Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 54

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wiï paticpate in 'tnis service. Mem- enarge unitr wu -n hmas 1-1 West Who, bers and friends are rehiinded tha t te as président of the Social union,, wlll be. musical preparation .for thé service be- t he oasmase. etn-ud atr gins nt 10:à45 -o'cioclç. ,The introit is sung noon, Ma 1-3p.meein-hicao tpe. at oeactly .ilh'ciok ad s immediately .The rellglous, educational, social, and foilwedby he rocssinalhym. .medical. institutions of. ChIcago Metho-, The usiefor hé mrnit. idism will be represented by their direc- he mu cforthononig wor-,hip tors, staff and employes.. ,evceo May 5 wrill be as follows: Organ. (10:45)- "1Andanteý Moderato"- It Is expected that Bishop Edwin HoIt' "Adagio" (Trio Sonata 1)....Bach Hughes w!iî be the preacher in the Wil-« 1 Miss Marie Briel m rette Parish churcli on Sunday morn- Introlit: "Cast Thy Burden upon thee n, May 19. Lord".... ;.............Mendelssohin - .Anthemn: "Lord of. Ail Being",Andrews Sunday, June 9, is Penteécost Sunday. Offertory solo: "Behold, What Manner Members from the preparatory class will ,of Love". .. .... .MaeDermid be receivýed Into full membèrship that Miss Florence Farrar day, and adults ill b eevdb Organ, pos3ltude: "-Allego"Trio So. transfer or on confession of f'lh at )aci Children's- day. will e observed on The Church school mneets each Sundar Stînday, JUne 16, this Year. Children nîorning; at 9:20 o'clock. There are wil l e baPtized at that tume. classes for ail ages f rom the nursery, to the adiiîtd.eartiient. New.enroilments "«The Romance of America's Golden are miade each week. Age" is an unustially attractive and thriling pageant to lie presenited. In this The Hligli Schéool Epworth league Will ehurcli May 21 and 22, under the ans- meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 Wock. Pices of the- WesIeyaýn 'Sêrviceg Vld Announcemen.t of the prograni wîll be Puller annouticemnt wil lbe made later. made in the Sunday bulletin. Tickets nmay be obtained fromn any inem- ber- of the guiid.a Theta Upsilon Rho %,ill mleet Sunday evenlng at 5 :30 o'clock. Mrs. Daniel .Plie choir wilI nîeet, foir rehearsal1 Stecker wiii be the speaker. Ail..youLnig Thursday evening, at 8 Qo1clock, in the hr People above hîgli. schooi age are (-or- junior rooni, u nder the direction of Miss The preparatory membership cilass The Scout trooi js for boys and girls di mneets each Monday at the church, im-e- imeet as foiiows : ti diateiy after sehool. The junior group Girl Scout Troop 1-Thursdaysax is under the direction of Robert Baid- 7:15 p. ni. a ridge, and the Intermediate group is un- Girl Scout 'l'îoop 2-Thursdays ti der the direction of Truman W. iPotter 3 :45 p). mnsi Preparatory study books are. available. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays et de A. final examination on the work wili be ~p i heid by the minister on Monday, June 3 Brownle Pack l-Wednesdaýys at and the class '%vll be received tInto fuli 3:30 p. ni. e niemliership on Sunqiay, June i.-BOY 'Scout Troop 3-Thur-sdays at af -. ~7:30 p.nm.SE The annuai spring luncheon for al vii Women of thée hurch Is belng heid today 'le Womnan's Foreign Mlssionarv m (Thursday) at 1 o'ciock at the Shawnee 8 2c!etY will me et Thursda Y, May 9, at 2 se club. o'cock in the Woman's room. Devo- U tions: Mrs. R. M.. Campbiell. Study ne Thle National Younger Men's Mission book-"Peace and international F'riend- W ary congress, under the auspices of the ship," by Mrs. Paul Nichol and Mrs. B. Laymen's Missionary movenient is be- L. Mitchell.* Special music, Ail1 womenB lng held May 2 to 5 nt the Atevenis hntel, are invited. 'Chicago. Theme:- "Jesus Christ and L the Worid Today.*" Promînent churcli FisCdgrgijt~ and Mission leade rs wîliispeak, and is Co g ea on t there WIII be group discussions. . Young John- G. H lndieY, minister' mnen eslzpeciaiiy are urged to attend. "Responsi-veness" is the subject of Marie Mayer, worid famous Mary Rev. Hindiey's sermon on Sunday mcmr- MAgdaiene of the Oberammiergau Pas- ing, et the il ocock service. The rnusi- sion Play, will lie presented by the W. H. cal program for that service is as foi- M. S. Frlday eveni .ng, May 10, at the lows:- -- chuiruch. g r.n» -i. -i - -1- 1- Scout troop No. 1 meets Tuesday 1t 71]0 p. m. The Brownies (Junior Girl Scout:) mieet Wednesday at 3 :30 p. ni. Scout troop No. 2 mleets Wednesday nat 7:3,0 1. ni. Girls' choir rehearsal .Thursday at 3 :30 p.ini. Boy-s' choir rehearsal Thursday at 4 p. ni., Senior choir rehearsal Th ursda,-,, atf 7:15 P. ni.' Cub Pack 63 mieets Saturday a t 9 :30 a. . Girl.s' choir rehearsai Saturdar- at 10:30 a..1I 11 1 Boys' choir ,rehearsal, on Saturdlay at Ila. nM. - Englisiz Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "«A Hotuqe of Worshij' . Thle Rev. David R. K'abele, iPastior SUTNDAT SERVICES Chureh school - .. . 