Ail Aids to "Gee T.hings.Growin g". FERRYS end ývegef.- blet of aIl khds., PIg........5Cand 1, oc PARK M4ANOR $,EED-For your grassi One pouid. OU R BESTý LAWN SEED- -How if .. 3makes grs s grow. 3 sites: .PoumJ, 3c.: oulbs., $1 .69 SHADY LAWN-Famous gras$sosed. 1 Pouand si»., 35c; $ o.69 3 aIs Jt.......1 KENTUCKCY BLUE GRASS-Fancy q grass s..d , a specielly $.9 fine s..J for your Iawn I. USE VIGORO-For Iawnu,, gras., A sp.cially prepared, plant food. 5 t. 100-b.$ sacks, pesc.d 1from...50 .4 WISS HEDG6E -The Subsefal and economical. " GRASS SHEAS11.* .25 nown.d Wiss shans I nd FI RESTO NE HOSE For I*wn andi eêdn. %-inch 75 years of use ha. proved that Sun-1roof lasta 2% oms as long as ordlnary pants... that every galion covmr 25% m oe ufae 1 Yet I mi oe nomore %$3*20 tuse. 24 colora. Galon Iefre#0CBright on the' mir Station WL W-9:45 A. M. to io A. M. Station WGN-zo A.M. to io0 '5 A.M. It PaYs to Corne to the. Ridge HOFFMANN BROS. For Feed-Hardware--Seeds Ferts uer Wilmette Ave. and Ridge Rd. Phone WiIa ette 651 cnaosU. Groups of songs by the New Trier trio and octet. under the direction of Frances Anderson and Adelaide Jones Bradburn completed the pro- gram. At the" short business meetting pre- ceding ,the program, M rs. George Quinlati, presiclent,. just back from the iconvention. at ]Peoria, .brought to the association excerpts from :Mrs. Langworthy's address on "New Hor- izons."l. The highIight of the address -"The Tavern a constant menace to modern Youth." She reiterated Mrs. Lýangw orthy.'s, appeal for. a united effort to abohish this new evil to childhood,: ýMrs. C G. Shearon,,program chair- maxi, brouight to the meeting the necessîty of the Summer Roundup- the importanc.eof this co- opera:tion with.the State Departrnent, of Public Health, county health units and school Inurses. .Mrs. Lois, Board of Education chairman and radio chairmaxi, report- ing on the demnonstration of a "Radio Listene-r's. group at>the convention, described the. route. of one smal program through. twe nty ' different departments before: it reaches the air. (Noôte),Interes.ting- broadcast's by the parent-Teacher as sociation Thursday_ afternoon. over NBC net- work at 3 p. m. SMrs. T. H. Barrett, publicity chair- maxi, gave a brief outline of ob- jectives discussed by outstanding speakers at the convention under the theme ",New Horizons." Mothers of the Central-Laurel Teaming and Trucking BLACK SOIL, I Excavaling and Gradin9 I J. FIEGEN '112111 Schillet.Ave. Wilmette 1659 The New Trier raine dropped its first conference game to Proviso of Maywood;, 5 to 3, thera was nosed out by Evanston, 3 to 2. In a game plaved last Thursday on tbe New Trier dia- mond the local boys ýwhipped Wau- kegan, 8 to 4. Monday of this week they Iost to Oak Park at.'Oak: Park-, 3 to 0. Prior to the opéning of the, league season New Trier -played two games withý Chicago. high. schools. Schurýz won from New Trier, 2 to O, but the north shore. boys" whipped Senn,8 to 7., New, Trier's starting lineup li most of the games has been Del Morton. first base;, Henry Thorsen, second base; Bob Watt, shortstop; Fred Kaspe.r, third base; 'Bud Fisfier, left field; Ed Mee, center field; Howard Bail, ;ýight field; Bill Bucher, catcher,, and' Fred Hornann, pitcber.' Glover .al1so bas been us ed on the mnound. Clyde Grater ôf the New Trrier mnathematics department is the coach. association wiII receive the following invitation from their children, Thurs- day of this week::- "Dear Motheri The Central. Laur'èl P. T. A. Board invites yeu to their spring luncheon. and bridge to l'eý giv- en in- honor of the teachers May 8th., it 1 o'cÜloek at Shawnee CoUntr3y -Itib. (Slgned) Your chil." A small envetope is attached to your invitation to enable you to ac- count for yo.ur reservâtion. Your signed acceptance retuÉned to the teacher will be appreciated. Please see that it is in flot later than May 6o is the requtest of your social chair- man. Mrs. Seymiour jories, and ber conimittee. Mrs., Frank G.. LaBonte, Mrs. George Itiff anid Mrs.. George' W. Putxiam ini charge of reservations. The board is most desirous of mak- inge this. party, a great success. school m'Il be closed for, the. aftern.on and it will be a glorious opportunity to nieet the entire façulty. Bridge, with prizes for ail: tables. is an added y tU 1-1 <Clk. Howard school dental clinic is held Thursdays from 9 to 12 o'clock. 1New Trier High .school dental clinic is held Wednesdays from 9 to 12 o'c lock. Dr. Martin Seifert will conduct ani immunization clinic at Wilmette Health center Tbursd.ay, May 9, at IP. m.ý