May 5, 1935 Sub;ect: EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT READING ROOM-x 133 Centril Avenue Open Dail1y (except Wednesdlay>) 9 A. M. to6 P. ýM. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:4S P. M- Saturday-9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and alother authorized Christian Science Literaturemay be read, borro wed or purchased atý the Readig Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITE D To ATTEND THE CHURCIS SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING, ROOM aculysehwwurbae eae o kn w * ihu wnoetligyu, hte hyne gac on 'Iigjs actualy se ho vou braes bhave, oinw energy is applied toeW its wtieel. When we f Editor, WiLmF.T1E Lipn: How often we hear the q'estion: "What's the niatter with Wilmette any- way ? It is usual»y àsked when con- versation leads around business cotndi- tions and those of municipal govern- ment. And to me the whole "matter" with Wilmette 'centers around one thing-a lack of-loyalty., Doour business people make it a point to patronize other local business people when wanting anything in their lines ?. Do. they "ýboost", our local bak-, eries, and thersP Can they blarne resi dents. for a lack of loyalty to, "home trade", when they fail to practice, it themnselves?1 Just remember that a few cents in priéve. is easily represented in a difference, in standards, and that your own price may not be as low as could be found in China. Do our various governing bodies, elected to represent our high grade vil- lage, do their f ulI part in shlowing loy- alty?- Do they buy.the village requir e- ments in suppliîes, etc., f rom local sources f rçp whence they get, the money. to b'uy themn? Or does some dealer who lives and does business in a distant town of efitirely different standards get~ the order because of a few pennies' dif-, ference in price ? Is it better to. buil up, a local -bu.siness that pays some local. taxes, or build up an outside business that has no interest in our village ex- cept for what they can get out of it ? When our Village board, if you please, needs a man or woman for an important job in the village do they cast about to sec' what material We have at home, and show therm the pref- er-ence? Or do they have a perfect man- ia for hunting everywhere else in the country for talent* to fil a local job that belongs to a Wilmette man or woman? Even to the poi nt of side-stepping the law as laid down in the Illionis stat. utes, by giving the office to be filled a fictitious name-just so they can, hire somebody from somewhere else- 1 Is that loyalty? 1 sometimes Wonder how in the world we happen to have satisfactory local, talent to fill the various positions on our Village board and other governing bodies! Maybe il would be a better idea .mny 'years Dy .our iBoardis of Trustees. The sacrifices they have made in family and social obligations. and in business energy only those know who have, answered this cal of duty. Let us gather inif.crmally, as many acan and as many as the chambers will hold, .next Tu 'esday, evening, and give a hand of fellowship 'and citizen- ship. to the incoming and outgoing boards. As chairman of the Harmony con- vention, weé invite every former mnem- ber of the convention and ail civic minded citizens who have .worked ,for years ini the Harmony cause Every member of the 19l35 convention, may, be expected to corne in responsè to the pleasurable.cail of duty. If the principles of the.Llarmoniy plan are now to be operated success- fully for the good of Winmette and convincingly: to those who opposed teHarmony ticket aÙd platform. at the last election, we must not leave the job ail to the, elected, officers. We can do it in a big way by each doing a little. Let us start by attending the inaugural next Tuesday. -Clarence E. Drayer. AN APPRECIATION April 27, 1935 Editor, WILMZT'tg LMPE In behalf of the Wilmette Commn iy Gh'est, I think it would be fitting and proper to call your attention to a bit of service rendered the Coznmunity Chest each year, f or five or six years I amn referring to the work of C. M. Burlingame of the flrm of Howard' Kroehl and company, C.P.A., 105 West Adams street, Chicago, residing at 812 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Burlingame, as a public spirited citizen and a member wof. our local school board, finds,the. time one day each year to audit the books of the ,Wilmnette Coýtmmnity Chest withoôut charge, and i arn leaving it to 'your good judgment to acknowledge this service in behaîf of the Board of Direc- tors of the Chest, who have already nassed a resolution of annreciation for D. Becker ELECTRJCAL SERVICE 740 TweIftI. Street Phones: WiImelI'e 691-5454 carrieci a long ways very much to its credit. *Serving the village as president is very bard, self-sacrificing work. Serv- ing as trustee is hard enough. iEvery citizen---especially the many newcomers -should know of the. tradition of dis- Mr. and Mrs. T. Roswell Coyne, 307 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, will entertain at a cocktail party this Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Raýy Boiger, who are members of the c'tof. "ILfe Begins. at 8:40.".. Mr.. Bolger: bas oône of the leading roles. j