* These hours in the fresh air are precious. Make then, even more so with fine, clean sand to work in! A bright, metal sand box, 36x36 incbes (it takes 100 lbs, of sand), c canopied for protection against a too.glariiaK sun, vilt afford a child much healthful summer pleasure. OTHERS IN LARGER SIZES, $4.9&, AND $8.95 SAND, white and clean-0 lbs...............SO 10-F0OT SIIDES More fun! The slide parts are ôf selected northern maple, finished with shellac for weather protection. The slide has side rails, the.ladder fris steps shaped and set in grooves and , hand rails. AUl the supports and braces are securely fastened. I 2-OOTSLI DESf, $1 8.50 Sound, seaworthy anad -izeable in line with a great tradition!1 OTHERS FROM' 10c TO $49$ PLAY, TENTS These are propelIed by elece- tricity and are light and speedyI OTH-ERS, WIND-UP AND ELECTRIC 25c TO $4.9$ $3.95 Striped tan and white, substantially buit, easy to put up. 5 feet square. Also umbrella-style pup and wall.tents for children. Use our con cen ient budget plan 'Draw the light, comf y chairs - canvas with a wooden f rame -into the shade.of the, umbrella- tilted against the sun- and sip iced tea at the stout, metal table! The umlirella ïs. heavy, waterproof duck, the chairs and table match i.t in, blue, red. or brown and white., (See the group in the fore- ground!) The Pieces.sef'ara.tely,- UMBRELLA, $ 15.95 TABLE, $7 CHAI'RS,-$4.25 EACH, $24.95 GCLIDERS $16881 Désgnedfor-Ianguid hours-the glider (up- per right hand corner) has a coul spring base, bail beari ng rnounted, side-sway proof. The istrong mnetal frame adjusts to 3 positions, h as round, floating arms complete with end hooks. The six cushions are washable, the jback ones reversible, ail of themn with taped edges. Full 7incheslong, with rubber shoes. for easy rnoving. CHARand OTTOMAN The stunning stick reed chair and ottoman wit] LUXURIQUS CHAISETTE Ail the comforts of home combine in the original Burton Dixie chaisette Use it as a Iounging chaise, deck chair, extra bed! TPhe automatic arms are self-adjusting, the$00 mattress-cushion is the last word in luxury. Show n at$8 9 the left OuDovis StreetTHSWN SO Wihuueffe 110010 SAIL BOATS $1 BICYCLES FOR,,ALL, THE FAMILY Gd cove value..1 $14915