Inspect Home During Spring for,! Every home: should have a. thor- ough inspection during the Spring to ascertain. damage which may bave occurred during Winter months, ac- cording to the Federal Llousing Ad- ministration. Moisture 'Which may have seeped in mortar :joints,, under flashings, eaves, copings, shingles, siding, and eIKewhere May le starting, rust,*,de- ca y, or other deterioration. Such accumulated moisture may have froz- en and expanded causing Ioosened bricks, boards, or other structurai parts., If the fissures or. cracks.are flot repaired promptly urhr eay is ikely to occur, which will necessi-, tate expensive repaires'at a late r date. They also permit heat losses froM the home and the infiltration of cold. Inspect Roof The chimney rjequires inspection, to, make. sure that the masonry is soui and ail parts firmly attached as a safeguard against fire. Loosened > or damaged shingles, flasbings, gut- ters, and downspouts may permit water to leak on the ceilings anid walls, soiling theni and niecessitating refinishing or replacdng.- Damageti mortar joints - shouId be pointed on exterior walls and loosened sliding, replaced or nailed tigbt. *Ashes, cinders, and dust whichi have accumulated. around windows should be removed to prevent possible de- terioration of the windows. HowAbout Paint Job? When al exterior portions of. the building have-been inspected, cleaned, and repaired, a fresh coat of paint will assist' in protecting it against Spring rains and hot weather. Fuds for doing Spring repair work are available at a small charge by Book <on I-ousing" Proves Great Aid *A. new book, dealing with the modernization of existing homes bas. just been issued by the Soutbern Pinie association,, New .Orleans, .La., ac- cording. to advices received by thé Federal Housing Administration. The association has announced it wi. furnish a sample copy of the publication free upon request to home owneris, or it cani be obtained locally from lutmber: dealers. The publication entitled, "'Sugges- tions for Remodeling. Building, Re- newi ng,. and. Modernizing," :contains *44 pages of illustrations and details of construction. Buit-in features are.' stre ssed. Tt also a dvises ownêrs, how they may 'obtain financial assistance through loans insured by the Federal Housing Admiinistrationit. The sec- tion en modernizing exteriors, shows examples of remodeling one *and tw-story hôiuses, converting singles into doubles or duplexes, adding wings and rooms, co'nverting a one- story bouse into a. story and a haîf, and other details. The section on i.nteriors gives valuable and practical information on color decoration, at- tics, kitchens, libraries, corridors, sleeping porches, nurseries, and living, dining, bed, and breakfast rooms. The third section deals with details of bookshelves, walls andi ceilings, fences, gates, doors, linen closets, an nwLyadzet Local Boys Place High ini Manual Arts Cotitest Two New Trier boys, Pbilip Greer an d Bigelow Haley, placed first and second in, their respective' divisions of the ,contest in mechanical drawing ,held recently in connection with the ninth. anriual spring convention of th e Illinois voéational- association at the niLýversitv of Illinois. The contest wvas, for high school students who Fave hid not more than 250 hours of. instruction in- mechanical drawinir New Trier's third representative.. Stewart Kent. did not place. BED CABINET A built-in cabinet above the bed bas been. found to be very useful and popular i many bedrooms, Ini many rooms such a cabinet is used for a bookcase or a radio stand. Where rooms are being renovized such a cabinet can be made to blend with baseboards, paneling, or wainscotinig. Read the Want Ads CRICÂeo a"d COOK VOUZNTET Z TAX WRAT n K xxàtepai atlànuamdal onda'l àEFimit% Vau Camp & Fd, l"s STOCKS AND 1BOND19 a.S]La SaIh st. Mmdovew mit [f il FINANCE YOUWRHOME withý a *FIFTEEN- YEAR FIJIST MORTGAGE LOAN We are making oans on well located residences, *partment buildings and business propierties -fifteen-year boans-or shorter term-as desired. for complete information, cail at * our offices-write us or friephone FRANKLIN 2344 liii --Il. III