Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 60

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almî qine roonjiwitfl sflower. P-honle Winnetka 97 or 3328 or ý2432. 92LTN52-ltc MODERN- APT., 4 .LARGE UNUSUAL- lY attractive rooms and bath. 2nd floor. Conv. to transp. scliools, etc. Showný by appt. Wilmnette 385. 92LTN52-eltp FOR RENT - 5 ROOM MLAT. 1LST floor. 441 Ridge Road, Wilmette, Ili- nois. 9L2-ltp Pou MENT--FUwR4looHED APT.' DEL REY APTS. 1. 2 AID 8 MOUMS 11; EARLY AMZRI- can pertod furniturel aly maid uerv- tee ticiluded. Near Univerisity, ;and al transportation and shopping center. Delly, Weekiy and Monthily Rates. 4. Q. NEEDLER &Co. $24, Noyes St. Uni1005 9S8LTN5O-4tp LIBRARY PLAZA OF'FERS: I2. 3-room apartments. Coniplete hotel service. Modern electrie kitchens. Cen- tral location. 14IBRARY PLAZA Orrington Ave. at Church'St., aot. tYni. 8000 Mis: Ethel Miller, Mer. NBWLY FURNIRED 4 RM. APART- ment. Fs.cing east and south. Cen- trally located. Unusualiy attractive. Beau. price. Ph. Wlmette 29 or 2427. 93T49-4tp WELL FUR~NISHED 4 ROOM AND bath apartment. Hot water, beat and garage furnlshed. Newly decorated throughout. Available now. Phone Wil- mette 300. 93LTN52-ltp WATTRACTIVEFU IRNIS17ED 5 ROOM apt- Garage. Hubbard Woods. 15th of June to Sept, lst. $75. Phione Win'- netka 2927. 93LTN52-lte 5 RM. NICEIY FURI<. APT. FRIGID- aire. Hot water heat. Near station. $65. 1050 Gage, Hubbard Woods. 93L52-ltp WANTED TO RINT-FURN, APT*. LIVING ROOM, BEDRO0M, AND KIT- *chenette, for 1 month, or 6 weeks frorn .une lst, in Winnetka or Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 649. 95LTN52-ltc FOR RENT-HOUSES FOR,,SALE OR-,RENT. FURN. OR UNFURN. FINE 8 PM.. 4 bath residence, on nearly y acre ot wooded grounid. Eleatm'r. 1216 Chestnut Ave, Wiliimette. Offered athaif former value for ik sale. Miss Gronk. BAIRD & WTARNER, lac. 19- fl n * l y>.-n tr'n r vr tTfl l Colonlial, ga" ht., 2-ear 1 TI 10 rs..,4 bahs. as lit., 2-car gpLr., attranctive yard. $125. GLENCOE-HIGHLAND PARK 5 rin. Bungalow, H. W. lit. $55. T7 rmi. Brick Colonial, 2'k baths, att. *gar., oil lit., large lot. $110. Chariiing brick home of 9 rvins., 2 bAths, 011 ht, large lot. $150. MANY MORE ALL SIZES & PRICES BAIRD,& WARNER, mne. 522 DAVIS ST., EýVANSTOe G;reenleaf 1855 :, Hollycourt 1855 523 PARK DRIVE, KEeILWORTI-I KenlWorth 418'.5 _ Rogers Park 0151 346 PARK AVE~NUE; GLeNCOK (iîlencoe 1554 'Briargate 1855 97LT2N52-Itc JUST ON MARKET TODAY 110ST ATTRACTIVE 7 RM. ENGLISH brick, shite roof, 2 bedrmis., 2. tue baths, ex. Iav. "oIarlum, open scr. peli. Recreation rm. 2-car-gn- --gtve, -eleç refrig. and drapes. Best east, Wilmette location._ It's ren lly a -dream-shown. by app. oly ('ilMrs. Mead. THE BILLTS REATY, mc. 1 529 DAVISl* ST.. EVANSTON C.re. 1166 Wllmette 1740 97LTN52-Itc 6 RM. BRK. BUNG., TILE ROOF, ARCH doors, craftex walls, fireplace, tule kit-. chen, 2 batlis, elec. refrig. H. W. ht., gar. Nr. "Il' and lake. 211 3rd St., Wilmettc. Ph. Sheldrake 0922. 