for tnose wno wisfl to join the chure1h at the next communion. The class meets at 9 :30 o'clock. The Tuxis club wiii mneet at 5 :30 o'ciock in the chapel. After refresh- ments, the topic for the meeting will be "'How Forgiv e?" Ail the Young Peopie are invited, to. be with us. The session NlIi hoid 'its: regul ar monthiy meetingý Monday evening at 81 o'clock at the church. Boy S'cout, troop No. 5 wiii muet Moà- day evening at the church. ýSpoke No. 2 of theUVoinýtî's Society, wii meet Tuesd,y with Mrs., P. B. Gronl- dai, 85 High street,; Winnetka, frds serti un(heon. ýSpoku- No. 9 wii) muet Tuusd.iy*with Mrs. 1-ariuy Ji.. Long, 815 Park avenue. At our inidweek service, Wednesday! evenng a 8 'clock in the hpel,' w wili study the second of the great. 4i,<chs in s:icred. history-"When Sin Caine. We invite y)u, to spen<l this hourt withw uS. TPhe Choir will imuet FridaY uvenirig :tt1 the church. Girl cu tr<oJ) No. -5 wi metsaar 4kty atternioon at the chîîrch. Suday; May 12,wivilbuoibsurd as Mother's day at thle chuîrch. Weinvite you to s pend itwith u. Kenilworth 'Union, D)r. Herbért L., Wiilett, iiister Drý Willett's -subjeet for Stinday, May' 5, 1 ml be .The Ministî'y of Trouble." The chutrch servie is at il d o * A cordial inviato is extenided to those' not attending curuh elsewher'e to "mre and worship.with uý. Thi i a un- *ion church. Its înernhershij> includes peopie f roin varlous dnmnain It proclaims, the essejitial truith.s 0f the Christian. falth. It desir-es to provide . for the comrnunity the >service of iwor- shilp, religlous education alid social fi The spring dinnur ait(] ahillil meeting wili be held. WednesdaytN, Ma 1,5, at 6 :30 pY. M. at the Kenilm-orih Assemnblyhall.ý Theý Sunday seliool'wiiil muet at 9 :45ý. Thiere are c-lasses for, childreit between the ages of the kindergarten and the high se(hool. îsit.s a ru welc<>me. Legion'A uxiliary * Wilipette' Unit 46 \Vilxnette will be cal!ed upon tc committee. A. large supPîY 01popie lias been ordered froni Edward Hiines Hospital, wvhere disabled veterans have been given employment duriîîg the winter and spring making the lîttie paper flowers. "The. purpose. of "Po ppy Day' is to give everyOtie an o-pportu.flitY to one an opportunity to share in the vas;t Nork wihli h thie Americani I.egion and Auxiliary are doing fcr the disabled meni, tfieir families and the famnilles of the oeadl." ýoveries, combined, with ires, are now used against riy-tuberculosis. LO0W-EIR, I PUBLIC SHERVICIE COMPANIY OF, NORTIIER ILLit40is 1141 Central Avenue PA y a à 0.