ReuaIasaucc Only: at Fielc's Evanston ýStore can. the North Shore, find this fa- mous domestic china. THE FIFTH FLOOR p UNITARLAN SERVICES "Acquiring the 'Feel' of the Beau-: tiful" will be the subject of the ad- dress by the Rev. R. Lester Mondale at the services in the. Unitarian churcb, 1405 Chicago avenue, Evânston, Sun- dayniorning, May 12; at Il,.o'clock Sunday scbool beginsat 9:45 oclock ad Groce Of Flu*, CHINA year. Mr. iavenant assuumedoic last Friday evening, when the league held its annual dinner,' program and spring exhibit at Comunity House in Winnetka. Ot her officers whoý will serve'.witb Mr.,Lavenant are: Mrs., E. A. ]Brion of Glencoe, first vice-president.; Dud- ley Crafts Watson,, honiorary, second vice-president; Mrs. . Nancy Coons- man Hahn of Winnetka, recording secretary; Mrs. Helen Hare, of Win- netka, correspoilding secretary,. and Miss. Leola Spafford, treasurer. Di- rectors wbose, terms'will expire in. 1936 are:, Max Gundlach of Winnet- ka, Mrs. Hazel Bell Risk of Winnet- ka, Mrs. James il.Mullen, William B. Hale-and Mrs. joseph Gallaghér. In 1937' the terms of the following directors will expire: Frank Dillon, Allen Pbilbrick, Mrs. Sybelle Venne- ma, jasper King, -of Winnetka, and. Mrs. Anne Reeves, Mes. M., G. Hen-, derson, 'William T. Jones and Mis Margaret Kerfoot. Hear Charter Members Seated at long tables decorated in spring colors and centerpieces of mixed flowers, a large group met te bring to à close the year conipleted under the leadership of Frank Dillon,, retiring president. M%!r. Dillon, pre- siding, called for words of greeting from four charter members or past presidents. namely. August C. Babize Let..: Rose I SMASH UN RiDýucTuoN:s ON RADIOS Brand New Floor Samples.. World Wave and Short Wave Peyraud, white-haired dean of the organization, cautioned. To allow time for a review of the life. of the Dutch artist, Van Gogh, business and reports were cut short. ,With rapidity and yet withperfect continuity Mrs. Carl Johnsen traced the career of that strange, mad genius, using as her authority the biography, "Lust for Life," by Irving Stone. JExcept for his art, Van Gongb'ýs $5 CMMN ALANCE $1 WEEKLY hiS L ORD' S SQUARE AC - »C Mnel Ri ols M.any àittractive types ed styles Mr. and Mrs. Wendcll Clark, 711 Kent road, Kenilworth, spent the week-end of April 27, at Kecbham's island, Land 0'Lakes, Wis.. The Sdytk (Diedrick* .REDUC-IMNO THE JANUS METHOD Healthfud, Stinuwtng FOR SYMMETRY AND BEAUTY 0F BODY and REDUCTION 0F WEIGHT FISCOUNTm PRICESi 13 CONTOUR mOS? maAYMENTS, S15