Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1935, p. 56

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uioa o Book 3,6,0, 0, *dthre soutfl ,.fet ,' !Weiimette V illageT. 42 N, P. la IL $rd P., I ARTICLE IV A'Single FamlY IDweling isbtricts, uNI'fÇ>N1:In thie O"À" S1igle Vamn- D welliflg DIsItrics, Do building Or pmSDi~os shall ho used sud'Dobuilding, *bail hoerected or .lt.eflulnwbole or in bum8t whicb l #u Wan 'dntonded or de- isîieà to b. 'usýedp -là wolo or ln part, for oni omrejatl. Industriaf or Maau-. zatrIug purpo.., or for any obrpur- p*ée. except t11. followiiig:- (a)Sanle fsznily dwellings and bulld- loagem0sory. thoroto. No ga- ragea or othor, aeàMwury buildings sal-bal ho onstruoted ,unlosa tRio main building on thie saine lot aâl baye béen ecostructod or hob ln thie proom s of* construction and lu tt* event tRis. sncb aoessory1 building ehocomvloted hofore the nain bul within me u the réear yard nôt more .t*ian ton <ý 10) foot, provided t. dose t extend wlthin Mtftn (15) g foo teiorear lot.linos. SECTION 6-- INTENSITY 0FTp 'USE Or LOT:*: 1 .1 .s)N building, with Its accessory buldi ngs shahl odeupy In excoes of forty per cent <40%) of thie area of an ln- toer lot or, . ty per cent (60%: ef tRie areo f à corner lot. ()No single family. dwelling, wit h Ite accessory buildings, shal be orocted on any. lot Ravlng..an area of loua than six thousand (6,00> quare fte suad Raving an average frontage -of loua than flfty <60) foot, except where tho plat of such lot bas been duly recorded as provlded by law ln the 'Rocordées Office of Cook Counity, Illinois. (c) No building, exepiting an acces- sory ýbuilding, shaîl b. built upon the' rear twonty per cent (20%), of any lot, and no building on such rear twenty per cent (20%) shalilb. used for dwelling purposes, oxcepting as a. dwoling for servantse mPWed.on lth e rperty. ARTI(ÇLE V "B" Commercial Districts. SECTION 1: In the I-B" Commercial Districts no building or promises. salb Udm0 and no building uhalho ereced oralterod ln whole or lu ýpart,_whlch Single Tam-, id buildings !L&LFUDoULnt ousne, or. ai. aPartuMen SECTION 5r i'. s YARD: A aide yar'd If: Provided, shallflot b. lesa than lv(5) foot wlde. SECTION 4.:LOUTERCOR:A outer court' shah b.Dhot esu than Oâve (V) feet wido nor eésuthon ône-sixt-h () theo ength, of such courtý from thée closoéd end.. SECTION- 7- INNER COURT-: An Inner court shahl be nôt esu than twolve (12) foot widenor Resa than twenty (20), feet long. SECTION4 8: INTENSITY 0F USER 0FLOT: No building or Portion of. a building to be used foïr commercial pur- poses shall occupy ln excess of oighty (80) Per cent of the ýarea of the. lot. Any "Iloor of sûch. building, other than the firet floor, may b. used partlally or whohly for residential purposes. Any floor so used shall occupy flot more .tban fovenity (70) per cent of1 the area. of' a corner lot, nor more than sixty (60) per cent of the ares of ah Interior lot. ~Nobuilng or part ofa building sali. bo arràngod,' designied, intended, or usod to accommodato more than tliirty-sta (36) familles on any. acre of land nor more than a proportional number of fam-i Ilies on any fractional part of an'acre ý ofRmidJining streets and alleys ex- -ARTICLE V~ "'" Industrial D M'ON' 1. In the ts no hu.ildings or iftu UOreoU, an u u1 use May se etne tbroughoiat.the 'building, .If .a building use and throughout thie promises, if a land use. Existing iaon-Sonferminig use of a building, or proemisesrshal not be changed to a different non-conforming use. In thie, vent that a non-conforming use of -anle building or p>romse lauvolun- tarily' discontinued for aIlp eriod 'of one hundred end eighty (180) days, theo use of tRie ane shall thereaftertonform to thie use permittod lu thie district lu Whtch it la situated. No exlsting building or promise, de- ývoted toa une flot permitted lu this 'Ordinance ln the district lu which such building or premises la Iocated, exce pt when required te do so by law or ordi- fiance, shall be enlarged, extended, recon- structed or structurally altered, unlosu such use Is e--hanged te, a permiitd' use ln thée district ln which such, building or promises, la Jocated;- or. except when such -building or promises lu damaged loum than flfty per.cent (601%) of Its value by ire or violence. WRien such building or premises li. sodaipaged, 1t ean b. restored te net te exceed Its former dimensions and bulk. A non-conforming use may be changed to a use that lu pormltted ln the district ln which tRie nen-conforming use exiuted« providlng ail other regulations govern- lng the conforming use are complied with, and after such change such use ahal ot' again become non-conforming. ARTICLE VIII Occupancy Pormits SECTION 1: No land uhaîl be occupied or used and no builIding hereaifjge,. *pjc,. sadundertakinc les. shops. shops. and telegraph service st ye (j) Ci tri (k) 'D bat £0- ISCIN2 NOXIOUS OR OFFEIN- herar Isivicu8fUSES: No building or promises" wlthuar 'hall ho '7»;d for any purpose which thée lot, jmay he o aoous or offensive by reasn ry stations. or alter( Smnith shopu' and horse shoe, Issued b: ope. ne perir ýng material storage yards., change ig, express, haulng and thée pro ,e yards. amendin ,ator's plants and storage SECTI ýoke and wood yards. shalh pri ýs and mllk handling or dis- coflformi Ig Stations. oxceet a laiK8 ý raci ' la set .t àtages a - Ul ita ue aual mi] oe r-laflfl5 u*J88ssA~Aione ana ;hall be issued te, maRie sucb ms, it ls In conformity with: ýonu of this Ordinançe or, M thereto, horeafter enacted.. 2: Nothing ln 'this Article it the continuanco of a non- use as hereinabovo defined, nay bo necessary for safety property. 3: Certificates for occu- compliince shal be applied mtally with tRie application ling permit, and shalho ln& tenr (le) 4ays after thie Ilpn or alteration of sucRi ial bave been completed. À ,1l certuficates saal be kept AR~TICLE X Interpretation, Purposo and Conlt SECTION 1: in lnterpreting aud sp- Piying theo provisions of this Ordinauce, theY shall ho held to b heRi nimum roquiremients for tRie promotioq of thie Public safety, boea1th, coxivenlone, cern- ~n- Eus - (a) et in 8 ho exeedl ithtRie1

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