9:45 a. ni. MIorning ivorship...............Il a The'.Won's society linki 1 et -It the *-hureh this afternoon* (Thursdav) a )'cioek. 'Plie topie foi- this m reetin- P.4 'Rea,'hing Out .With the W'oî'd." Reports w'ill bA giVesn on.the Spring Cne-'e We invite aIl] the wome ttO ieet with s Senior ch1oir rebIear-,l Frilday even ing t 7 :30 o'clock. Junior choir reh.eaÈ,3a.1 Saturcla*y norný rg at 10 o'clocç. At the Service of Worship ncext Sun- ay morning the pastor will prear'iI o1 'he tidcommandment "ecle 'he Sabbath Day to Keep It Hoiy." A oliday or a holy day? 1s Our Sabbath ýe, correct day? F'orgetting G3od on uùnday but expectlng His help on Mn lay. Why the Chu rch? The Chicago Lutheran SeminarvB- tilaurQae se e*111 be heid Sunday rternoon, May :5, at 3 :30 o'ciock in .the nIemiarychap>ei, Maywo%d. Thle sernmon 111 . be p1teachèd by 'the Rev. Edwi n &oll of Chicago. Thle Comme ncenîent ervice will be held Wednesday eveninq, fay 8, at 8 o'clock. Thle speaker for the ccasion will ' be the Rev. Armin G.. Veng, Ph.D., of Elgin, 111. The Luther leaguers wiii attend the 9ccalaureate service at the Chica.go otheran Semln ary, Maywwood,,next Sun- aLy afternoon, meeting at the dhurci t2 :30 O'ciock. Attend Churcli Reguiarly. St. A ugustine s Dr. Hubert Carletori, rector SERVICES 9 :15 a. n.-First service. 9 :30 a. mi.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 10:40 a. m.-Preparatory service for Holy Communion. 11 a. mn.-Second service withi Hoy Communion. Ladies' EETINGS LdeAid society, today,« 9 p'ni. Junior Walther league receiveés con-. firmnation cass into nembership, Friday, 8 p.ni. Choir rehearsai, Monday, 7:45 P. i., Chuirch council,*sy, 8 P. rni. "Pter, in the House' of Corýnelilis*" is to ýbe the subject of. SundaYs sermon, based on Acts 10 :34-41. We have spoken mueh ilu these days of the Importance of Christ's resurrection; It Is the kevstone of our Christian faith. Ini this text wve hear Péter making, the resurrection the basis «f bis tlrst sermon before a Gentile audience.. The spring rally of the North Shore zone of the Walther league wii beheld in Libertyvi île on, Sunday .ifternot--n. Registration at 3 o'ciock; session at 3*:30; supper at 5 :30', talent quest pro- gram ln the evein. Thome desiring to partake of the Lord's Supper in .SIindty's 'second1 service wil announce their Intention to the pastor Baptist Church Rev eorge D. Ailison, Paso Easter to Chiidren's Day, I.t)q- «Our Homles, Our Country, and Ou1r God" Sundays, 9 :3() Fina-FTerm 0f .Church school Aduît ciass study or '-Christian Living in the Homei(" > New books, sqpeciai readings. and discussions, Ml. Weicome _Nor'nhng worship at ll-Sermons by the pastor Muslc directed by Miss Ly-dia Kochi. April 28-The Old Testament I-om.e Inspiration and Warnlng from Hain- nah and Eli Mfay 5-Youth's, Contacts with o "The Boy Samnuei's vision at Shioh'l Spring Communion Service 2May l2-Annual Mother's Dgy Service "When Is a Homeë Christian " May 19-The M nister andý the, Young People of the Churdli How Samuel and- Natian Hleiped. May 6-M nio iai Sunday--rteligon arnd Patriotism 'Ple Adventure. of Youth in a Danger- ous Worid June 2-Pastor Completes Sev'#±n Yearw' M1inlstry in Wilmnette lu SI E iseoPai c flurh, to be held -- -. ..O. VS1ItOck . i tr I r r ito fj- . J W aworth, W e invite you to worshiP w th us. caàgo:. à ona' ul wi oda uc-. -The musical program et the Worship 'e wecome-May 15, at 8 P. mi.- eon at 1 o'clock at the churcli Friday, The Woman's gulld wili meet next ThFoà' ul ilhl uc-ri- service wiii lie: prelude, "To Sprlng,, o temple. One of the blàhops se- May 10. The East Eiid circle J$ serving day, May 10, in the parish house. Thére Grleg;,anthenmi,*10 Lord, Our (lovernoreu" liv the board. wlli speak and the the luncheon. There wililie4 several. wihl be no guild -meeting on Frlday, Gadsby; solo, ' If. God So Clothe the OUBIShops wiii lie formallv intro7- musical numbers, foilowedbY a. talk by May 3..Grss, 3Bschoff, Ewr ts ot

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