CLEANING?. MOVING? BUSY? SAVE TIME AND WOIRRY SY TELEPHONjNG HIERE College Inn Tomalo _JUoie. Pur. ice ý'of ripe'. Iuscious tomtos- GFood tf drink ç or a splondid soup and jelliei saed 'bise- 1 3oz. la for 1.00 8 c Asparagu às Large> stalks -save the tasty juice 25 is cooked in forsou p.' Ige. bundie L Hot House.Cucumbers, Crispand refresig- O fine for salads. *ach 9c New Cabbage Perfect for coId' slaw-also delicioaus wben cooked about 7 minutes> and served in cream. IL.5C thoe are al of thit-No. feed for a combînation 2 tins. I wege*. bis salad-No. 2 fins- for 13c,3bor46c, New Potafoes The new potatoes have real flavor and flavorful coat. Ibs. L'5c tor, your groceries. Thére ar.e se any :,good a'hings te be had dis week, you'II. want ma ny of them,. anyway. 10Or' dem fiveries aore Promptasad re quent. Give os a ting-w'il send eueyhig WINE ANO LIQUOR- 3959 Broadway OnIy OPEN EVENINGS Hudode Bay-7 y»s. old ........... Sth 3.97 M4cBraye-17 ' .ol................Pt.L2.9 OId Ovehlt-4 yrs. ld Pt. 2.39, Grauâ Dad-17 yrs. ld . .. ... Pt. .8a Seagrlas Ry" 4Yas. .U......i.Pt. Les GOCKTMUL Manhattani Martini Bronx... .... .... .... .... .... .. tL 2.15 ... ... ... ... ... . .Sth 1.95 ............. .. ...Sth 19» SCOTCH Vat-_O ..... .5..1. .. .. .ýI . th 3.39 Hudsons DBay F~. O. B .............. Sth 3.90 White Horse.................... . Sth 3.69 Teacher'a ................ Sth 2.99 IRISH WHISKEY Jan .,o's . ..a. . . . . . . . . .Sth 3.45 Burke' . .. . . .. . . . .. -,ý Sth 3.39 STRAIGHT & BLENDS' Golden Wedding-BIend........ Pt. 1.55 Town Taveru Rye .......- Pt. 83 Paul Jones Blend........ .... .... Qt. 2.S4 Croam aof kentucky...... ...... Pt. 1.15 Soagram'. 7 Crown Qt. 2.79 Old 100--10 mos. old........t 1 Merrydale-1 yr. old .... . 1.88 BRA NDY Mornay Cognac,'.,......... Sth 1.79 Hn:ssy ...... Sth 39 Foucld-5 ys, od .... ... .....Sth 3.95 Louis XIV......................... Pt. .9s Fresh runesa'.Sy . . So good w hcilled-Sarve th.m for br.elifast, lunicheonl or a dinner des- sert-No. 2V2 flins H0t. House Rodishes Crisp anld'fresh-add to~ O combination salads. J'3bundies I Fresh Telephoue peos Sweet and tender- 2 l7 and attractively priced. 2 bs. I7 Large Shrlmp Cook eight minutes in boilin g sait water- then sheil and use for cocktail, 17 salads or entrees. . lb. 17iC Extra Sifted Peas Sauta. Ifor39cI.Ilor 29<, Perch Filets- Oh, how goo' they brown and sorved with tartar sauce. are when fried a golden 3 for 20< Dry.............. dina-24 Proof ..... 199Iforl3cIr; .49foc .032 MAY 29. 1935 . M"Mimm 2 f 1 0 1 r'1133