Set Alil Aside to Work for Succes of Parish Party Spring cleaning is being, put off.and even contract neglected. while the, committee members arehurrying here and phoning there, trying, to contact every- family of St. Francis- Xaicr par- ish to urge them to attend the, May party and dance -to be hel1d on Satùrday, May- 18; ý,at 8 o'cloCk, at Shawnee' Country, club. kt is the wish of the chairman and comittees to make this affair a finati- cial succcs s, of course,, but prima.rly they hope to make it a real get-to- gether where members of the parishi wiIl again have an opportunity of greeting old friends and making nlew ones, and it is. to this end thiat work- ers for the party are exertinig every effort. Plans are 1nearing compfletion and during the past, week additional chairmen have consented to agsist.ý *Mrs. Robert Markhiam-will be. chair- man of the reception comittee, and she and ber committee are arrangig. to welcome every guest to this gala all-parish party. William Leary will be program chairman;. William St. Clair and Warren Clohisy, co-chairmen of the door committee; Bernard Lvnch and- Robert Little, co-chairmen of the games, and Peter McCall and' G. J. Geldenman are entertainment chair- men. The Rev. John C.. Keenan is general chairman', and is calling, a meeting of al members. of the parish for Mon- day evening, May 6, at 7 :45 o'clock, at St. Francis school hall.-E. K. ness, and that is what matters, aC- cording to the board. The organization asks those who have not givgn to think it over, and !jiose who have to, try to do more, for the honor of Wilmette and to hep the needy.- Photos by* Carlos Twuo Imembers of the coînrnittee working wvith zeal for the ýann(aI St. Francis Xavier all-parish party $aturday evening, May 18, at Shawn ce, arc .Mrs'. Frank P. .Collyer and Mrs. Robert T. Markham, Icft to right, respcc- tively. Mrs. Collyer i: one of thé two. chairmen of prizes, Mi':. Markh<im is chairinwn of the reception committee. Kentucky Society Has Progra'm in, Ev.nsfon Smithi Club Announces Réesuit of Election A lovely spring program, called During the luncheon and bus* "An Afternoon in a Southern Gar- meeting of the Evanston-Ndrth Shore den," was given by the Kentucky, Smith club, April 24,, new officers Society of Evanston and the .North were elected: Mrs. Horace G. N.arch-. Shore Fniday of last week at the ant, vice-president and Mrs. A. K. home of Mrs. L. T. Robinson, in Scheidenhelm, recording secretary. Evanston. Colored slides illustrated They, with Mrs. Donald, Jones, the interesting talk on southern gar- president; Mrs. Tomn D.-Paul, treas- dens, given by Mrs. E-dith Barnum urer, and Mrs. Harold D. Fishi, of Winnetka. The spieaker wore ber corresponding secretary, who re- mother's wedding g own, its ivory main in office aiiother .terni, make satin turned almost gold with age. the list of officers complete. Miss Cherry Sue Orr of *Wilmette, Mrs. Jones, as president, announces, mP,7ii-c)naý n anil n f Fay Pal- the. appointment of three chaininen and Mrs. Vernon ILoucics, 234 Sherï- club at Ferry hall mis past *bur'qay dan road, Kenilworth,. was bostess night. On April 24, at the réception Tuesday of last week to twenty little opening the art exhibition of Edna Rog~- boys and girls at supper ini honor of ber erson Cooper at the Georgian hotel. eighth birthdaY, after which movies of Mrs, Shernman was -soloist. Electa Aus- most of the children present, taken three tin. Ganiron accompanied hier at the years ago, were shown. pao Lomb North Shlore to Cet Subscribers to Symphuony Concerts Music loyers on the north ~shore are being sought for sea- son subscriptions--to, the. Chicago Symphony orchestra next year. Conmittee. chairmüen for the. local suburbs have already beeni appôinted and are, enthusiast ic- aIly working on the, cam-paign,. w1iich 'wil1 continue uintil June 15, ad if necessary tle (drive .wi1l :open7 again in Sep)teihýer.- The chairman of the Wilmette district is M rs. Robert Zimnmermann, 303 Greenleaf avenue,* and Mrs-. Lester E. Mee, 1227 Chestnut avenue, isco-chairman. Assisting in this. group are the following women: MNrs- R. E. Pattison KRline, Mrs. Harold R~. Sherman, Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford,. Mrs. G. Ross',Stewart, Mrs. Patil W. Stade', Mrs. Clifford E. Ives, Miss,- jane' Moist, Mrs. 'Ott.o- .. G'eppert,. Mrs. T-ovt ,King, and Miss B'essie. PRayv. MrS. Zimmermann will have,.a. committee meeting and tea this Fni- day at 2 o'clock at her hiome. Mrs. Amueèl B. Spach, 228 Leicester road," is ini charge of thie drive ini Kenilwortli, and she lias an active comimittee whiich will cov er the entire village. At lier meeting on Thursday nlorning of last wveek lier committee seemed very enthusiastic and greatly ençicouraged. and a number of sub- senîptions had already heen secured. The following Kenilw,ýorth wvomcn are ienibets' of the comimittee:. Mrs.. Arthur B.Adair. IMrs. Gilhert XW. Kellv. '.Nrs. Percy B. Eckha rtý, Mrs. James J. Gtiinan. Mrs. Wvarner Carev Lewis, M.m C. Ci. Litteli, Mrs.« G. W. .Vaught, Mrs. Conzer Revn- olds, Mrs. Pudolf NM. Osterrnann, Mr.Percival N. Cutier. Mrs. ?-arry P * Harrison, MNrs. Edvvin P. Phelîps. Miss Bernice 'BulIey, and Mrs. Ernest H-. Fleischrnann. Tt is possible to buy a scason town. Miss Jean Lawfence, 726 Greenleaf avenue, spent the week-end at the Univers ity of Illinois where she at- tended;a cbllege dance.