Among tbe1 citations wbich coin- prised the lesson-sermon was the MORTGACE LOANS- We are in -the market for conservative firstimortg 1 ge bans onî residences, apart- mients and office buildings. INC. 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave.,- Evan ston University 260M know that ail will be cbanged 'in the twinkling of an eye,' when the last trump shall sound; but this ast caîl of wisdom can not corne tili mortals 'have 'already yieldecl to each less-er callijn the growthi of Christian character" (P. 291).t INTERVIEWS STUDENTS James Couzelman, former :Notre Dame. football star and., now head football coach at Washington univer- sity. St. Louis, will bel at New Trier High. school Friday of this week to interview boys interested in attending the St. Louis school. A visitor atj New Trier' last week was Prof. .L.j Tibbais, former Winnetkan .and nowj professor of drawing gt1 Armour In-,I stiute ofTechiology, who aiso in- terviewed prospective stridents. Howard E. Pre4tô'n of Wlniette. baritone, flew ,to St. Louis last Wed- ~nesday to take part ini the "'Lohe.i- v'rin" performance of the San Carlo EVERYfl~~y Wants Quality 'n Paint A mniey back guarantee is yours with Lowe Bros. Paint Produots - exclusively at the WARNER PAINT CO* 604 Davis St., Eva.nsfon Phouume Greenleaf 0505--W,: Deliver YcS! We habe a wovderfd selection of Walitapers. SéeethemÀj, the. roll. ]Ray Photo Claren~c, e iedesi;,.p-romiùen.t Elvatstopi business. mon, has bec». ~nWnager of W4iebold't - Evýanistonp stoiýe. tincc 1930, He has becoi associated' with the store for thtir- tee>z ycars. Mr.. Mendeisohn lias been a resident of' Evanston for ten years.. He is a member of the Evanston Chamber of Commerce, the 'Kiwanis club and the retail interests committee of the Chanm- ber of Commerce. *JQý eveniIII 9ÂVId à, in thescholbuilding after May devo- tions. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Aldrich, 1510 Wilmettc avenue,' left last Sat-" urday for Mt. Pleasant ', Iowa, where they spent the week-end. On Tues- day they drove to the central part of Iowa to visit Mr. Aldrich's parents. Théy will return hoine next Sunday. f i1ounces bargain items, selected, frorri every department. These, said Clar '- ence Mençlelsohn, manager of Wic- bôldt's-Evanston' store, only begin to. tel the story, o.f the sale that is niow in progress,, and that will continue fo'- iteiidays. Coistest -for Best Departnent I)uring the ten-day sales period-a contest will be' heldiby managers and employees of everydepartment ini thé store to' determine the winner of a d"service". banne r.. Patrons will b-. aýked' to cooperate in, deciding the Nyinniiigdepartnwit and, at the san'-. time, to, suggest improvements for service and display of goods. In. additioni to a dramatic array of targains iii every departient and the contest amn the store's'salespeople, the -anniversary celebration in Wie- .oldt's-Evainson store will feature spécial events and old tfime dispiays. These recail a span of history in which, Evanston grew from a small village to the business and cultural cçcnter of the entire north shore area -a growth that is reîmiindfu[ of that of the Wieboldt organization. So'mt of these are recalled herè. A Dignified Viflage, Evanston in the' spring, of 1883 boasted a population of..5,000 persons-. North Evanston had beén annexed niearly ten years b)efore and the united communities ha(d become a dignifietX, floirishing village. South Evanson, aware of the progiessive dispositioni of its neighb)or, was petitioning for iwgi on bis business, career. He founded his -first' store on Indiana street (110w Grand avenue near Wood street). Sprin.gGives Imnpetus to Air, Transportation North shore residen'ts are sig naliz- iing spring with increased' air travel. reports United Air ULnes, whose north shore business is considerabl3, .ahead 'of last year, according t(> Thiomas Wolfe, district .traffic muan- UNlversitW 0283 ROGers Pk. 0271 The, Prudential Insurance Company authorizes Sm art Goleêe, Ic., as, agents. for pro perty OWners, to subm tt tapications for Mort gage Loans. bridge 1lubat Shawnee. The mem- beirsgeinclude Mrs. Edrnund .Burke, Miss Dorothy Campbell, Mrs. More- ley Reading of Wihniette, Mrs.: Clifton Stowers of Glencoe, Mrs. Thomas Singleton, Mrs. Richard Evans,. and Mrs. James Leslie Rollins. of. Evans.- ton.. j A venue