It wii be "Open House" at New Trier High School this Friday even- ing, beginning at 7:30 o'ciock. On, this occasion parents and' friends 'of hmgh school students 'are urged to spend>the evening at the school. to Vwitness actjvjties and view exhibas% Provided by vmrous. departmients in,- cI'ding those of art, hom'e.economies, so'ciali science, cominericai science, "'PAd girl1s' phYsica.i education. This "Open Flouse" i s one of the xiany- special programsÈ off ere d at New Trier this year in com memora.. tion of the 30t aneraryf he establishment of secondary éducation, ir, the Unitedj States. Priday right';s prograrn is otin. f: foilows Exhibit off Art The Art department will have o1! exhïbit,' work done by ail the ar t stu- :,dents. The dispiay wiii include ex- aiples of design,ý creative composi- t-Gns, figure drawing of'>stili life, and posters... The stagecraft classes under the* ëi rection of Miss Olive L. Grover M'il show their original stage.settings besides sQme interesting mhasks an-d mlork in Art Craft. Sonie of the Students in the ad-. tiiice art class, uinder direction of MsCatherine Murphy, wiil be paint- ,ing on their decorative murais. Thes' mnurais represent the different phasecs of civilization and iil be hung in h iicw history 'nuseum - when complettýd.e The panel, "'Prmitive Man," was de - ..Sigued and painted by Martha Ann Huff anid Barbara Bett.s.' * ,.0ther "panels and the artists arc isted as foliows: Egyptian~i-DckOPpeniheitin, Lee Van schuck, and Jane Weese. Greek-Jean Lawrence and, Betty. Brown, Roman-.Betty. Jane -Browningani Betty McNulty. MoIdern-Jané Carigon and M:rguei.,te Parshall. Anierica n Indian-Harry Krýame:*. mayan i cVilization-John Bull atnd Bob Sheets. Crusades-John Donlley, fndustrial Age--john Weese. The Hoine ERrni;c and as a Evansto raphers petition The competition is open to: dreén'under 6 years of age wbo. live between. Howard street. and the nortb limits'of Highland Park. Pive Prie are offered, the top awa rd bein$I. A jury composed> of distinguished authorities on. art and child heaith will be asked: to select the most beau- tiful chiidren living within this area, and thé awards will be. made accord- ing to the- Jury 'decisio'n. WilI Not Judge P.hotogph The ýjudges wiii base their choice entirely on phot'ographs of -the chul- dren. But according to managers -of the contest they will decide solely on the beauty and heaith of. the children as shown by the picturesbuwiIfo pass judgment on the 'photography itself. This 'stipultntli5 made so that parents may realize their children hiave an equal chance no matter which of the three photographers makes the picture, photog- $200 com- 4 eThe« cont est is liraited, to photo- graphs made by the three cooperating studios. They are: nEugene L. Ray, 1606 Chicago ave- ne; Bernie studio, 1623 Orrington ave- nue; june 29, the closing day of the con- test, Wili be automatically entered into the contest. The photographer wili see to filhing out the necessary entry blank and submnitting a giossy print of the picture to the judges. Parents of chiidren within the age liimit, who have been photographedý; by oneé of the three studios s ice M arch 1, may make arrangements mes of the judges wiil be. an- cd fiext wek, and further an- ,ements concerning the contest f with 'pictures. of contestantsj ept*bflshed in folldwing sses g9n'trocucing And whert doI ~ICS. swell new sund.c-teMeI-O-ltoiI k. cre-ni, sYrup, and whiPPed creltu - and you get it for a DINIE a BOULEVARD DRUG STORE ta r1hth ad Central Phone Wilimcte 4299 Corrective Skia Treaimn.,fs C'Omplimenfary skin analysis and instruct ion givn h ou shp by Brendat Browne. Russian Duckèss Counselor, for a lîmýiid lime oly. Please Phone for Appointment ALRIHTBEAUTY SN-OP 1 167 Wilmette Avenu. Ph'one WiImfi. 4517 Clea ranc E OIL WELL lob 'n' Malc Officiai Exide Station Lipden Aveue Phone 3334 11111111 &k4L1 I(n -sAA 1161-1163,Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 4406 Main Sfre.I ai