Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1935, p. 62

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For the first time in* several years, the. Howard school eighth grade pupils are goig to -have a poetry contest. Teamns of four r five pupils '*111 read their poems for the assem- bly program on May 10. Most eighth graders .bave .been w*orking *hard to find a poemi, and then to read it in front of the -class. Miss Davis, our li terature teacher,. .44ves'us criticisms -and helps. A weeký bei are thé contes t,,the rooms, with Miss Davis' .help, 1voted ,for, the, people to be on the Toom's teamis. ;Therefore we shalh have aà most- teresting.assembly prograni this Fri- day.--Rose Mary McKeighan, IIow- ard 8A. games in each class. Dick Moreau, *as thé undefeated champion. Robent DeVinny wo1sc ond place. No recognition Ovas ac- corded third place. In theconsolation class', Ed. Benson won.-Ed.. Benson, Howard 8A. Minnesota Ties Chicago for *Basebil Supremacy Thursday, Chicago, intramiural base- baIl team, at Howard playe against, Minnesota, Minnesota defeating Chi- Priscîlla Morrorv New School Lîbrarian. Here Miss Pnîscilla Mornow f rom the state ,of Dakota, a graduate of the Univer- Isity of Illinois Library schooI, arrived in Wilmette Tuesday to assume ber duties ini the school library. Mis Morrow will alternate with Miss Gayton at botli Howard and Stolp schools, taking Miss Loag's prograin titis year after whicli she will beas signed toý one of the school libraries in September.ba cago and tying for the championsbip. Miss Loag a been iii in the St. Both teams won four gaines and lost Francis hospital and wil l ot be able one. It was a veny exciting gaine. The, to return this year.-Marilyn Stube, teams mnay play a deciding game to $tolp school. deterrine who is the real cbamnpio.- of basebali after school. AUl the boys- were prepared to. play the, day before. Friday morning came around and it wasrainiing. TIhis wasn't. the first ýtime their games we.re called off, but hav- ing their last gaines called off was a little bit too much. _' Charles Kolb, Stolp IC. Senior Assembly Hears, New Trier.s, Orchestra. Fridayi Apnil 19, theý senior assezn-, bly of Howard school was entertained by the New Trier orchestra under*the idirection' of Mrsý. Cotton_. The or- chestra played the first and second movements, of Mendelssohn's "Italian Symphony" and "ýValse, Triste" býY Sibelius. The concert was very good> and added to our enjoyment and lknowlédge of music.-Uick 'Cochran, Howard 7C. Pupils Spy Birds, Then Write Illustrated Stories In science the pupils can take a slip* with aIl the birds' nanies on it and if they spend at least an heur looking for these birds, then write a bird story that is illustrated, they get thrir naines on, a big chart. I have OCeA4l85. Ilir ca*l. Say$ Smm aCnt Valuéis "'Aside from the known fact that signis depreciate property values and materially cheapen. mny community when used to the excess that is pre- valent bere, -the psycbological reaction to any. sign is contrary to its intent. It implies distress. and places the e m- phasis on price alone, rathér than value. 1-f you want to make a quick job of ruining values on the nortb shore, the surest way is to put a sign on every piece of property that is for sale. After ail, the property 1belongs to the owners, and our duty to.them is to build up and maintain values rather than tear thein down merely- for the sake of cheap in-, stitutional advertising.- Signs have been oun hobby-not the owners, and we; should -face the issue squarely as an indication that we deserve the trust reposed in us. We believe that al owners of prop erty will_ support this' miove to dlean up a distressing situa- tion. We welcome their commàent."' The committee, which will prepare. res<lutions for final action at the June meeting in Evanston, is as follows: Stewart B. Matthews,,chairman; W. J. Pickard, Roland Peterson, Robent E., Goss, V. J. McDonnel, ÎH. Dyer lgent, H. Remington, W. A. Sadien. PlmAn rplaae Trip The Real Estate board also announced that the special airpiane trip over Chi- cago and suburbs, under the direction of Prof. William L. B'ailey of North- western universitv bas been~ set for - %.oDe on, cnuLaAIUIÇI wA Ale Lmore JUNIoR LiPE. articles f rom Howard school. It helps you with composition work. Hand in youn articles to Betty Hfaley of 8A who is in charge of 8A Miss Van Horne's., room of Howardl 5A had Mns. Crane, who was 84 years old, spin for us on Thunsday, Apnil 18. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth and, seventh grades came to Miss Van Horne's rooni to see Mrs. Crane spin. She spun fromn the monning to 12 o'clock at noon. We, liked it very much and hope she wiIl corne again. We collected some money froni soute of the rooms, and Mrs. Kinnear Social Science Class Making Colored Maps In social science, Howard 7A is anaking maps. On the map the pupils put the nam'es of ivers, oceans, seas- and bays. They put on some of the imnportant cities and name the coun- tries. Theti they color the countries each a diffenent colon. The class is proud of the maps.-Bob Hoffmeyen, Howrd ,~r7A. spécial plane from New York bas been promised by officiais of the air line and the flight will begin at the Municipal airport in Chicago. Reduced rates have been secured and ail those wish- ing to:,make. the trip are, urged to secure tickets f rom George Holm or by cail- ing him at University 0284. CEN TR2 AL-LA UREL 9Te* .* already HtOWARD SA PLAYS SB science, Howard SA had a 'baseball gaine grammar recently. We played Howard 5B. to, came Frank Welter is otan captain. We preparing hfpe to win the championship.-Ellis are lolk DUrgess, Howard SA. Richard ut aritnmetic, grammar, Conn., wiio has been spending two -Yan r. . Sernv- ;cience and music are. yet weeks visiting ber daughter and president. Immunization and examina- ýside from the hlard work family, the E. LeRoy Halls, 1226 tion by family. physician constitutes for Parents' niglit, pupils Glendenning road, left ast SundaY a thonouigb check-up. Funther details forward ta it eagerly,- for Marshall, Mich., where shé wil will be given at a later date by Mrs. rsch, Stolp IC. visit hier sister. Bowen and ber committee.

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