Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1935, p. 40

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Select four Offiors, One Depart- ment Chairnian, Three Dir.çfors, a* Annuel Meeting Mrs. D. J. Harrison, second, vice-president; Mrs. William . Genner, , recording secretary; Mrs. Clifton P. Walker, corres- ponding secretary.; Mrs. A. H. Holtreasurer;. Mrs. William W. Wolff, chairman of philan- thropy, and Mrs. Guy A. Glad- son, Mrs. John D. Flynnii, and Mrs-. John Tracey, directors, were the new officers of -the Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- mette elected, at the annual meetiïng Friday of last week.. To expeditèthe transaction of al business demanded by an annual meeting and to include a brief pro- gram, members assemble early for this yearly event, taking their own box luncheons, the club itseif servitig coffee. MrLs. R. D. Feltrnan, zwitk Mo Reports of, officers and department Rollo Gulflickson, lias arraîîgcd and committee chairmeni were includ- style show to be given at Shatrne ed in the business of the day. Mrs. Cowntry club Friday, May 10, bI Henry G. Dalton read ber report as the Womzan's Activity board of th vice-presideft; Mrs. Lester G. Brat- club. Mrs. Feltlnan also has hel/'u ton, as corresponding secretary; Mrs. arranige thte Pro graot. This will ciý William D. Leary, as second vice- flie board's flrst year. president; Mrs. William Genner, treasurer; Mrs. John J. Tracey, re- cording secretary; Mrs. John Boyl- ston, Sanctuary chairman; Mrs. Friends in Council WilI Theodore Barrett, civics; Mrs. Frank A. Oelerich, American citizen ship; Devote Prograrm to Nec Mrs. WarrenA. Clohisy, motion pic-g tures. Mrs. Barrett reported the The annual meeting of the Frie work of Mrs. Charles Hauber, con- in Counicil of Evanston takes pl servati.on chairman,, andrdthre at the Georgian hotel Friday, Mai port of-Mrs. George Quinlan, chair- commencing with luncheon at 12 man of law observance. o'clock. The programn at 2, op NMrs. George Beaudin read her re- with"rgnlN roSecs, p ort as chairman of fine arts and the Sailie Love Bickel; it continuesV records of the sub-chairmen, Mrs. "The Creative Negro" by Mrs. Henry Schmidt, art; Mrs. Charles Woolard; and concludes with the parkway, Chicago. Tuesdaa, May 14, at 9. Before tbe prograni began' Mrs. Bratton annournced the result of the election.. Youth, a sunny, respoinsive smile, ease of, manner, and a fine baritone voice are the attributes of Arnold Edmonids who was the, soloist. aTyiv .iiiw ~aci I'.ago The Woman's Activity board of Shawnee Country club is bringing to a close its first year of existence by giving for members and friends a programmred style show and> dessert bridge at 1 o'cloçk Friday, May 10. Already somne three-hundred tic- kets have been. reserved and there aeye many. tables available. Mrs. R. D. Feltmun and. Mrs. Rollo GUI- lickson have arranged with niany, 4hops to dispiay ty pes of clothing fo,1r north shore residents. These niodels are al in a program,. so the audience can- better enjoy themn and know froffi which.shop the mod*el is taken, the committee. annoù .nces. Mrs. E. G. DeBerard anidMrs. R. D. Feltman have arranged a unique and comprehensive progra m for, the, day. Mrs. R. A.'Sichakel ,and Mrs. Hugh Kuhl, with a corps of.workers, have been busy wiih the'tickets. The e will bc a niost desirable prize for each table, to say nothing of a delicious dessert, it is stressed. Others busy with ;plan s for this party. are Mrs. Paul Gook. Mrs. W. A. Kendrick, Mrs. R. L. Lasater, Mrs. C.' D. DeBarry, Mrs. W. W. Hawkins, MIrs. IH. W."K,igiery. and Mrs. J. il. a ,he id S.Clubs Send Forth Notice ;ro ýnds place ay 3, 12:45 epens by with rol of Annuel Garden Mart "Attention ail garden and flower loyers and loyers of nature, and al who are desirous' of purchasing plant s for this season's gar.dens," . reads an announcement. ."There is-to be a, Garden mart sponsored by the Eve-, ,ing Garden Club of Wilmette and the Wilmette Garden' clulb; time- Saturday, May 18; place-on Centrai. avenue .on the grounds between the North Shore Electric and the North Western railroads. Frorn the southland hiniself, he bas I o ilaress N4. U. Çproup made careful study of coloreci peo- Anita Wiilets Burnham of Hub- ples sngig,.rhthrsandintr-bard Woods is giving her lecture. pretation of spirituals and songs, "Around the World on a Penny," at Hîs interpretation of "Shorténin' the International club of Northwest- Bread" was, different from any- other ern university Sunday, May 5, about we bave heard, and was delightful. 6:30 o'clock. Mrs. Burnbarn will take Mr. Edmonds, wh'& bas sung over the tales of ber travels to Galena and WGN, will give a complete program R"chelle, Ili.; Friday and Saturday at the club next, season.-J. T. ýB. cf this week. Hazel Crow Ewell and Mrs. J. Benton Schaub Speakers af Meeting May 10 Hazel ýCrow, Ewell is to, be the speaker for the Wilrnetteý Garden club on the eveniing of Fr.iday,,May 10, at 7 :45 .o'clock in the Sunday ,,Schiool roomËs 0f the Wilmnettel3aptist çchurch.ý Mrs. Ewell has just returnied froni a sketching tour which took place in Mexico and the soutiîvwest before sbe arri,.ed 'in the' sotitheast. in lhe S moky mounta 'ins to spend the Easter holidavs and to pain&&.'sucli beauties as the white.dogWood and other beau- tiful sights. Tlhe vegétation in. Mexico is, rîost iiiteresting- Mrs. Ewell says:, She will have. sketches of both Mexicanî scèn-,' ery andl southiland landscapes. Hazel Crow Ewell is 1no neWCJcr to north shore art loyers, for hcr Iovely pictures, have been shown num-' erous timýes;. However this is lier fîrst appearance in,.ooir nmidst as a lec- eeurer simply becauise she has been toc, husv sketc.hing flowvers to take time off in w,,hich to talk about citiier,,,ier, tlowers or lier sketches. Mrs. Evl is flot onlly a lo(ver :of. tloWers and of gýïMensaa-aitr of both, but she is an expert gardJener --the kind that gets out ývith the spade. She's intimately ac(jualinted with the hot and cold frarne vari*ety of gardening. Take tinie off and coine out to hear this inspiring speý4k.-:. Tuie second speaker onti tis pro- grani is one of t!hé WNilniette- Garden club inembers ,Mrs. J. B'enton ,Schaub). 11cr subjects is 'id. and there. will be picture ýslide>s. Mrs. Schaub' needs nô introduction., She's an able epeaker and a well-infornied . bird. lecturer. lier. many f riends have been, ooig forw'ard to hearing ner again. Gardenl lovers! Bird loyers! \Vc i vite you to Joi us Fniday, May. 10, at, -7 :45 in the SundaY school roonis o)f the Baptist church to ' hear a pro- grani' sponsored by the \Wilnîlette G'ardein club-Q. V. D. be held at 2 o'clock: Monday, May 6, at the borne of Mrs. H. B. Ingersoll, 2001 Thornwood avenue. Mrs. S. J. Higginbotham will read "Dodsworth," by Sinclair Lewis. A cordial invita- tion is extended to niembers and friends, to attend tbis last mee-ting of the year.

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