Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1935, p. 23

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is found in1 a campaig kcircular dis- tributed prior to the Village election of April 21, 1914, and reprinted here- with'in full. This relic of a bygone day was excavated f rom the archives by Village. Treasurer. Harry W. Mil- er,,and passed on to Wilmnette .Life by ýElmner D., Becker, 519 Linden ave- nue. As will be noted, 'they were think- ing about W'ater%#orks, as, well.*as an electric ight plant and a. gas plant; urged the purchase.of a. fire enigine; talked for-a referendumi on ail public utility, franchises, and demnanded *strict observance of the -el'.tric railway franchise; wanted' early,,comnpletion of the, Sanitary ýdistrict intercepting- sewer; asked for a better street light- ing system, and welcomed the ladies, to the ranks of voters. Coming just at the inauguration of a: new Village -administration, the hopes, aimns and ambitions of authori- ties of other days will be of intense interest to Wimette's citizens of today: To thb, Voters oft Wilinette The "Villagers" again present nomina- tions for village officers for. the elec- tion to be held April 21, 1914. The. Village Ticket For Village Treasurer, Harry W. Miller, 725 9th street. For Village Clerk, Perey M. Binghaîn, 208. Fore Trustee, Ford Jones; 1045 Trustee, A. F. McCanney, xt. Trustee, ?4axç W. Zabel, Pire Proteetion -W. urge the purchaseo f a fire engine, and necessary equipmient, it' havIng been' demonstratedl on numerousi occa- sions'that the village Iacks adequate .lire protection. Eleetrie kaliway We calupon our village oficiais toý enforce the observane e o exis;ting ordi nances and -franchise priviieges of. the eiectric railway and to secure Improved scheduled service Publie tfllt7 Corjiorations Ail ordinances. granted te Public Utili- ty corporations ishall tirst be m5ubmnitteiý te the peopie.ý Inter.epting Sewer, Our candidates are pledged to co-oper-ý ate with, the drainage truotee té e cucre the early completion of the Inteecepting.l Wilnette bas a great future before it, and ln order to reach.ite highest -develop- ment At' le necessaryý thàttail citimens shoufld take an active part. in village affairs., This le their natural right, which we believe can, be Weil exercised ln supporting the foregoing. ticket.and endlorstng the prinçiples therein, set forth. Mr. and M rs.'Clarke F._Mair spen t the week-end, at Turkey -Rui-jà7TThey met- Mrs. Mair's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.. -NystroDm, and her sister, Jane,1 also Mrs. Mair's son, Robcrt, who have been spending the 'win tïr in Plorida and have- returned to their home in Wilmnette. of ,sorth put YUSL i this pic Vtgre Think lbackl Remember ti.he till Youm got Ilgoing tfocamp 7? "eoîng t0, camp@ 1Is thé. birtiiright fa *very American boy. Tih. urge te .éogh -if ..totekle nte u nthe. réw.. hinbed Duke', Camp (Owa&onz.J inCalaC.d aféas& e u f ap n n modern way for real boys, 7 te, 20. Elght weeks, startlng Jone 30. ln à veni partilly eirplored country. Yfrgln plie forestt. Sig game. Unfished waters. Days of fun. Nighis of sound, b.altt- fui sleep. You dadsl W@uldn't you r1k.e folum ba.k the years? But you are "carrylng- on" in those boys of yours. Put lii.... in if. Say te thern tonight, "Son. how would Owakonze sound thus summer?" n for village omfcers of ens who have the best. [mette at heart, and who [egrowing Wilmette of teup-to-date and the on, the above- ticket bas ,e have these. candidates ýce,. but have upon the tfon of, thefr fellow-citi- to become candidates. n accepted as 'clean-cut, ;t ltizens to whom you rust the welfare of a te.uicue a e ot and " mou To encoura ge you to observe Mothers' 'Day we are making a SPECIAL of these stockings. They are a tremendous value . we suggest you buy them specially packed, three to a box. W. might also add that this would be a good chance for you to stock up on your own hose. Take advantage of these prioes. uant. 1.00 4a'pair Three pairs for 2.85 Our exquisite 51 pauge ringoss çhiffons vill flat- ter an7 ankle. lu ail the. season o newest shades. 1.35 VALUES for à.5 mpir Tlaee pars Ior,3.30 Camp OWAKONZE offers the best in 40 cabins. 60 bots.ý Real b.d.. kstf of food. Physician. Nurse. Modern coneences to moaOwekornne an as up-to-dateý boys' camp es yosa'II find. *personnel Dul. Childs, in charge. *ssisted by Plees sea 'me without oblige- 1 tion fuait datails of Camp Owo. kone for I1935 seeson. Nome ............ 'A ddrt... ...... . City .a. ... EDGAR A. STEVyENS,. INC., EVANSTON fier prejerence m.y be service luse or may be twothread sheers Th act remains s"uthosiery will make a gilts " cheers been nor .Tn no Éought earnest zens col They ha able ani cannsafi

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