tertainniient ,i)v iFraiik Parker,1 the singing,1 dancing, panlltoniliîn - inig actor, and tile V a,' Club )Of WiIiette tcrininatedj a;îother year. Tule seasoti's filiale wvas the spring luncheon \Xednesday of last welek. Upon ht a warm, sunny day sniled, tit nearly 450 miemnbers and gues-t>. throniged,..to be seated at tables filling- the large auditorium and. spreadin1g into the staller, one. A littie feeling Of solclunitv, seeps into eveni so happy a i occaoe a a spring luncheon ivienever oune president, ending lier terni of office, places' the- gavel of administration into the liaiids of lber suiccesso)r.,Tat soleinui moment w~as evitIent w 1 .hei1 Mrs. A. FE. Kîuder, %vith. he r brief "farewell," released. thé prcsidencv to Mrs. David J. Davis, ~~hin graci- OUS acceptance of lbcr office, gave recognition to :thé amnis anid ideals1 of the, club wilîi suce and lier board will. guide for thelîe nxt *t-v ea TIire ew~ board inetnbe)rs; and coin- ittee niemibers were iintrodutcedl: Mrs. Frank R. Adanîs. first vice- p)resideit; Mrs~ . W iter aer. recordiîig. secretary; Mrs.. Paul B. VVagner, art; Mrs.' C.1, J. Zippric'h. child and home: MI-s. Glen S. ROI)erts. music; Mrs. G. E. Wa11% philan- thropy. Mrs. H. C. Toàeppce,. rentais* r.Aiker L, Christs', Bulletin; rs George E. Çonlee, ways and xîeans; * Mrs. Rollo Gtillicksoni, juio(r ad « Liring- the lunchecon hotrihe guests of lionor were introducdl to of theni being Mrs. Harry I_. Barker». president of the Woniani's Catliolic Club of Wilmette. andI rs Charles Xilliamisoti, president ôf the Juivior auxiliary of the.\oa' club. A * telegrain ,vas also read froin the absent prOgram irnan, rs. fHar- * priing flowvers on thé tab)les andl in, two large baskets néar the stage. smnilax, aind painis gesitired to thie * season, of tlhe year, their colors .ningling with tliose' of spring attire. * Frank Parker, introducec by rs Ravymond W. \Whleelock, ste-pped up-! 011 the Stage, at once to staminiponl Carlos photo Vies., Sterling. Sm Ilh ~o bcfore her.marriage wsZ' s Pie'led Ilj4. of Keîîilzc'or-th, is arrim ing 1.ili M1on m'ai May 3, t'ith lhr s 'l son, Iledrjcký, Jronz'lier honte ini .Scotland for, a Visit of tzêo ,nonths, Most' of wic h wiiI e ýs/'en t i Kreizlworflh. Colege Club Has Five Outstanding Programs Planned lnCU(edinthe Chicago Col- lege chlb cal.eîdar for MayT are -bridge I)arty, folowved bv, an annUal tea. Saturdlay afternoon this w'eek and four munusuiallv in- ter esting rograi11s îext \week. .After thîe bridge gamie Saturday, Miss Margaret Iglehart, who %vas sent here froin Japan. to interpret the tea-cereiiioii\ at -A Century of Prog- ss, *vIl iuterpret that. lovelv. cere- iioniy,,said.to be one of the most at- tractive of j4pan. . or fthe club rnem- l)bers. Tweo oui g japan1ese womien .vill furnishi music, anid the cluib's hostesses will appear in japanese costume. The' important events scheduled. the serene "Pastorale" by Scarlatti. eiituan afreron ay Il.cMoci< and the more animated, descriptive HSaturdy afteroonMallrsIl rs. "The juggler" by Toch. HlnAeeLrh ilr cltes The, Parker program varicd froni will give a talk entitled, "Portraiture Old French'ànd later Frenchi numbers and Character Analysis in Clay," with to "Masks,"1 an Old, English , carol a demonstration of modeling, select- legend, andlmodemn sketches, excel- ing a person froni the audience asber lent entertainnient, done by an artist. inodel. WOOLENS NO. MICIGAN .AVENUE, e CHICAGO 1%95ý