Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 3

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A series of meetings. will be held at 'the public granimar schools of New Trier township next week to take up with prospective eighth grade gracluates the question;.of their regis- tration. for- New Trier High scbool next fa!l. These> eighth grade pupils vwill be asked to go to the high'school late r, this month:to.-turn in.their re- gistrations and have. them approved. .W., L. Brotwni,,director of reference and research at, New 'rrier, an- YhItnced 'this ..neek that the high school is glad..to have pa re nts at-, tend the meetings at, the grammar schools. Mr.* Brown also emphasized the fact that the New Trier deans, 1J iss Elizabeth E. Packer and Fred- * erick, A. Kahler, are available at al tinmes for con ferencesý with Parents about the registration of their chul- dren. * There are, a conside rable number of' pupils in. private schools witb whom contact' will not be macle through the mieetings in the public schools. in the four New Trier' vil- lages. Consequently the high school is reserving Tbursday afternoon, May 9, for a meeting with ail such students. This meeting will be held in room 205 at the high-school at 3:20 o'clock. It will take the place of the' preliminary meetings in the public grammar scbools, and the chul- dren who attend it also will be ex- pected to: go to the high school later in the month to complete their regis- tration work wi th the other eighth Schools te* 3 p. mý Tuesday, May. 7--Glencoe 3 p. m. Wednesday, May S-Skoikie (.Wl'nnet- -ka) 3 P. n), Priday, May 1O-Kenllworth 3 p. Mn. *Boys at Hloward school, girls at Stolp schooil. Miss Packer and. Mis Sa* will meet the girls. Mr. Xahler, Mr., Perslng, and Mr. BroWn willmeet the boys. Thursday, May 9-Private echool stu- dents at .New Trier Jligh school for tests and instruction, Mr. Brown in charge. Room 205 at 3:20 P. sm. *Final 3Meetings. at 14wh Rh,: The branch library will be open on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday aftcrnoons fromi 2 o'clock< until 6. The library is ,located on, the second floor of the schoal. The process of collecting the .books, will be, a graduai one, and Miss Whit- mackreports that she will .first see wVhat the, demand is, before bcks, are purchased. For the time being thereý wilL be no rentai volumes. At pres- ent there are chilIdren's books thrtough~ the first three grades,' and some àduit volumes. The library lias space for 3,000 books. The librarv hasý been attractively décorated with new curtains and fur- niture, and the, floors have been scraped and waxed.. Prom the pro- ceeds of the benefit card party given on March 12, which. was a great suc- cess, a large part of the -work of. redecorating wa s accomplished. The schôol board is giviing the li- hbrary permission to use the buildin. It is also hoped that the building will take the place 'of a conimunity bou.se,. fnr other organizations. sucb as the Girl Scouts and the Ameriran Legiol.. are being invited te bold their meet- inizs there. In fact, ail activities of that natu~re are being cncouraged, Miss Wrhitmack states. Send AntimPeddling requested by the Chamber ot Com- merce, sponsor of the campaign, to post them conspicuousI ' at f-ont or rear door. The tags bear the legend "ýNo Peddlers or Agents," and are de- signed -to protect the housewife against ýthe annoyance* and interrup-, tions caused by itinerant salespeople. In addition to the local business concerns participating in the cam- paign published previously, the fol-. Ininir àrp *n hlNnntet JJe ph C. Schumacher, director of the New Trier High school bond, ttdll conduct tht' organiscstîon in its a>nul s1prng concert Fridoy, eveptilg, Mdy 10,. in the Cotes gynusasitim. There «>111 beno ad- mission chaàrge. Want State Mtirkers Off Sheridan Road Remnoval of State Highway 42 mark-ý ers f rom the north shore sections of Sheridan road is sought in a petition that has been sent to Governor Horner by the North Shore Property Owners association, it was learned this week. The petitions desire to bave the B~iu1, S beridan roaci bas more than 10curveýs and corners, sonieof whicb are complicated by steep grades and roadside obstructions, and that there are over one hundrecl intersections. The new Skokie highway is wide, straight and inherently safer by comparison.. SThe petition was signed by more than one thousand prominent north shore property owners, and by members of other north shore organizations that also favor the removal of the markers. Inaugurai ceremonies rnducting in- to offilce the Village officiais elected on April 16, will take place in the council chamber of the Village hall Tuesday evening, May 7, at 8 o'clock President C. P. D..bbs wiII eal the present board- to order for its final session, transacting such busi- ness. as may properly corne before it, after which it will adjourn sine di. Onyone :of the présent. trustees,' Clinton..B. Cochran, will.continue in that capaicity, President-elect Kinnei now -a trustee, being advanced 1o the presidency. The, personnel. of the re, tiring, board is as follows: President-C. P. Dubbs; Trustees- S. N. Tideman, Joseph Heinzen,: Arthur Lee, W. C. Farrar, Harry C. Kinne, and Clinton B. Cochran. Tb. New, Bo"r The- new board will be made up of the following: President-Harry C. Kinne. Trust- ees&-Esther Duaula.e Bower, Gog F. Iliff, James B. Hoffman, Clinton' B. Cochran, Nathaniel F. Webb, .and Michael J. Sporrer. Harry W. Miller wiIl continue as treasurer, and Nicholas P. Miller as clerk. 0f the present board two meaubers have not been active for sorne time. Joseph Heinzen has for more than a year been confined to his home by a serious illness that made it impossible *An urgent invitation bas Dben ex- tended to citizens of the village to b. present at the inauguration, as evidence of their appreciation of theC work done by. the retiring board and an expression. of confidence in the new. Asks Parents to Help Ward Off Contagions Dr. Martin TH, Seifert.commis- and* supreme confidence is expressed 11 Public Forum .......... .6211l Beach and St. Augustine. Thiey- also jai that the budget will soon be reached. Il 11 stopped at Asheville, N. C. t .Thingsyvou *jneed forthlis timeo 'year. Page 58!

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