Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1935, p. 1

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LLftJ i AID DRIVE Completing The W inmette Civic league is the second organization to respond to the aLppeal of the Wilmette Communiity Chest, association for assistance in completing the Chest- drive for funds. Last-week the Wilmette Branch of, the Infant Welfarte society offered its services. Other organizations are ex- pected to fall into Une promptly, and thus make certain that'the Chest budget of $31,000 will be reached. In a letter, addressed to A. C.. ,Youngbetrg,, campaign manager, the Civic league revealsa clear appreci- ation of the' situation and' a hearty spirit of cooperation that should 'stim- ulate other groups to respond in like maniner. The letter follows: Wllmette', Ill., May 6, 1935 Arthur C. Youngberg, State Bank Building Wilmette, Illinois Dear Sir:- Following up our recent conversation regardlng Wlmette Communlty Chest, 1 think the officers of Wilmette Civic league can speak for the membership) when they report a willllngness to ce- operate with the Chest in a final drive for funds. .We appreclate that nearly fourteen hundred familles In W imette have made no response whatever te the 193 , 495 carnpalin, and our menibers will gladly take soeme of these names and call on these familles for a déflnite report. We understand that other organiza- tions in Wilmette wlll do likewise; and 1 belleve that the effeet of this final drivel will make Wilmette extremely conselous of. Its Communlty Chest and the great good derived frorn an organization whlch has as its object the elimination oôf indIvidual campaigns for money throughout the year. We wish you ail success In:this work, ýa nd We are yours te ,comrnand.. Very truly youürs, WILMETTEý CIVTC LEAGUY- John P. Ballman, Retiring President Elmer D. Becker, W'illiant M. Jamies, 208 l8th street, was appoipnted Village At- tornrey Ti esday nigh,( by Presd1nt Harry C; K 7innie, which appoint.-. ment was approved by the triist,,'es. Mlr. Jaînes is a.sociatcd in laz-1- practi .ce with Charles H.- Jackson, 1017 Elinwcood avenue, and is on the faci.ty of .Clicago-Kent Col- lege of Lazv. Girl Scout Leader Is Speaker Here Tonight' l'lie Great Lakes Girl Scout Regional conference meets in the Palmier House,, Chicago, May 10 and Il to outline the course in Girl Scouting for this section of the country. Prominent in the two, days' program is Miss Alice Conway, community organizer for the National Girl Scout organization. Miss Coriway is also to. appear as Take Municipal Reins Publié Forumt Witmzm 1~Lm bas always held itsel f ready to give space te citi- zens,; through its "Publie Forum," for free expression of opinion ýon- matters of local, interesti.,Many havre taken advantaige of this privilege, but others havre re- frained, .no doubt from a feeling thatý letters 'might,be. regarded as an inipositièn upon the, paper. Su ch are assured. that these con- t.ributions are entirely welcome, even desired, and that space will, be gladly, accorded them. Therè is no better way- to -pro-. mote civic spirit in the comuùnity than exchanges of ideas. and opifiinstotchiiig upon> -the vari- ous phases of comniunity life. Choice of subjects may rest with the writers-the only stipulation being that f ull namne and address of the author must accompany each contribution, not necessarily for publication, but for ofice réf erence. Arthur Lee reported that the pro-. posed' improvement of Wilmette ave- nu from Ridge avenue to Park ave- nue, and Illinois road from Mintette avenue to Lake avenue, had tbeen ap- proved by the state highway commis- sion. These. improvements. are to .be tnade froiÉ gsoline tax funds. Wil-. mette avenue is to be widened and paved, and Illinois road is to bée paved. PROM IN(c Linden avenue; James Il. 1noffman, 1510 Washington avenue, and Clinten B., Cochran, 1605 Walnut avenue. Makes Appoiutmente President Kinne made the follow- ing appointments to Village positionis. which were unaniimou.sly -c oncurred in by the boarMd'of trustees:, Village manager, Boy.ne Ti. Platt. Village collecter, B. H. Kerr. Village attorney, William M. James. Chief of Fire depal'tment, Walter Zib- ble. gflnArIntendent f p u b 11 c works, nisn tne music tuz "'v LVLy ud party given by A. T. Sherman IA No. 892 1. O. 0. F. at Odd Fell hall, 1213 Wilmette avenue, to. w the public is invited. The proc wilI assist the lodge in supportini OId Foiki' home and orphanage. i~. .1<. Economy Shop la open from 9 until 5 o'lock six days ln the week. It la conducted by the Womnan's Club. of Wflmette. he offce is not a 1, like the chief of ýnt, does not corne *. Mr. McGuire has. intendent, his offi- on Page. 5). WILMETTE 40 Inaugùral Ceremonies .Attract, Large, Audience; :Announce Appointments In the. presence 'of a crowd of in- terested c-itiziens that hilled the coun- cil chamber te capacity, ýPresident C. P.Dubbs and his, board of trustees - surrendered direction of Village af- fairs to President-elect Harry CM Kinne and the new trustees chosen at thbe April 16r élection. Immediately following adjourn-. ment si ne die of the old board, Policé Magistrate John J. Peter. administer- ed the oath of. office te Village Clerk Nicholas P. Miller, wbo in türn .ad- ministered it te the other ý officiais. The new board irmffediately convened, with President .Kinne .pr.esiding, andi entered upon its service of two years. The retiring board was made up of the following: President-C. P. Dubbs, 1004 Michilgan avenue. Trustee-Joseph Heinzen, 1466 Lake avenue;- S. N. Tideman, 1025 Linden' avenue (niow In Washington, but pres- ent at the final tneetlng>; Clinton 'B. Cochran, 1605 Walnut avenue; Walter C. Ps rrar, 1210 Greenwood avenue; Ar- thur Lee, 925 Manor drive, and Harry C. Icinne, 1324 Elmwood avenue. The f ollowing compose thé irivom- Gives Assurance of -Activel Assistance i n $31,00QO Budget

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