Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 61

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ir furniture .on con- neat. unt~isuiUtUaL8 -L .ib t aXskLaietI ternis,. vprioejf 1 d for short tinie offly HILL AND STONE 543 ijneolim Ave. Wînnetka 1544 WINNETKA ESTATE CI-IARMING ENGLISH HOUSE ON 5 acres. .Bouse built 5 yrs. ago has ail the charm ýof uld Eyigland.. Living .rm. 40x24, Jibrary and dining rin. panelled In oak., 6 inaster bedrrns. Beautiful formiai gatdeni, tennis cour-t. For- m.ent unfurnish.led m-t for sale at hiaîf its original cost.. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3450 ll.TN52-Ite JNDIAN HILL vEicY c 1, >iAMING 7tQoONi'13RICK e<,onial. .4 ligit, bedmmis., 2 colored tule 1batls,,stun rioiom, solarium. A reail vaue rived rlght. BAIRD & WARNER, .T1c 523 PARKDinIIVE, KNL'RI Keiiilvorth 4-ds5 B,>'gers Park 6151 If;P ige lu4riatud PropertY Index 111 ITN.2-l1 ù M J$T BE SOLD SEýVEX UOOM BRI -K'OLO(NIAL tilt- kitcheii, two ;)bâths, extra lafv. j 2-câr att. garage. Good Wilinette locà- ti on-1,1.0. L.C. Loafi-15 years-$9, 175.00. The lws priceed home. of this type ini Shore-Towns Realty Corp. 1619 Shermnan Avenue Wilmiette 608 111LTN52-ltc 975. FOREST AVENUE~ GLENCOS Engllsh Farin flouse style. 8 large rms., . 3 bathis,' wooded baîf acre. Only '3 bliocks to transportation and laIte. Bargain for cash. SMART & GOLEE, Inc. r EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1564 Sherman Ave. 'University 0283 111LTrN52-ltc OUTSTANDING VALUES, 7' BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS, LIDRARY, écened porcëhes. 2 blks. fmoin stationr and school. over % 1k cre of gounid. $18,500. Other bargains ini sales, ]'en1talS:eay and sunimrel. GRACE E. GRANT ji)rNveinenL~ t5 UU5irougut wiLii ou ne1atL Will rent for Summner season 'or wil consider' one or two year lease. CoNNs anÀd ehickens are on property if ten.t wants themn. Very reasonable reiltal asked. For lit- formnation telephone Winetka 197q. 124LTN5à2-Itp 5i% ACRES JUST WEST 0F, WINNET- liai wlth over 1,000 feet of frontage, for $4.000. L. C. 0db Realty Co. Wlnnetka 115 124L52-ltp LOANS WANTED WE HTAVE SPECIAL-FUNDS AVAIL- Sable for immediate commnitment on lbans. See, us for qulck action. $000Oto$20MOOO McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530- Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 l127A-LTN52-ltc MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE IJOANS ON N,,IORTI- SHORE. HOMES' up to 60% of value. Monthly repay- mnent. Pay, out in 5 to 15 years. 'Get' details from 'First IVedera1 'Saving & Loan Association of Wilmette, 1137 Cen- tral avenue. Mr. Clifton,, Secretary Wiliiette 863. . 127A-LTN47-tfc Fm om4SLt-MOUUEHOLD GOODO RARE OI, WAL.tSCETR E , large, $250; $0studio couch, like nw $29.50; betut. old dining1 roomn table, 6 chairs, $50; $220 solid nahog. gateleg table, buffet, 2;>amni and 3 side chairs, sUit;ahie stuidio living room, good conil. (jiily $75 ; $175 Late model Wb'ite EIee-. sçwi'- mch.,$75.Other bargains. Winnetka 2067. 129LTN52-ltp .MUST SELL. QUICK. DAVENPOR- $10. Walnut dining table, 6 chair, $15. Pallnted bdrnt' suite:. double bed, box spring, nîattress, dresser, chest, vanity, de'sk, chairs, $25. ýUpholstered .chair, $3. Also' niicel, 'chairs and bedrnis. furn. *Wilniette 14. 129LTN52-ltp 4-BURNER WHITE PORCEILAIN UNI- versai gas range Robertshaw oven and broiler control. Good condition cost $175, seli for $20. Also circular oak table and chairs. Phone Wilmette 3361. 129LTN52-ltp 'Brunswick Panatrope PH-OOGRA4,PH WITH RECORDS. Cest $160. Make, offer. Winnetka 1333. 1004-6 Eineî Uni. 0189 'TNi43-tlfu-i AUiTýO RUNK with 4 cases. Large size. $25. VENTILATOR-eLECTFnIC for kitchen window. AdJustable.,$8. WINNETKA. 