97LTN52-ltp 6 ROOM HOME IN WINNETKA. HO-T water heat, garage. Reasonable, ent. ('ail at R10 CI'estnut Court, Winnetka or Phone Winnetka 3093. 97LTN52-ltp FýURN. OR UNFURN. 8 RM. 1-ISE. 4 bedrmis., breakfast rrn., 2 enclosed pchs., tile bath, h. w. hlo, beaut. yard., E. Ride' ]oc. $110 furi. .$90 unfumn. Phone Wilmette 3319. 97LTN49-4tp. 6i fM. HSE., 3 BEDRMS., SUN ?ORQ*I, H. W. heat, newly decorated, 12 blk. from scliool. 1620 Spencer Ave. Phone Wilniette 3019. 97LTlNJ52-ltc 6N ROOM HOUSE IHUBBARD WOODS 2 encioged porches. H. W. heat. Garage. Cal owner, Winnetka $5. 97L,52-ltp 729 11TH ST., WILM"rr1'E-8 gROOUS Sbrick,:2-car gar.,, IL W. heat. 2 bîks. to N. W. depot.. $10. Flentye, 729 Lake Ave. Phone Wilmnette 1382. 97IJrN51-3tp 6 ROOM HIOUSE IN N1ORTU HROOK. H. W. ht., sun porchi gar. Also 2 and 3 rm. heated apartments At 19317 Wil- mette Ave. Phone Wilmette 4978. - LE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 552U DAVIS ST., EVANSTON SUMMER RENTALS IVE HAVE EXCELLENT CLIENTS for summer rentais. List.,your prop- erty now with us. O. R. Smith Real E state 685 Vernon Glencoe 709 ____________________ 101L5-ltp WANTED FOR JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 16 for reponsbleteniant-6-7 morns, furnlshed. RALPH M. JAEGER WINNETKA 907 .101L,52-tp MAY 15 FOR 1 YEAR-I[N kENÎL- worth, Winnetka, or Glencoe-6 to 8 ros,2 baths. Phone Bradstreet, Wintka 162. 10lL52-ltpý FOR RENT-STORESt AND OFFICES FOR RENT. . WINNETKA STORES, IN CARLTON BUILDING, corner Oak Street and railroad. Low rentai., ALSOSPACI-OUK APARTAIENT- .$40 R. B. WHITAKER CO. 140 Center St. . 1 Winnetka 3250 Open Week Days !î oLT2-t __ FOR SALE-HOUBES jSPECIAL OFFERING, WINNETKA HOME BEAUTIFUL BRICK RESIDENCE, slate roof, in fine condition only 9 years old; large lot; wonderfut location. Large living-room, library, dining-moom, breakfast rooni, fine kitchen and butler'" pantry. 4 fine family bedrooms, 2 fine tiled bathrooms, 2 malds' roorna wlth: bath; oi1 heat; 2-car heated gareige. Priced rlght for imniediate sale. McGUIRE & ORR, me. Exclusive Agents Over 40 Years of Dependable Serive 530 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1080 316 Park Ave., 'Glencoe Glen. 13 111 1,TN52-1tc EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS LI-11 Sheridan Rd., Wllmette-13 rmm., 4 baths. Was $120,000, now $53,000. You shouid Investigate. 505 Madison St., Glenco)e-;7 ige. rxns., 3 mod. baths. English brick colonial. Attch. gar . .......1... 20,000 765 Foxdale Ave., Winnetka-.rns., 4 good-sized bedmoonfis, 11,5 bithâ,lcadit side ..... . . . - . . . .. $11,500 !40 Center St., Wnnetka-Want offer for 7 nm. mod. brick colonial 4 bdrms. Attch. gar, 6Q9 Cumnor Rd., Kenhlwomth. Ideal New England Colonial for sinall faknlly.I JEasy to linance $12»0..î~oo DEIGHTFUL little. ENGI.1H HOME in fine residential section near the HIGH SCHOOL and Indlian IlilI Station. 