421 Richmond-Rd. Kenilworth 5221 68LTN52-itc DOMESTIC HELP REL'ABLýE EFFICIENT Shay Employment Agency Established 20 years Two offices ln Chicago 109 E. Oak St, 14 W. Washington Sup. 6608 Centrai 900 68LTN52-ltc EXPERIENCED HIELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADE domestic help ail nationailes. No charge to employers.. References ,In- ve.tigated. Undet. State supervision., Reinhart Empi. Agçncy. 748 Eim St. Wnek 3399 A WOMAN WOULD LIKE DAY WORK, cleaningor laundry. Care of chiidren evenlngs. C an give first-çiass service. Best N. S.. refs. Winnetka 3579. 08LTN62-ltp EXPERT G;ERM.%AN LAUNDRESS TO take- work home. Charged by pound or piece. Outsiç1e drying. N. S. ref- erences. Pic'k up) and deliver. Cali DAVis 1086. 68bTN52-ltp GENERAL- HOUSEWQ1UK OR SECOND ~by young colored woman, 8 years with Wlnn. family. Capable, reliable, healthY. References. Wlnnetka 2436. 68L52-ltp WANTED «BY EXPERZIENCED LAUN- dress family washing.. WVill eall for and deli\,er. Phone Wilmiette 90~. 68LTN52-ltp ,SITUATION WANTED) FOR MY EX- perienced niaid. Good cook. Thor- oughly reliable. Christian. $12. Phone Glencoe 1035. Il 68LTN52-ltp) EXPERZIENCED IN .COOKING, GLN- éral housework and laundry. work. By the day or. hcur. stay or go. Ask for Carrne.. Gre. 9237. 68LTN524Itp * Exeriflcd yungwoman. wants TYPING TO TAKE HOME WiII e-alland deli\,er-. irst-ciass ork. Winnetka 168. 6SLTN52-ltp EXPERIENCED - INFANT'S NURSE. - Hospital trained, best niorth shore and Doctor references. Lake View 31.4. 0ITUATION WANrD-MALr experience«d man wants GARDEN AND HOUSE WORK References Winnetka 1552 695-t falliiy. $8; perM WHITE GIRL work, ail or pi near trans. -Wl WHITE GIRL FC work and launý Wilmette 2307. Week. F-ÎOR part tini 4 in. 663 Vernon Ave., Glencoe 251 ________________711.TNI-tfc MIDD~LE AGED WHITE WOMAN, Protestant, for gen. housework, no laundry. Gôod cook. For 2 aduits. $8. Phone Winnetka 1670 Sat., Sun., or Mon- 4ay 10 tg 12. 71LTN5S2-ltp WANTPED - EXPERIE-NCED LAUN- dress for elther Monday, Tuesday, or Friday. N. S. ref. required., Phone Winnetka 2117. 71LTN52-ltc CAPÀBLE' WHITE WOMAN FOIR general housework. Smail famiiy of aduits. Must be; willing.' Phone Win-. netka1349. 71LTN52-ltp WHITÎEGIRL FOR GENERAI, HOUSE- work. Mtust: like children. Own room and radio. $5 or. $6. Ph. Winnetka 3279. WANTED- GIRL OR. WOMAN FOR .general housework. Haif day's. No washing. $5.'per week. Phone Wii-' mette 1441. LT5-t WH-ITE' MAID FOR GEN. H1OUSE- Swork. 2 aduits, 4 children. Nurse and. laundress employed. Wlnnetka 1558. 7ll52-ltP WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE- Swork. No laundry. Aduit famiiy. Own room and bath. Good home. 303 Fair- vlew. Wininetka 85 2. 71LTN52-lte eral hsewrk. and care of 6 year oid boy. Must have references. Phone Glen- coe 684. 71LT52-ltp WHITE NURSEMAID FOR CARE 0F chiid 2 years old and assist geni. mald. Exper. Refera. Under 25 years pref. $6. Giencoe 322. .71LT52-ltp RELIABLE, WELL RECOMMENDED, WHITE GIRIL AS NURSE-CHAM- BERMAID. WINNETKA .1770. 71ITN524ltc EXPIERlIENCED WHITE GIRL 26-25. G'enieial housewvork, laundry. SmalI fanïiily. Stay. $7. Ph. Wilmette 154. 7ILTN52-lti» WANTED - EXPERIENCED MAIIY for general housework. Go home 4iights. References. Phone Wllmette 1635. 7iLTN'52-ltp WANTED ÎWHITE-GIRL FOR IJIGHT housework. Sniall family. Home aights. $5. Phone Wilinette 1578. 71LTN52-ltc W ANTED-WHITE MAID FOR LAUN- dry and assist 2nd floor. References. Phone Glencoe 810. 71L5-ltp WR-ITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- wprk. 2 aduits, à children. Own room. $7. Phone Winnetka 645. 715-t KSLP 'AS ANTED-MALE STANT TO ýTN52-ltcý Now at 818 Elm lSt. iO -Us E -.______ __ e nights, WANTED A COMPETEI, 71L524ltp perlened couple. WomE HOUSE- housework anid man to y. Phonie gentlemen.. 