3511 131LTN52-îtc FURNITURE CLOTHING TYPEWRITER. Fredsbo, 746 En, Winnetka 131LTNý52-ltp FOR SALE CHEAP-CLOTHES. Girls' dresses, coats, like new, sizes 11-13. -Women's dresses, coats, 36-38. Chairs, snall tables,, other household pieées. Winnetka 1463. 13ILTN52-ltc MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD AR- ticles and garden impflements for sale., 418 Isabella St. Ph. Wilmette 3377. 131LTNS.12-Itp BOYASBICYCLE, 24-INCH, FINECON- dition. Pair of red.Simnmons, beds. Simmnons' crib. Chairs, etc.- Phone Wlnnetka 1535., 13IL52-ltp ELEýCTRIC PHONOGRAPH Hand ftnshed-WaInut Cabinet 12-inch loud speaker, perfect cond. $15. Cash. Phone Glencoe 960. 1 3lL52-ltpý FOR SALE - GENERAL ELECTRIC" Refrig. Pine Saw buck table. 8'3"x34". Call Mrs. C. H. 'Workman, Glencoe 348.. 131LT52-ltp FOR SALE REASONABL-CHILD'S play biouse. Good condition. Phone Kenilworth 4792. 131 LT.PN2-Itc WTD. 70 UUY-Mi$Cgl.LANKOU8 WIE PAY HIGHEST CASH, PIQUS FOR OLD GOLD JWW- lry, watchieus lverwa.re gold crowiia. Jos* 'F. Kuss 647 Chestnut SIL Winrietka 3671 Oppoite he pntpffice PPOS th~ ost132LTN47-tte $ $ $OLD CLOTHES $$ $ SUIT0-SUOEB9--OVIRCOÂ'1S Tr7J MAOTS - PROMPT SRIVCX SMartin's Clothing Store 742 Cut. Evaàelon Uni. 2224 132LTN3$-tft Tîink e pzlr-Phil Schuman the true significance of this day cari be made thàn by seeking out those mothers who have no one near and dear to care for them and whon, cir- curnstances have deprived of .the joys. and comforts of a real home.-, AuEaruet Apa >This is exactly what Mrs. Arthur F., Kinetop,. representing the Wo-. man's department of -the, Chicago Church Federation 'at1 Oak Forest, does for. the, lonely mothers, and fathers, too, at that institution when weeks ahead she.-begins planning for her annual Mother's Day party.,at Oak Forest. Mrs. Klinetop and.her corp of vol- unteer assistants, armed with 1literally bushels of sandwiches and cakes of ail kinds and descriptions, and,. of course, ice creamn- -enôugh to go al the way around-descend upon Oak Forest each Mothersl' Day to play the part of Fairy-Godmother to those for whorn circumstances have made life drab and dreary indeed except. for such occasional bright spots as this. The planning of a "Party" of such m agnitude for some,4,000 is no0 small job and could not be carried out by an individual if it were not for the fact that ail over Chicago and sub- urbs there are those eager to share in just such an enterprise. Any one desiring to have a share, even in a small way, in this annual Mothers' Day party 'may do so by communicat- ing with. Mrs. A. F. Klinetop, 1659 Pratt blvd., phone, 'Briargate 5454,,or Mrs. Albert Varley, 1014 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette. Contributions of money, sandwich - filling or cakes will be most acceptable, Mrs. Kline- top states. Dr,.,G. A. Buttrick at the Sunday Club Dr. George A. Buttrick, a young mian who is making a record for, social - ~£j~ ~, ~ ' '.1Ï4tTN52-1te 3-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SET. a A BEAU'171FUL WELL WOODED LO, ?mactically new.' Reasonable. Phone - a r nd r. .'.Kr r near, lake. Convenieiit to schools and Wilnîiette 3139. -112911PN52-ltp *aMr n rs .W Kr r transp.. Reduced to $80 per f t. for quick 3 PAIRS DRAPES. BEDSPREAD. a aga;n at their home, 707 Forest ave- al.MsLagWleta14.Table, 4 chairs, and rocker. Glencoe Ine fe i ek'sa i ai 114LTN52-ltl1) 1182. 129L52-tp : uatrasxwes tyi ai ___-------____ __ __ _i__la____ ____ _ *fornia. SUMMER RESORTS WVD. TO nuY--H*EHOI-D. 6OOOS 521 Main Street, Wilmette a 'AT SAUGATUCK, MICH. - MODERN WE B iFRNT Poe .hse., 4 bedmms., screen ,Pch. Large MisCrlLweceI2 rela grounds. ýNear lake adrvr $200. RUGS, STOVES, MEN'S & .WOMUrlN S *Wla ET 2 'UIesT 37 vne netie e ntigcu July and Augst innetka 1379. ýc1thing, shoes, etc. Ph. Unversity 010.3. "y737a.aeuetrandhrkitncu î1j6LTN52-ltp .I30LTN50-4tp i m m~last Tuesday.

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