock. The, IPïgw m et- te4i~irh mi'hanl At or midweek. service Wednesday evening at 8 o'cleclc, the subject for stuiyr and discussion wyul be, "TheII.irst Non- archy-A Rival King." 'W. Invite yen te spend this heur of devotion with un. The choir will reheanse Fnidayeven.ing at the church. Girl Scout Troep No. r, wlu Meet fSut- urday atternoon nt the church. St. .ohn's Latherans Wilmette and Park avenues J. H-I. Gockel, pastor SERVICE& 9:15 a. m-is service. 9:30 a. mn.--Sunday achool and Bible il a. m.--Second service. ]KEETINGS Social. meeting of Junior Walther league friday, 8 P. m. Sunâay sçhool teachers, Tues"&Y, 8 p. nt Martha Guild,, for girlsi employed ln North Shore homes, next Thursiay, "BOrotherly Admonition" il 1* the. subJect of next Sunday's sermon, based on Matthe* 18:15-18. What ia your duty "if thy brother shall trespsa againot three?", A sermon on a ver>' practical phase ot Christian lhf.. The. Chiiireas cirèle of the. Ladies' Aid is sponsoring a Kethers' and Daugh- tera' banquet this evening at 6:80 o'clCtcY. The tung Mtiies çi*'le wIfl c!Mlct a rummage sale next Thuraiay ip@tiing and aternoon at 1217 Wilmette avenue. 1%eose having contributions -for this sale will please notif>' cither MrsSlohn Me- Lean or Nrs. H. A. Morrison. On Sunday. Nay 26, the new stainei glass chancel wlniow will be dedicated te the memory of our former Isastor. the late Rev, Herman W. Meyer. Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert U~ Willett, minister A corial InIDvition la 15 UeLUIIUUU. those net attending church elsewhere te corne and worship wlth us., This le a union church. lis membership Includees people fropi varlous denomina.tions. It preclaime the essential truths et the Christian faith. It desires te provide, for the communlty the service ef vor- ship, religieus education and social fe1- lewuhip. The Sunday séoeol will meet at 9:-45. There are classes for children between the ages of kindergarten and the bigh scoel. Visitons are welcexpe. Sunday, June 9, the Church' ochool wilî celebrate In the annuai Children's day union service. The Junior Caimp IPire Girs meet Sün- day at 3 p., m. Scout troop No. 1 meeta Tuesday at 7:30 pë ., "eI Brownien (Junior Girl Scouts) meet Wednesday at 8:30 P. m. Scout troop No. 2 meets Wednesday at, 7:30 P. m..' Girls, choir rehearsal Thursday at 3:30 P. M. Boys, choir rehgarsal Thursday 'at 4 P. mn. Senior, choir. rehearsal Thursday at 7:15 P. m. Cub Pack. 63 meéets Saturday at 9:30 a. mn. Girls, choir rehearsal Saturday et 10:30 a. M. Boys' choir rehearsal on Saturday at Ba>tist Churck WlImette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allen, pastor Thie twenty-second annual meeting of thi, curcih as held lent ulgbt, Wedu.s- day, May l.A large oinpany partiel- pated ln Uthe banquet served under the. direction of Mrm. G. D. Conîce. Congre- gational singing of oid-fashioned hymne and songe followed, after whlch Mottera- tor George B. Williams called the meet- Ing to erier for the. transaction of busi- ness. The treasurer reported ail bille pald and a substantial reduction of mortgage Indebtedness during the ,year. Nimsionary gift of $2,600 were aleo. offrei by the members, Including the. salary of Mi s Emnma. Brodbeck, Ya- Chow West China. AIl departments ef the chrurch repcorteci nterest and prog-, At the close ot the business, session, Mrs. George N. Lamb read Maxwell Anderson'. *'Valley Forge," to the de-, light of aIl present. On Sunday menniing, the Couples 'clama resurnes the study of the Christan home, which has arousci. keen Interest. The special topie lu "The. InformaI Re- sources In the Home."- in the. church service Dr. George D. *.Allgon continues the messages based on the story of Sam-. uel wlth the. theine, "The Minister's Influence with Youth.", inel oftheii Spiy vpngat 5: The Luther leaguewill meet neit Sun- day evening a 6:6 oclok. l i a Upulon uo, or yung .. 9 ng pmople are invlt.i te e0>o0Ythem .P*an tuesumUILI é hurch. Sunday Jubilee commiunic ngwershp. M, teanuiversary one~ wAii MDe IWeUULtg tanniversary of the, lune, 2 ýwlll be the àiconcîuding the mern- niay, lune 3., viii b. lmuer i winths mem- egatee te ark, J. D. ýn, Nrs-. 0WUm. rnittee-Barl Cari- [elet, N.s. C. IEL Mfr& H. N. Kerr, ýnifred Dingle. go ascainC a, BRey. George 1D. Davissen, W. C.

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