Sali twvo wonderful days, on the sheliered St. Lawrence Seaway' on your way to, Eu- rope. Won't that add to your comfort and fun? Gét maps and rates front jour on. agent or K. A. Cook, Steamshtp General Agent, 7i E. Jackson Bivd, Chicago, 111. Phone: Wabàh 1904. Attend Kî-ng's Slver Jubilee starting Wn London Monday, May 6, celebratîng, az5th anniversary of the ascension of Kng George V. Asic about AllI-Expense Personally Conducted Tours. FRENCH LICK The Homne of PIufo, Water tS golfing ti-me ot i nreemen o a rioe,--i s prJanlb41 4intI along merrily at the Harris theatre. The public's roaring; the critics arc raving: Charles Collins of the Chi- cago Tribune guffaws, "This is the funniest show in ye2irs" Lloyd L ewisý oi the Chicago ]Daily News, after re- couriting the many companies pro- ducing th e show, exciaims, "'At' this rate of production '3. Men oila Horse' is fast'becoming an industry. Not. since the boom days of ,the n1n-: teen-twenties has the legiltimate stage boasted of a bit with three andfour comipanies, let alone two that thrived." Meanwhiie,e Ashton Stevens,, famed critic ofthe Chicago Amiericani, raves about.the Chi,'cago company of "Tbree' Men on a Horse."' He adds: "Here' is a comedy of a type that has come down through many ages:of theatri-ý cal history without ever getting out. of fashion. It is based on an ingeni- ous idea that appeal .sto tmen and women alike-a fantastic way of get- ting money -for notbing." WITH UNCLE SAM NOW "G-Meri,' a new picture showing bow the Department of Justice tracks clown criniinais, is featuring Jimmy Cagney as one of Uncle Sam's right band men. This saine Cagney became one of Hoilywood's best known "bad men" for bis marvelous characteriza- tion in ."The Public Eneniy" some timeago. SECOND FOR OLD MAESTRO IBen Bernie, the Old Maestro, stars now in his second film feature with the release of "Stoien Harmiony." H e shares honors with. George Raft, Grace Bradley, Roscoe Karns and others. COOPER READY TO WQRK Gary Cooper, who shares starring honors with Anna Sten in "The Wed- ding Night," soon will start work on a new picture. Claudette Colbert wil be bis leading lady. STAR IN NEW FILM la nc sti si yc na tb If yout don't believe Will Rogers Âs getting better every movie go. to the V1a.-sity tkeater whern 1w' starin.g in the picture, "Life Be- gins at 40," for five days startinig this Friday. Thzs tirne Will is -a sfltown editor, aiid it's your lots if yoit miss al' the fun and thrills. "Sequoia," another film the whoie famiiy wiIl enjoy, shows at the Varsity iext Wednesday and Thursday. This ;tory of animal life i the magnificent Sierra Mountains will stir you more leeply than any hunian <trama. Jean Parker (perfectly cast) rescues a ioung fawn: and a baby puma f rom )u'rsuing hunters, and the two animais, itural enemies, grow up together ini :miraculous friendship. The rest of he, story is yours at the Varsity-. FRED STONJE WILL TALK Fred Stone, star of- thestage for many years, bas gonme to Hollywood to make his f-Irst talkie. Onîe of the many friends wbo greeted him was W. C. Fields. in Valencia Movie. "Wings in the Dark" will thrill Valencia theater patrons as no other aviation film. For this picture, show- ing this Thursday and Friday, actu- aily has a heart and sets: a new altiý-., tude record for emotionai appeal. Cary Grant gives bis finest perform- ance to date as 'the aviator ail set for a great flight when he is, blidd by. an explosion. Myrna, Loy does great things by the unfortunate aýviator as the grand story unfolds-. Saturday, May 4, is devoted to an aerial siant on African animais.. Mr. and -Mrs. Martin Johnsocn shot the films of ."Baboona" from the air to make the picture both unusual and instructive. The. Valencia, will open, at 10, o'clock Saturday morning,: af- fording an opportunify to see a com- plete show> before no .on. Another Fine' Picture Beckous Here.'s a picture no one can af- ford. to miss.- It's "The Good Fairy"ý at the Valencia theater Sunday and Mondav. This daddy-long-.iegs type of storY, by Ferenc Moinar,, is beau- tifuliy presenfed. and heartily rec-' ommren dedý to young and old. It portrays a comedy drama wherein, a girl- goes fromn an orphapage into the world-plays havoc> witb the lives of three nien bv selicting ber husband. froni a telephone book and failing to tellilber victim she bas done so. *Margaret'Suliavan, Hlerbert Marsh- aIl and Frank Morgan are brilliant in the teading rotes. George Aia. Stars Tuesday and Wednesday, the Val- encia presents George Ariiss in "The Iron, Duke.*" Tbe witty, beart-warm- ing Mr. Arliss portrays Wellington as an amiable, kindiy man, a charm- ing characterizat ion. The' audience wiII like it immensely-there's so. much of Mr. Arliss. *The story of Weilington's triumpb, is toid.cleverl, carefully andthought-ý fully. There',s-,plenty of brilliant con- 'versation-even the'Battie of Water- loo is spiced with it. Everyone wil find. this an interesting and wortb- while picture. New Trier Golfers to .1Open Season on Friday ýGS MOTEL eint««0 MbalaR :GA. RT, Présiçiont Phone The Moi ter. &dventure md Wiaete4092 Joan '.urnridge of 917 Greenwood avenue, Wiiutette, bas been appointéd *<eputy worship chairman of the Y. W. C. A. at Denison university, Granville, 0. Miss Guthridge, a fresh- mani, isa miember of Delta Delta Delta sorcrityv.: BEN ERICKSON