fCotion u W'imett JOHN T. .ROSBERG tao Péri Avenue Ph... WII..tt.25" a dele August ion ýof cighteen f rôm -Mrs. Gilmore Haynie and son, Ken- neth, of 1Evanisville, Ind., were week- end guësts of Dr. and Mrs. John Huzum of :745 Michigan avenue. B.o.ty Sh@p 1213 Wilm.t eAvenu. phnoWilmett. US Of cil Spring imolwSuifs, Coats, Dresses, You win when you'buy one of these smart garments which poor weather forces' us to oeil at new Gr..fly Reduced Puies UNIQUE STYLE' SHOP Central Avenue Phone Wihpette 24W3 More Room Tho'n la. Ay.Other Car IVANSTON NASH-LAFAYETTE COMP'ANY. B. K. VOGEDIXO, Pre.. 1735 Dons.. Ave., 14 BUrs. No. Davs "L" StationI Iust Norti t fField'@ Parkliau Lot M"s. william, B. Tind Phoat' aging. dire ctor of- the Cradie, nationally knov.v adéption >center, is one of th im>v distinguished * itdges u'ho have been comsissioned by three P.vonston photogra phe,'s to ehoose thse five mowst beauitiful babies aiad smoall childreit on the north 'shore. Details of thse con test app,ëar okn another Page of this rtssue. Phillip V. Schneider Is Returned to Police Force Phillip V. Schneider was reinstated as a police oficer by a resolutiow adopted by the 'Village board Tues- Auagust- l, sY»J, Mr. zSchneider was, granted. a leave of absence for ont P ea',wth the understanding that if e h desired to resume bis duties he. was to submit to a physical examina- tion to establish fitness., OfficiaIs contended that. he was also to take a mental examination, but this was denied, and on that point the cc6n- troversy hinged. Finally Mr. Schneid- er consented, to take the mental ex- amination. in which. according to of- LARGE SIZI FROSTICS ...... 5 Borden's delicious ice cream with a thick chocolate coating - on a stick. (GET A FREE STICK)ý ..OULEVARD DRUG:STORE: 4 t th simd Central Phone.VwImette 098 injI uneI1. The Phi Kappa Psi is one of the old fraternities on the Northwestern campus and maintains a high stand- ard both in scholarship and in ath- letics. Last fall it had three members of the fraternity on the. first string varsity foo tball team; they were,*Fred Lind, quarterback, Bill Henderson, end, and AI Uind, center., In addition to this a number of other Phi Psis were outstanding, in other sports. Among themn was Chip Taylor, a mem- ber of the polo t.eamf, Big Ten'chaml- ipions. The Phi Psiýs' la d a special Mtother's Day Dinner Sunday, May 12, attend- e,,d by many of'the mothers,- dads, sis- ters, and brothers. After a very fine dinner, many pictures were tak-en 'of the various grou ps. Onet inetcsting picture was that, of a group of dads who had made football histoi y long years ago. AI- Linid, the son of Col. and Mrs.. Érederick A. Lind, 1336 Washington avenue, also bas been elected to the Deru Society, one of.the highest hion- ors that can be conferred upon a Northwestern man. Fred Lind, the present treasurer, was elected to this Society hast year and it is probable that this is the first time two brothers attending the University at the same. time hiave both had this honor con- ferred upon them. AI Lind is also taking a leading part in the movie that is being made at Northwestern, entitled "Mfurder by Proxy," in which lie appears as the football 'captain. Luincheon Hostesses to Kenilworth Wl-faoe Tht Kenilworth center of'Chicago, Infant Welfare socjety held its sew- ing meeting and luncheon Tuesday, ini the guild room of Kenilworth UJnion'ý church.* Hostesses at lunch eon were: Mrs. Harold Lawn, Mi ss' Elizabeth Bear, Mrs. Barry Beck, and Ms Harry Stone. After luncheon thé young women were busy plying their needies, making attractvepina.andi Corne in and ask about it to- day. WINNETKA BUILDING &LOAN ASSIN 716 Elm St. Winnetka 1126 I