6 large roomsa 1½ baths, attached 2-car garage, easy to 'add atiother r-oomi and bath..................... $14.500 WHITE' CLAPBOAItD COLONIAL on' 1WOODED lot 99x190 fêet, just 3 blocks ta <lLENCOE, Station. F) bedroomas, 2 l)aths, delightful sunpor<'h on the soîth.ý OIL heat, Garage . 1.0 GRAY SHINGLE ENGLISH COLONIAL in Winnetka. 6 suiinn* ani spacious rooms, open screen porch and sleeping porcli. ...... $)ý6o imo. ADORýABLE, Shintgie I )u tch Colonial nerSchool and Station in- Giencoe. Very large living room with ivood-burn- Jng fireplace, unrusually ýpavîous-dining room, 2 very large bedrooms and one, srnaîl maid's- room. Sunmn-i and Sleeping porches on the south. Beauti- fui grounds 100x20. $~ 85-00. mo. SOUND VALUES Stone, 7 rms., 3 b.,'., modern, near lake, . large lot $32,100 stucco, (9jrns»., 3 bs., ex. loc., Ige. lot, sun poli., sIl). pch., rtedu<ced to $21,000 Brick, 5. rms., 1 b., rec. rm., excellent condition, large lot. nicely Iandscaped, (east).............$12,500 Stone, 8 rms., stly. mod., ý,/2ac re, 2-c,., about 13 original value : .$12,000 Frame, 7 rmm., large lot $.5 Prame cottage, 4 rms,., large lot, nicely landscaped ..... . 2,500 OTHER GOOD VALUES, Al.,SI1Z ES1 B. H.BARNETT a2* (enter St. Winnetka 965 ___________________ i1,ILTN52-ltp Open Sunday2to 6 P. M. 864 BRYANT (1 BLIC. W. ()F SHERI- dani. 4 blk S. of Tower.> Attr. COo- lonial In premier E. Winnetka neigli- bôrhood. :Y acre rolling, forested grou.nds. Near beach, station, achool. Designed by Edwin Clark. 5 b)edrmis., 31/2 bs., slp. pch., sun pch., Hî. W. lit., 2-car gar. A_ lifetime home. Price $29.000, or, wiii rent for only, $1.35.: Come Sunday or, cail Mfr.>Drayvetoî yuîblrokor for. private .ahowing., North-Shore Realty' .2:iWînetkaAst lVn,î.8l-il.819 Summer Sh.ack in the Woods IYIIý ut H AND, R ANSPACH, REALTORS RENT HOUSE, F'URNISRED PO 396 Central Ave. Highland Park 1212 sumimer, six bedrooms, three baths, 97LTN52-ltp sleeping and dining Porches, sun ooni, 6ROàOM BUNGALOW NEAR SKOICIE Dean lake, beautiful lot. Winnetka 2297. School, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, gar., large 98L52-Itp attie,srniali heatingeost. $65 per month. 8 ROO0MS. 2 BATHS. LAV. 2-CAR GýA- SMITH AND GOSS rage. . Large yard. Haîf block -to 725 Elmn St. Ph. Wininetka 3500 Skokie Playfield. Jupe '15 to Sept*6. 97LTN5-1 itc Winnetkaý 624. 98LTN5-1 tc Attractive 6 rn. house, good neighbor- 725 Elm St. . Ph., Winnetka :1500 hood. .8$7,500. 1 1I1LTN52 -Itc MR J ANG WINNETICÂ 1194 BEAUT. RIPARIAN RIGIHT, ENG* 8 111L52-ltp * rm. res. l n 1IIigh. Pank's finest resid. -NEyER BEFORE OPFERED sect. on dead-end st., 3 blks. from grade Indian Hill Section. Brick Colonial, 4 *and higli sehools, 6 blks. to main transu. îvî el dni. tile bath, Iav. lat, Lie.,riv ch o13x510'; $47,500.bkft.noo, -argar. BeautIful land- Hi. and R. Asal,396 Centrai Ave., scatpying. M rs.E pehii xlsv F11gh. Park.1212, 111LTN452-ltp Aet inek 5. 111hTN52-l«

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