Iiverybody who ever wetit to schlool will want to sec May Rob5on iii "Grand OId Girl"a t ite Wilniettelîieater this Friday and Satu-rday. That grand old trouper turnts in ai- oth.er. superflne Performance,' this time as a veteran hIighi school princ 1ipal. *'Old' Dynamnite." militant and fearlcss, when the morals of lier -pupils ar ,e threatened hy a blind. tiger sponsored hy flhc town's sliadY Political ring. ning photoplay whbich lopens ,its onli']y showing in this area Monday, May 6, at the Winnetka Communiy theater, is destined to take its place as one. of the outstanding hit pic- turcs of -al screenhistory. BoastinIg a cast of I;ixty-fîve'.stars, and featured. playýers in. the lcading roles, :the picture vibrates with an intinîiacy that cannot, be imagined. It blends cvery element of entertain-. ment- romance, comedy,ý pathos, thrills and spectacle-in such deft quality that oie fairly lives wvith the H-er crusade to wipe it_ out, isteîatr s mevwr ou er story,. but it's riclîly laden .witlî human 5 incident and scexies tliat will recal portrayals. Don't miss this great drama! tl vour own scliool-days and the womein Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wed- Sý wlîo werc the ",secondl mothiers" of nesday,, May 5-8. the Teatro presents your youth. Etienne« Girardot, Alan that grand opportunity to seeCcharles b- Hale and Mary Carlisle highliglit an Laàughton. in "Ruggles of Re&i Gap." exceptionally excellent, cast in support Th oi arnswilrvl i ot ayRosoI auËhtonis> priceless, use of panîtomime in Wunarne and Pltdàvare fChla which almoist became a lost art with C Sunay ndMoîd-a- rc uliofthe exit of silent pfictures. Nowv panto- FP thrills and suspense, with thse inscrut- mime 'returns, to help mal<e fhis faking M~ able Warncr OIand at bis best in the film the lîeight of fine comnedy. fe title role of -Charlie Chan in Paris." Trhe Confucius-proverb business has But the com-edyv isti't ail; tlîis pro-- been remnoved to the picture's.advan- duction has a vitality and muscularity tage, and tlîe production is sm-oothcr that only real drama can provide. No and more opulent than u'tsual. Mary Oie wiîl forget the butsh that fails over Brian.and Thomas Bcck carry the ove the listeners while the\- share deeply înteest.the destiny of a nation as Laughton "The Pursu .it of J-appitiess," at the remind thei 0 'of "-vat Lincolni said at 1 Wilmette next Tuesday and Wednies- Gtybr. day, hinges on "buiidlinig" the long- These Deserve Plaudits gone customi useci 10 eke out the fire- Many wjil say they like Laughton the wood., It's about a *Hessian soldier hest ever ini this film. And there are and a Colonial lass in Revolutionary others wht merit laurels - Charlie. War days.~ Francis Lederer, Joan Ben- Ruggles, Mary-Bolanci. ZaSul Pitts and nctt, Charlié Ruggles, -Mary Boland Roland Young. A big round of ap- andi Barbara Barondess head the cast plause. too, for Leo M.\cCarey who di- o.f, this film, onie of the hcst ii the rected. taikie industry. "Let's Live Toxight" will be the Next Thursday. Friday and Satur- Teatro attraction Thursday., May 9. day, Junior, will1 be wideýeyed .with Lilian. Harvey and Tulîjo Carminati e ager. intercst at. the WVilmette theater. heac a, cast of remairkabie taldent. The'reason isi "Car 99," aà picture show- ing how thé state police are traineci and lîow a police radio systemn is con- dtcted. Sir Guy Standing, Ami Shieri-1 dani and Fred MacMýurray figure in the cxcitiing action. Dickeuns ouly castially. Pcrhaps outstanding ini "David Copperielçl's" achie-enients is the die- yelopment of the ilcw child star,, Frcddieè Bartlîolomcwu, who. plays the hpby David. Retùitiscetit of the wist- fui charin of Jackie Coogan when he flrst. appeareci witlî Chiaplin in "The Kid." littie Freddie has, suddenly roçketed to.a coinînancling place in the screcn. world 0o1 the streîîgtlî of hiis performance as, David. "'Dcvii Dogs of the Air," a mighty ~mncof ýthe flying marines, is chedu1ed as the feature attraction 'at :Ée Comnuunity theater Fri*day'and ;aturdav. MNav 3 and 4. This picture is based on, a story )y John 'Monk Sauinders dealing 'ith thc aviation corps of the U.* S. farines. It again brings together the nimitable trio wh1o appeared in "Heére ores, the Navv." James CÇagney.' Pat O'Brien and Frank McHugh. f argaret HndsaS lias the lcading emîinc erole. RADIO SERVICE Philco IL C. A. B. M. S. 0 actory Serviee Service 1122 Central Wilmnette 3006 WILMETTE MUSIC Cerne Raymond- Frances Drake anid Henry Huli Comedy - Dumbeli Letters Scrappy Cartoon- Newe Friday,:Saturday, May 3-4 Frankie Thomas 0 . P. Heggie and ýHelen Parrisih Comedy -. Novelty Popeye Cartoon - News Suniday, Monday, Tueiday, Wednesday, May 5-6-7-8 Charles Laughtoný-Mary Boland Zazu Pitt& and Charlie Ragles Latest' issue of "The March of Time" - News Thitrsday, May 9 'Let'sLive i!ouIght ' Lilliais Harvey-Tullio Carmnti Friday, Saturday, May 10- 1 1 "11T IEAPPENED IN NJEW YORK". Lyle Talbot - Gertrunde Michael 1and Heathes- Angel Ont.e 7 %7 DE V Il j L DOGS OF THE AIR i A m E 5 P A T CAGNEY ý OSRIEN M A R A R 11 1 IfJ!)ý,AY 1ý A N K M , H U' L>oors open Sunday-Holidays. at 1:30 p.m. Show at 2 p.M. Doors Open Week Days at, 6:30 p.m.. Show a: 7-Pim.> Doors Open Saturday a: 12:30 p.m., Show at i p. th. O.rchestra Every Saturday DlELICIOUS FOOD. IM II I E.Atqp U, ël UII.. -*£ il nd N uôVP.ii "CAR No.'99"111 Portrays Higi "Grand Old Excellent at Principal in ies Laughton 1