2 Infanmily. ,TN52-1 tc mette 2230- ... ... ...$80 tc Highland Park, Ili.,-- -Giencoe 160 EXP.. WHITE COUPLE, GOOD COOK and houseman. First-cla.ss references required., Phone Wlnnetka 1535. 73L52-ltip FOR SALE-AUTOIS Wiil take trade-in 1930 Packard Light. 8 Sedan Good cond. Private. Wlnnetka 107. 77LTN52-ltp 192 CHE VROLET COACH FOR SALE reasonabie. Good, condttlon. Phone Wilrnette 3507. 77LTN52-ltp USEFD ÇAR BARGAINS USED'CARS « Proof of Our Bargains, Is by the nuniber of used cars we .are selling. $4,900> sold in our last week's 3 daiy sale. We ai:e gon to offer iiine moQre of these bargains this week.. Don't Wait-Comne in at once Take your choice of our Used Car Stock 1934 Chçv. Master Coach s..- $495 1933 Chev. 'Master Sedan, 6 wire wheeis, safety glass, radio -. 445 1931 Chev. Sport Coupe.......245 1933 Chev. Sport Coupe ..........425 ALL SOLD WITH AN O.K. THAT COUNTS WESCOTT MOT'ORS CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1245 Chicago Ave. . Gr-eenleaf 8000 77.1-,rN5-ltp * .$10 DOWN Lowest Finance on the' North Shore ýNO SIGNERS-NO ENDORSERS CARS DELIVERED AT ONCE 128 Chevroiet 4 Dr. Sed ... -$ 85 '28 Buick Cpe . ....... ...125 '29 Ford Tudor ...... 76. '29 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sed.. ......... .15' '30 Peerless 5 Pass. Coupe ......95 '29 Buick Sedan .............a '36 Pontiac Spt. Coupe .......165 '30 Studebaker Sedan 165 '31 Chevrolet Coupe ..ý....... 195 MANY OTHIERS NORTH SHORE, 'inn. 3328' 2L2-t ,TN52-ltc 25lt ,ND EX- 1 OR 2 LARGE PLEASANT ROOMS r general ,FOR GENTlýEMEl!4, WITH 1BATH ýt elderly AND SHOWER. NEAR TRANSP. 824 One Wil- POXDALE AVE. WINNIETKA 2010. ýTN52-ltc 82L52-tp 82L62-ltP 1 NTCELY FURNISHED AND NEWLY decorated sleeping room; 1% blocks restaurants and transp. $3.50 each. 71(> Park Ave. Ph. Wllmette 2088. 82LTN52-1tp 2 NICELY FUTLNISHED RO OM S, DOUBLE OR SINGLE, CLOSE TO TRANSPORTATION. 942- PINE ST. WINNETKA 82LTN52-ltp LARGE PLEASANT FRONtr ROOM. Connecting roorn and private kitchen if wanted. Ph. WiI. 965-R Sat. and.Sun. or afternoons, *if no answer Kenil. 86. 82LTNl'52-ltp. WELL FURNISHED; GOOD SIZE room, suitable for 1 or 2. Near trans- portation. Business people preferred. 110' Fifth St., _Wilmette. 2LTN52-itp LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 or,2. Pri vate bath and sieparate en- trance. Phone Winnetka 2424. 82LTN52-ltp LARÎGE, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM sultabie for one or two. Kitchien. priviieges If desired. Reasonabie. WII- mette 3206. ..82bTN5S2-ltp ROOM WITH BATH, TO TEACHER or business woman. Attractive home. Reasonable. Ph. :evenings, Wilmette 2253. $2LTN52-ltp NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL convenlences. 1 block North Western' station. Reasonable. 629 Park Ave. Wilmette 2345. 82LTN52-tp 2 NEWLY DECORATED, NICELY furnished front rooms. Corivenlent location; east side. Ph. Wilhette. 1940. 82LTN52-ltc 2 LIGHT AIRY ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished, near tiransp. Reason- able. Garage If deslred. Phone Win- nietka 1699., 82L52-ltp ROOM FREE TO MIDDLE AGED lady. MenaIs optional. 284 Greenwobd Avenue, Gencoe, IIilnoIs.ý 82L52-ltp FURNISHED RiOOM FOR i10OR 2 Close to Elm St. station. 55~4 Mbor Vitae Rd., Wnnetka, 111. 82LT52-ltp LIGHT, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM flear school and transportation. 859 Elim, Winnetka 1325. 82LTN52-lttp LGE. RÔOM, KITCHEN PRIVILEGES. For aduit woman. Phone Wllmette 299. 82LTN52-1tip BOARD AND, ROON KENILWORTH INN offers you dlean. homelike rooma, suites wlth bath. Excellent meals. Reason- able. 315 Cuninor Rd4. eniworth 6491. 86LTN52-ltc F051 URENT--APARTMEMTB VViIIlmette. rnone wv ..a, 4 ROO)M UPPER AP. blocks fronj transpor preferred. $30. Phone